What should my fierst tattoo be

what should my fierst tattoo be

Uhm. One with some sort of content to your life. People with pointless tattoos are faggots.


People with tattoos are huge fucking faggots. Skin for the win. Not ink. Gross.

>my fierst tattoo

that's what i think aswell

>my fierst tattoo
no idea but don't include words.

"I do not regret this"


this, but its okey if you have a dick. no worries

The only answer is the best answer.

Triforce that motherfucker.

on penis head. any pictures?


;_; nope..

I'm way too ticklish for tattoos. I'd end up pissing on the needle and getting an infection. I laughed my way through a root canal once (true story).



I know a guy with a sticking plaster tattoo. It's kinda like pic but his one is way more realistic. You literally can't tell it's not real.

your body becomes dirt anyways so who cares

On the neck. Saw a guy at an AC/DC concert with this tattooed to his neck. No one was ever going to fuck with that guy.

looks like an antique symbol. maybe rom or greek?

I've always wanted to get the phrase "something in chinese" written in mandarin on one arm, and "hebrew words" written in hebrew on the other
מילות עבריות

I think it's Roman. I believe each Roman legion would have an eagle made of gold. If the legion was ever defeated and the eagle captured there would be a big hoopla about trying to get the eagle back. I think they lost one in Germany once, spent like a decade trying to get it back. Those Germanic tribes just seemed to really like holding onto those Roman eagles.

so, its a good symbol then for OP?

A barcode on the sole of your left foot.


Yes. It stands for honor, loyalty, bravery and fierceness in the face of ze enemy.

Not that dumb panda face kek. Girls are going to see that and know you don't take any sort of pride in appearance. You just got one silly tattoo of a panda. You can't talk it up to have any sort of deep meaning because it's a panda and its stands for panda. They'll ask you what it means and you'll stand there like a derp and say: "I like pandas"

>as a skull it sucks
>as individual women it sucks
that face is beyond shit