Can you watch my chocolate milk for me? Make sure it doesnt spill. I`ll be back in 5 minutes

Can you watch my chocolate milk for me? Make sure it doesnt spill. I`ll be back in 5 minutes.

sure its the safest place on earth here

0 Problemo

oops i already cum in it. don't tell op



mommy i posted on da chan, can i has cookie now?

That's coffee, not chocolate milk. The obvious handle on the mug when there's none on OP's cup.

1/10 made me reply


Sure, it will be safe here on our boat.

No cookie for u, you are a shame


shit happens some call op and say him he needs new milk

one job.

trust noone

I have witnessed 4 repeating digits.

He was just distracting you so I could spill the real thing unnoticed.

Ill keep it right here by my collection of steel beams and jet fuel


If dubs, we all spit in OP's chocolate milk

>shit all primes too

>all primes

i've enriched your bevarage with some uranium for a better taste. here you are.


hahahahaha - i wouldn't surely drink that
