Have a huge discussion about conservatism and communism and Russian history, which is going on since hours

>have a huge discussion about conservatism and communism and Russian history, which is going on since hours
>absolutely SFW content
>pretty much the only interesting thread on Sup Forums
>write huge reply
>thread deleted by janitor

>janitor is a massive faggot who sucks several cocks a day

Holy shit, more news at 11

it belongs on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is not for political discussions ;^)

>why yes, I do come to Sup Forums for serious discussions

>daily alt-right shitposting permitted
>Sup Forums gets ONE civil discussion
>gets deleted
Can the international community agree that hot pocket eating cunt is a faggot?

i though Sup Forums was for hating jews, mudslimes and every fucking else, except "aryan", you can't just have a conversation with those autists. I don;t recall single good thread about politics discussion

If it's not copypasted trash it doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

This. If you deviate from their dogma at all you're automatically a kike shill nigger libtard cuck. If we want Sup Forums to be about political discussion you'll have to ban all the alt-right retards because right now its little more than normie stormfront

>Write a huge reply
>Post it
>404 in 5 sec
This is just not right.

It wasn't only political. And it also wasn't the typical red pill/blue pill shit. The culture, or to be more specific the preservation of culture was an important topic in this thread. It was more Sup Forums related than 80% of the other threads and also informative.

>yanks don't understand cultural discussion because they have no culture
>so they delete threads about it

Take that braindead shit to Sup Forums, with the other mouth breathers. There is no fucking way you would start up a legitimate conversation on Russian history on Sup Forums.
Jannies may be dumb but they're not that dumb.

Funny thing, there were almost no Americans in that thread.

>There is no fucking way you would start up a legitimate conversation on Russian history on Sup Forums.
This used to happen daily here, before Sup Forums transformed into reddit 2.0.

Sup Forums today is nothing more than overrated memes, shitposting, generals and dumping photos of teenage girls.

continue a deleted convo like this, like how your countrymen discovered

гдe pyccкиe и хoхлы, хoчy пocpaтьcя

Cпят, зaвтpa нa зaвoд пиздoвaть.

a, тoчняк, yжe чac жe. в cлeдyющий paз пycть нa cнгэшнyю тaймзoнy пocмoтpят, нaдo жe cpaч ycтpaивaть

У мeня 22 пoкa. Я eщe дaжe дoмoй нe пpишeл.

cмeнa чтoлe, for real?

Лoл нeт, cвoбoдный гpaфик, я eзжy кoгдa нapoдy нeт yжe, Mocквa жe этo traffic jam: the city.

>have a huge discussion about conservatism and communism and Russian history
finally janitors did something useful

я eбaл бы пo дc гoнять. хoтя в любoм милиoникe yжe пиздeц c тpaфикoм

Ehh it was probably just a big circlejerk anyway

Mнe нopм, eзжy в 11 нa paбoтy и в 8 c paбoты в пoчти пycтoм тpaнcпopтe.

>absolutely SFW content
It's fucking sad when you have to point that out.

What is SWF?

Safe For Work
Basically mean no content that is porn/gore/whatsoever

>when you get a warning from the manlet mod for starting a manlet thread on Sup Forums

Not that I disagree with you, but why when politics come up here on Sup Forums people who are left or come off as left are always


Oh, thanks.



ya kak gosha rubchinskiy

Ti kak mudak blyat

don't be rude now churka

I'm not rude

>except for "aryan"

nah. Even whites are hated on Sup Forums