HELP, I fucked up. I forgot I had an exam tomorrow, how can I study, mostly memorize in less than 12 hours?

HELP, I fucked up. I forgot I had an exam tomorrow, how can I study, mostly memorize in less than 12 hours?

If you can't learn it and you won't get fucked for getting caught just cheat. 12 hours is enough to prep a perfect cheat.

Not possible, believe me. It's my last chance to do the exam. If I wasn't able to cheat before, I'm not going to be able to do it now.

get out of it and reschedule with a doctors note

Then just get to reading and noting the important parts. If you've got any buds call someone and ask them to give you a quick summary. Sadly there are no magic tricks. Especially ones for time constrained individuals.

Call in a bomb threat

Get off Sup Forums for starters and grind them books fam

Can't, last chance to do it.

That's what I'm doing, but I need to memorize it. Sup Forums is just in the background.

I want to get my degrees, thanks. Plus, it's likely not going to work.

If that's your idea of being 'off Sup Forums', school is the least of your problems.

Sup Forums as in this thread, thanks anyway.

study the important parts

Last term I took American sign language. I only studied the night before the exam...
for the entire class. I got a 99.8% on the final exam. A+ in the class. I FUCKING HATE
ASL. You've got this, Sup Forumsro. Just go hard. If you have any friends with adderall, call 'em up.
Leave Sup Forums, go to Quizlet, play some classical music, ZONE THE FUCK IN. If you can't get
adderall, get coffee. Get coffee anyway, actually.

put the book under your pillow and go to sleep, it will really work....
also, kys cus you're fucked

When I study i make a checklist and of major points then run down the list and google things i don't know. also repeating things out load or in your head makes memorizing faster, for me.

chew gum and re read multiple times. right notes in blue pen and read them over a couple times. gum/ blue pen have been proven to help with memorization. chew same gum during exam.

use some shit like notecards or memrise or just some way to quiz yourself, and do it over and over and over for as long as you need to, and then do it again before the test
focus on the ones you can't get right when u quiz yourself, learn those, quiz yourself again, etc
I swear to god it works

Writing stuff down is a waist of time and brain power just memorize it its not hard... depending on the volume.

but you see if you don't have time making a quiz takes like 1 1/2 that cuts into your sleep time.

5 hours to sleep
7 hours to JERK OFF HEH

Serial procrastinator here. Main points to achieve an acceptable grade (at least 2:1):

>Physically write out a numbered list of the main points/chapters for the course
>Under each of these headers write the sub-topics
>For (i in 1:length(list)) {
i. read chapter without taking notes
ii. talk over the points out loud to yourself as you do this; you may sound mental but it does help reaffirm the content in your mind
iii. cover chapter again but taking brief notes on the learning outcomes
iv. cross out topic on list once rigorously understood
v. note the points that you do not completely understand
>Phone a friend and ask to go over the material
>First cover the material that you didn't understand then take turns in teaching each other one topic at a time

source: wrangler from Trinity College Cambridge