What is it user, am I fucked?

What is it user, am I fucked?

herpes, yes absolutely
try scrubbing with bleach

Your black of course your fucked

I'm sorry to twll you this, but it looks like you're a nigger.

It's call been nigger, and yes, you're very fucked up :/

Wtf you racist scum

Thanks for the advice

nice meme

>jalous pencil-dicker

You beat off too much dry man.

Use them lotions and DONT beat your shit for at least a week. That dick needs healing time bro.

Use some sort of A & E ointment

Test results are niggative

user, i think you'll want to sit down for this one. I'm very sorry to tell you this but unfortunately, you have...nigger. you need to prepare yourself for what's to come. I know it's hard but you have to resist the urge to eat chicken, spend money you don't have, and steal things. This condition is terminal, and eventually as your IQ lowers to the legally retarded threshold you will not be able to hold back. You'll put big ass rims on cheap cars, wear too much cologn to cover up your stench, and will say the number 100 frequently. The best you can do is get your affairs in order and go through this as gracefully as possible.

but said it was herpes

Nice open herpes sores OP! You get to keep that shit for life. Get some steroid cream on that shit and lay off fucking whilst the sores are present. They will come and go for the rest of your life, sucks to be you- but is only a contagious problem when sores are present.

Nope. Herpes.

fuck you I fuck white girls

kinda looks like chancroid. but what the fuck do I know...I'm just the phlebotomist.

Looks like a bad case of negroiditus very severe mid to late stage. Nothing can be done for you now.

>Herpes and a nigger
You're fuckt ...
Become an hero,rob a KFC and suicide by cop.

Relax man its just turning to a Micheal Jackson penis. You can chill.

Oh dear it's worse than I feared. user, you've moved on to stage two nigger. You'll find yourself irresistibly attracted to non-nigger women. Most of them will find you revolting, but one day there will be one that is mentaly disabled enough to have sex with you. You won't be able to talk about anything else. You will become defenseless in this state. You will be unable to do anything else but mention it in an argument. No one will care, because they pity you. And then you will move on to stage three, where you congregate with other infected at a social gathering (like a night club or crack house). It is here that you will either be killed by another nigger or kill one yourself. If you dindu hard enough you might avoid prison. There may be a silver lining in your bleak future.


Ok I'm done FUCK YOU I have a fucking disease and act like the KKK or wathever FUCK YOU kill yourself

Oh man, don't look good...

> expecting something else from Sup Forums

user, calm yourself. Your progressing along too quickly. Igrnoring objective statements and statistocs like calling things racist uncontrollably and ironically not knowing that niggers statistically carry more STD's than other groups, is a dangerous game. Please user, for your own good try to calm yourself.

user, what did you expect from this cancerous community?

Fwiw I wouldn't scrub your dick with bleach mate- it's debatable if it works. Sone rubbing alcohol might be a good shout tho. Sucks you're getting so much racial abuse. Dont get all down about "being diseased", like i said earlier its only a problem if the sores are present. Plenty of folks have herpes (me included). Good luck with the diseased dick.

While I don't condone their behaviour, you did fuck somebody without a rubber so the disease part is totally on you.

Wht can I do to stop this happening to my own dick? Does it only happen to blacks?


if niggers commit over 90% of all crimes, what reaction did you expect?

what? we should bring them flover, smile and shiiiieeet?

Be fair he might have had a bj of a skank with a cold sore. Those cunts are not visible to begin with- altho the bitch in question would have felt the tingling....

My God, I don't like the color, I'm thinking you're fucked , also yo have herpes.



I'm a PhD from University of Phoenix, it's niggeritis.

I don't think many people here didn't know what this thread was. Save maybe those not saying something about niggers. We all know what this thread is for.

It is herpes. It will appear through out your life, no treatment. MAKE SURE you don't have unprotected sex when symptoms are present.

Seems like there were some retards actually helping. Just being sure.

Ur a nigger. Pretty fucked. Sorry user

It's bad but blowjobs also require rubbers not to catch STDs.

If you don't trust the person wear a rubber. If you do and you still catch something then you dun goofed.

chill bro, its only siphilis