ITT we write one sentence at a time of a vsauce video

ITT we write one sentence at a time of a vsauce video

>Hey vsauce! Michael here...

The end.

Can anyone go so far and decide to do what more like?

Or is it?

And how much does it weigh?

But just how many niggers will have to die in order for the word to be a better place? Well, according to studies...

Every time my cat does this.

Approximately 5,000 strippers have submitted applications to Starbucks, this year alone.

Is it even possible that the ocean exists?

Why even if it's not that actually now so when.

But why is that when we clap with our hands, we HERE it with our ears?

But in order to understand that, we have to go back to find out what the phrase "Cum inside your cousins pussy!!!" Came from.

When we smack out dick against a childs ass why do my balls clap? will we ever now?

For this we have to go all the way back... to the future (music plays)

Future as in the word future... fu coming from latin for "pussy" and ture being french for "asian."

The future is not like chess; it's never black and white.

If only opening up to you was as easy as the opening moves in a chess game...

The future is (dramatic pause, goes into crappy animations) sadly Asian as well... and Indian.

Can you really define White people? I mean, just because you have black or brown skin doesn't exclude you from being white
Whiteness is a mindset. You know what's cool about mindsets?

Marbles were invented by J.T. Marbles in 1822. He had a wife, Taylor Swift, that really put the "ASS" in "Assistant Manager at a Linen Store who cheated on her husband with slaASSves"

You know what J.T. Marbles' wife had in common with white people? Besides having fair skin, she also had a hole in her eye which researchers now know as an iris. Like Irish. But like Irish Women.

Researchers also found out...

That the entire human race is dumb niggers

But that's exactly why amphibians don't hibernate, so it makes sense if you really think about it.

Because our combined melanin absorbs all of the sun.

But in other news.... the news: it's old news. We're being lied to on a day-to-day basis. Even now, as I'm loading my glock and tying my noose, the television is spreading my asshole and splurting propaganda deep, deep inside. Warm, uncomfortable propaganda.

Also, did you know anal sex is actually the Devil?

we love our big fat cats

i'm not gay

Where are your fingers?

im not gay I promise

In order to understand that, we first have to understand mankind. Mank, and Ind. What does it mean? We'll just never know.
Or can we?

I got spit facts

ok I was gay the whole time

There's not much time to explain.

Of course, you're gonna need an alias if you're interested in the binocular standoff.

Hmm... "standoff". The words 'stand' and 'off' combined into one. 'stand' means... well, to stand, but... what does it mean... to turn something off? (dramatic science music)

But, to understand this concept, we have to ask one question; why do my Spaghetti-Os keep making lightning?

The truth is I just don't enjoy the company of humans like I do elephants.

To understand this, we must first go back to the birth of Michael Jackson.

but you wrote two....

He was a man of many talents. My favorite was always his keen eye; his immaculate taste in decorative throw pillows.

I'm sure you can all read this in my voice... But how do you know that my voice is, well, real?

Throw pillows just like george w. bush threw a jet into the twin towers, i have 3 gb of child porn saved on a ted cruz onahole.

So you understand now: Ted Cruz inadvertly caused the great incident of the twin tower hour, resulting in over 200 pillow fights.

But first we need to talk about parallel universes.

it is theorized that over 9 billion galaxies within observable limits may contain these items


U r neckless u can talk to spirtes

and this begs the question: Are we alone?

Yes. But I don't mean that in the traditional sense.

now watch this get

It is believed that if every person on Earth farted at the same time it will melt the polar ice caps.

but was Hitler really wrong? well, according to studies..


And as always, thanks for watching.

also homosexuality has natural and has been found in several species


but what IS gay?

Hey vsauce! Michael here. Can anyone go so far and decide to do what more like? Or is it? And how much does it weigh? But just how many niggers will have to die in order for the word to be a better place? Well, according to studies Every time my cat does this approximately 5,000 strippers have submitted applications to Starbucks, this year alone. Is it even possible that the ocean exists? Why even if it's not that actually now so when But why is that when we clap with our hands, we HERE it with our ears? But in order to understand that, we have to go back to find out what the phrase "Cum inside your cousins pussy!!!" Came from.
When we smack out dick against a childs ass why do my balls clap? will we ever now? For this we have to go all the way back... to the future. Future as in the word future... fu coming from latin for "pussy" and ture being french for "asian." The future is not like chess; it's never black and white. If only opening up to you was as easy as the opening moves in a chess game... The future is (dramatic pause, goes into crappy animations) sadly Asian as well... and Indian.Can you really define White people? I mean, just because you have black or brown skin doesn't exclude you from being white
Whiteness is a mindset. You know what's cool about mindsets?

Marbles were invented by J.T. Marbles in 1822. He had a wife, Taylor Swift, that really put the "ASS" in "Assistant Manager at a Linen Store who cheated on her husband with slaASSves"

You know what J.T. Marbles' wife had in common with white people? Besides having fair skin, she also had a hole in her eye which researchers now know as an iris. Like Irish. But like Irish Women. Researchers also found out that the entire human race is garbage. But that's exactly why amphibians don't hibernate, so it makes sense if you really think about it.Because our combined melanin absorbs all of the sun. But in other news.... the news: it's old news. We're being lied to on a day-to-day basis.

we love our big fat cats i'm not gay Where are your fingers? im not gay I promise. In order to understand that, we first have to understand mankind. Mank, and Ind. What does it mean? We'll just never know.
Or can we? ok I was gay the whole time. There's not much time to explain. Of course, you're gonna need an alias if you're interested in the binocular standoff. Hmm... "standoff". The words 'stand' and 'off' combined into one. 'stand' means... well, to stand, but... what does it mean... to turn something off? (dramatic science music) But, to understand this concept, we have to ask one question; why do my Spaghetti-Os keep making lightning? The truth is I just don't enjoy the company of humans like I do elephants.

To understand this, we must first go back to the birth of Michael Jackson.
He was a man of many talents. My favorite was always his keen eye; his immaculate taste in decorative throw pillows. Throw pillows just like george w. bush threw a jet into the twin towers, i have 3 gb of child porn saved on a ted cruz onahole. So you understand now: Ted Cruz inadvertly caused the great incident of the twin tower hour, resulting in over 200 pillow fights.But first we need to talk about parallel universes. it is theorized that over 9 billion galaxies within observable limits may contain these items. kek U r neckless u can talk to sprites. and this begs the question: Are we alone?
Yes. But I don't mean that in the traditional sense. It is believed that if every person on Earth farted at the same time it will melt the polar ice caps. but was Hitler really wrong? well, according to studies..And as always, thanks for watching. also homosexuality has natural and has been found in several species

>feature length movie made with unregistered hypercam and windows movie maker


most shootings are caused by niggers shooting other niggers... but wait why is that?well it is believed that the niggers are very closely related to apes but there is another problem...the jews

Who... are we exactly;what is who exactly?

You are watching this right now through your
devices' screen,but,well are you really? We
were lead to believe this was being
watched,but,well is it really?