>stole math, medicine and algebra from the arabs

>stole gunpowder, paper and printing from the chinese

>stole cuisine and spices from the poos

>stole land from the indians and aboes

>stole resources from the africans

>stole democracy and system of government from the greeks and romans

>main religion (christianity) comes from the middle east

why cant white people do anything themselves?

I think it's this cool thing called culture and power.

>sat in mud huts until white people stole them


wtf i hate white people now

What you meant to say is, "I'm a dumb nigger."

Are you mad because you have nothing worth stealing?

Also, knowledge and culture cannot be stolen, only propagated.

>bait, I know

I dont think Sup Forums would exist without ehite ppl


Jesus christ if you are going to get models at least make sure they aren't fucking ugly as shit. There are plenty of beautiful non white girls.

But they're all ugly

I mean sure they're trying to be progressive and all that but come on surely there are more appealing specimens than those

Diversity: (noun) A social state in which whites, males, and heterosexuals are systematically excluded.

>it's not racist when we do it

Would you believe I'm a liberal and I hate this SJW bullshit? Fucking authoritarians and their double standards.


>stole math
You are completely full of shit

"Diversity of beauty", that's what they'll call it. They will browbeat and shame anyone who fails to gush over the "unconventional beauty" of these orcs.

Beauty once existed in the eye of the beholder, but has now been put to a vote. It ain't democratic anymore than any other aspect of reality.

>I'm a liberal

>we wuz kangz

Who the fuck are the poos?


>gets beautiful non white women

>high cheekbones, strong noses, double eyelids

"user, these look like coloured white women who conform to their standard of beauty. That is racist"

>swaps beautiful non white women for ugly non white women


But it was the whites who mastered travel. They connected the world in a sense. Besides Greeks/Romans would've been considered white

Theres just no winning with these psychopaths I guess

damn white people stealing white peoples democracy!

>why can't white people do anything themselves?
The Internet you're using. The electricity you take for granted. Not to mention the cars we all drive - thank white people for that.

>he doesnt know about the poos

It just makes me wonder how far they'll go if they're left (pun intended) to their own devices

And how we're gonna stop them before they reach that point

>stole democracy and system of government from the greeks and romans

They are white people


>stole my bike

yeah, but black people are so low they'll kill someone for their stinky nikes.

>brown curly hair

>brown eyes

>brown skin

>constantly warred with aryan barbarians to the north



im too high to be looking at this shit

how do you steal mathematics from someone and leave them without mathematics? did the white man hit the black man on the head after he stole it, and the black man forgot how to count?

I don't know either, bro.

It's a poor attempt at social engineering. Like all authoritarians, they believe culture and all its elements -- including beauty and its perception -- are subject to top-down fiat. Of course, it doesn't work. It may be possible to browbeat the proper, orthodox words from the people's mouths, but no more than that.

No matter how many people might tell me that cauliflower is delicious and I am a terrible bigot for disliking it, I cannot change my mind and begin to think the filthy, white weed delicious.

Culture and knowledge cannot be stolen. It can be disseminated, borrowed, augmented, altered, merged with other cultures or even annihilated, but not stolen.

Applied to culture and knowledge, the term "theft" is meaningless -- "not even wrong", as the saying goes.

"Cultural appropriation" is another manifestation of this absurdity.

how are greeks and romans not white?