Hacking thread

Hacking thread
You have glorious past when it comes to hacking. I am particularly interested in website defacement but other sources are welcome as well.
Any tips for newfag? (browsing for 3 years, I guess that's newfaggish)

Other urls found in this thread:



Hack the next US elections, get Vermin Supreme for President.

Any learning sources? I can't find anything of interest on Startpage or DuckDuckGo.

Hack IP

I can't hack it, I can DDoS it.

Hack Sup Forums.


33C3 Just went down less than a week ago. Some pretty good content.

It's not close to me. I wonder if there is similar conventions here in Balkans.

What's your previous background knowledge? I might be able to push you in the right direction.

Balkans? Where are you from exactly ?

I know Linux pretty well and I know basic C++ but I am very fast learner.
Croat from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Well since I like your country ill help you . Give me a sec.

>loving the country full of white Muslims and legit sandniggers
Thanks in advance for the help though, you're legend.

And remember who helped you.

Is Metasploit that powerful? I have a rootkit on my laptop via a samba/windows shares exploit. Idk who the fuck is hackin my ass and i want to find out who and why the fuck they wont leave me alone. I tried kali linux but i cant use it properly on my laptop especially since it cant detect my cdrom. (The bios is booting from the cdrom for some fucking reason.) Im an intermediate linux user. But im fucking losing.

Forgot to say that there is no disk in the cdrom drive

So your bios are fucked ?


I tried reflashing the latest bios update over and over from HP but nothing happens. This is the 2nd laptop getting raped >:/

For sure they start this whole thing via a dma attack. No one has physical access to my stuff. Is it possible that a neighbor is doing this via a side channel attack or something? ..

Boy that's a lot resources! Thank you based user, I couldn't be more grateful!
Hail /t/

If you haven't already. Set up and play around with real world environments to learn how things are likely set up. Before you can start hacking things you need a lot of base knowledge. If you want to hack web servers. Set up a bunch yourself with popular software and learn how they are usually configured. Figure out the difficulty of keeping your own stuff secure.

Try out popular exploits to learn how they work. Learn how to create your own environment where you can test things you learn about on your own computer / network / vm.

If you want to specialize on something more specific than just the broad subject of hacking feel free to ask. (i.e. web security, network security, malware design, reverse engineering, etc)

if you just want the power its not gunna be worth your time. years and years of learning just to make a website not load for an hour.

Ask for dynamic IP and delete everything from PC.

Format drive I mean .

Now that you brought it up, the reverse engineering.
I guess I'll have to have decent CS background knowledge in order knowing how decompilers work, right?
Also, for web defacement, what is the most common attack?
Brute forcing FTP, web server or what else? Are there any XSS-vunerable sites in modern day? How do you test for those vunerabilities? How do you perform such a thing?

Here is a good ebook on the assembly you'll see in modern day computers (PC).

You'll probably want to somehow obtain IDA or disassembler of your choice. Start off with a simple Hello World program. Then try out how loops and stuff look. One useful feature for finding what you want in large programs is xrefs on strings. If you can find related string you can find in the code where it uses it.

If you are able to run the application live you can use applications that monitor disk access, registry changes, or even system API calls.

For defacing a site you'll probably need to figure out what it is running. If it's custom n00bs will make classic mistakes which will let you do even the simplest xss attacks. If it's mostly custom try throwing weird stuff at it. Maybe try manually sending requests to the server that it would not normally do. Some sites do client side checks but not server side. To deface a site you'll probably want to somehow get admin privileges on the site or exploit bad coding to upload your own backdoored files. Maybe they didn't change the default password?