So this guy's name is William Wilson?

So this guy's name is William Wilson?

Other urls found in this thread:

What? Why would you think that?


No, his name is Sia Ay

his parents had a sense of humour

He's Bill "Sea Eye" Hayes.

He got the name because of his uncanny nautical ability

There was a typo in the version of the novelisation that made print. Nolan had originally intended it to be 'Will Williamson'


What did Nolan intend here?


nickname is Slade

>Will Wilson, CIA


Wilson = Will's son = William's son
So his father was also named William Wilson, and his father before him

It never ends


That's a big name.

reminder that according to the novelization, bane was a big guy AND a bad guy at the same time


Hah, took me a second there

You've failed, your bigness.

I'm CIA, like my father before me.

CIA's internal monologue makes this so much better.

Knew I had it around somewhere.

"This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!" has made Bane so much more versatile

All of this has baned before, and all of this will bane again.
>Goosefat Bill Wilson

that's a big coincidence

This explains why he wasn't smart enough to destroy his mask in the movie.

Good to know

His name is Haim Sia Heigh

>Baneposting is a harbinger of King Arthur's return to lead Britain into a new gold age

What a time to be alive

How is this meme still going strong after four fucking years?

it's a big meme

>Charlie Hunnam
>Jude Law
>Eric Bana
>David Beckham
This is going to be terrible.

For you

Versatility in that the entire scene is a goldmine, the potential for co-opting other memes, the janitor/mods being antagonistic and fueling spite posting, ironic posting leading to genuine content creation, and finally the mere fact that it refuses to die leads to yet more content.

When eternity ends, whatever creator awaits will find the last gasp of civilisation defiantly posting "BANE?" in rage against the coming dark.

It Wood Bee Egg Stream Lee Opendamouth Milk Fore Yew

What did he mean by this, bros

Back when he was alive he just called himself CIA. But in death, a member of the Central Intelligence Agency has a name.

His name is William Wilson.

chili and sea bass, i believe


Bill is just a nickname. CIA's Christian name is Goosefat.

What about a six years of dubs?

>Double U + Double U
>UU + UU

it's too deep. to understand


CIAnematic 4Universe confirmed

the madman did it again

I knew guy ritchie was a memester but him being a baneposter made my day.


How new are you? Lurk the fuck more.

I lost my fucking mind when I saw this in the theater. I thought I was genuinely going crazy.