Objavite samo slovenke med 15-25

objavite samo slovenke med 15-25

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Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'!
Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov
Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!
Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot,
Partiya Lenina — sila narodnaya
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vedyot!

Skvoz' grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put' ozaril,
Na pravoye delo on podnyal narody,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!

V pobede bessmertnykh idey kommunizma
My vidim gryadushcheye nashey strany,
I krasnomu znameni slavnoy otchizny
My budem vsegda bezzavetno verny!

A ch'im un pinnara, i kangsan ungum e,

Chawon do kaduk han samch'olli,

Arumdaun nae choguk,

Panmannyon oraen ryoksa

E ch'allan han munhwa ro charanan

Sulgiroun inmin ui i yonggwang.

Mom gwa mam ta pach'yo,

I, choson kiri pattuse.

Ch'al paektusan kisang ul ta anko.

Kullo ui chongsin un kitturo.

Chilli ro mungch'yo jin oksen ttut

On segye apso nagari.

Sonnun him nodo do naemiro,

Inmin ui ttus uro son nara.

Han opsi pugang hanun

I choson kiri pinnaese.

иди нахуй


Moja angel si kažeš pot mi v temi
Moj angel si zdraviš me ko me boli
Moj angel si moja sreča moja želja to si ti
poljubi me, Naj začutim tvoj utrip na jezik
Dveh teles in tož dotik,tako lepo da bom šepetal u nebo

Jas sem srečen ker sem moški, ker ljubim žensko kot si ti
Da lahko te stisnemn v objem drobno in nežno kot si
Da ti objamem obraz med dlani, in ti priznam da vse si mi
Srečen ker sem moški ,sem ker si z mano ti

Poljubiu me naj začutim tvoj utrip na jezik
Dveh teles in tož dotik,tako lepo da bom šepetal u nebo
Da sem srečen ker sem moški, ker ljubim žensko kot si ti
Da lahko te stisnem v objem drobno in nežno kot si
Da ti objamem obraz med dlani, in ti priznam da vse si mi
Srečen ker sem moški ,sem ker si z mano ti
Srečen ker sem moški ,sem ker si z mano ti

Moj angel si

Njega poznajo vsi, o njem se govori
Eni ga sovražijo, drugi mu zavidajo
On je magnet za medije, kralj slovenske parodije
Eni se ga bojijo, drugi se mu smejijo

On je slavček slavček eden in edini
Srečen ker je moški, vse mu gre od rok
Slavček slavček ves stadion grmi
Zapoj nam zapoj nam te radi mamo vsi

Poroka Medije zvabi, škandali so mu v navadi
Slovenija je dobre volje, ko murko zdravljico zapoje
Za marketing je mojster pravi, popestritev na vsaki zabavi
Njegov talent daleč sliši se, na internetu najboljši je

On je slavček slavček eden in edini
Srečen ker je moški, vse mu gre od rok
Slavček slavček ves stadion grmi
Zapoj nam zapoj nam te radi mamo vsi

kaj te fak

Hülye buzik.

Srce veliko, kakor svet
nasmeh in iskrica v očeh,
in beseda, poznaš jo tudi ti

V življenju mnogo je poti,
ne išči sreče kjer je ni,
ko poslušaš, kar srce ti govori.

Lahko ti podarim samo ljubezen,
eno in edino upanje,
poglej me v oči,
in lahko si brez brez skrbi,
Vem, da isto čutiš tudi ti.

(Kar želiš si, to ni greh,
to je ljubezen v očeh.)

Poznaš lepoto, se ti zdi,
čeprav zatiskaš si oči,
ko me gledaš, vidiš to, kar si.

Dolgo časa si iskal,
kar si mislim, da je prav,
a na koncu
le eno boš izbral.

Lahko ti podarim samo ljubezen,
eno in edino upanje,
poglej me v oči,
in lahko si brez brez skrbi,
vem, da isto čutiš tudi ti.

Lahko ti podarim samo ljubezen,
eno in edino upanje,
poglej me v oči,
in lahko si brez brez skrbi,
saj jo v srcu čutiš tudi ti.

Saj jo v srcu čutiš tudi ti.

Wer hat denn den Ivan an den PC gelassen ?









Hm. Težka bo. :D

Auferstanden aus Ruinen
Und der Zukunft zugewandt,
Lass uns dir zum Guten dienen,
Deutschland, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen,
Und wir zwingen sie vereint,
Denn es muss uns doch gelingen,
Daß die Sonne schön wie nie
Über Deutschland scheint,
Über Deutschland scheint.

Glück und Friede sei beschieden
Deutschland, unser'm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden,
Reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen,
Schlagen wir des Volkes Feind.
Lasst das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
Dass nie eine Mutter mehr
Ihren Sohn beweint,
Ihren Sohn beweint.

Lasst uns pflügen, lasst uns bauen,
Lernt und schafft wie nie zuvor,
Und der eignen Kraft vertrauend,
Steigt ein frei Geschlecht empor.
Deutsche Jugend, bestes Streben
Uns'res Volks in dir vereint,
Wirst du Deutschlands neues Leben,
Und die Sonne schön wie nie
Über Deutschland scheint,
Über Deutschland scheint

Me prime, da bi jokal, grem v oštarijo,
s prijatli se sreèam, smejim se in pijem,
žalostne misli v štose zavijem
in potlej sem videt zmer dobre volje,
vsi pravjo: "Glej no tega! Tko živet je najbolje."

A mene od znotraj peèe in kolje,
peèe in kolje ta beda, ta beda.
Mene od znotraj peèe in kolje,
ta beda, ta beda - od šnopsa, seveda.
Težko je priznat.
Težko je priznat.

Me prime, dab obupal pa grem na tekmo,
s prijatli se sreèam, navijam in pijem,
žalostne misli v parole zavijem
in potlej sem videt zmer dobre volje,
vsi pravjo: "Glej no tega! Tko živet je najbolje."

A mene od znotraj peèe in kolje,
peèe in kolje ta beda, ta beda.
Mene od znotraj peèe in kolje,
ta beda, ta beda - od tekme, seveda.
Težko je priznat.
Težko je priznat.

Read more: letssingit.com/adi-smolar-lyrics-težko-je-priznat-51nkl4c#ixzz4UdQGoAxf
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Slep je kdor se z rokom ukvarja,
Kranjec moj mu osle kaže,
rokerju zmer sreča laže,
on živi, umre brez dnarja.

Cel življenje se razdaja,
dnar zapravlja za kitare,
leder hlače, ferše stare,
plošč že dolgo ne prodaja.
Rokenrol je taka stvar,
da pri nas se pač ne splača.
Na drugi sceni je denar,
ob harmoniki se keš obrača.
Pozabi zdaj na zvok kitar,
edina prava muska je domača.

Jebeš roll in jebeš rok,
špilej neki na poskok.

Čreva na plot,
joške ven pa tiča not,
šnopc v krvi,
traktor v prvi,
krigl v glavo,
nož u kravo,
bum, zbudim se na urgenc',
kva pa čem če sem slovenc.

Cel teden delam, (dela pridno in pošteno)
se ne prepiram, (ubogam šefa, taščo, ženo)
če kdo me vpraša, nimam mnenja,
ne ambicij, ne življenja,
ko pa v petek sem v gostilni,
ruknem šnopc en, dva, tri, štir,
za poplaknt liter vina,
da presekam spijem pir.

Naenkrat se spoznam na avte,
babe, športne rezultate.
Valjda jaz sem najbolj glasen,
vse na svetu mi je jasn.
V glavi zaigra mi polka,
terco špila mi motorka,
in zavriskam tisto našo,
ko v kelnerco zabrišem flašo...

Čreva na plot,
joške ven pa tiča not,
jebeš krizo,
šnopc na mizo,
krigl v glavo,
za zabavo,
bum, zbudim se na urgenc',
kva pa čem če sem slovenc.

Nageljni in krizanteme,
v vetru nežno trepetajo,
z griča sliš' se cerkve zvon,
ki k maši kliče verno rajo.

Ne pomaga izobrazba,
Ne kar drugi govorijo,
Ko zaslišim zvok harmonke,
Se stoletja zavrtijo,
Um zalije mi žganica,
V srcu zaigra Golica,
Veselica in potica,
Znova prost sem, kakor ptica...


Sem turista turista turista turista turista, turista turista turista turista turista . T U R I S T A sem turista! Z Polski

Jawohl, Herr Major!

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą odbierzemy.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski.
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę,
Będziem Polakami.
Dał nam przykład Bonaparte,
Jak zwyciężać mamy.
Marsz, marsz...
Jak Czarniecki do Poznania
Po szwedzkim zaborze,
Dla ojczyzny ratowania
Wrócim się przez morze.
Marsz, marsz...
Już tam ojciec do swej Basi
Mówi zapłakany —
Słuchaj jeno, pono nasi
Biją w tarabany.
Marsz, marsz..

Stand up all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don't cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all

So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race

Let no one build walls to divide us
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us
We'll live together or we'll die alone
In our world poisoned by exploitation
Those who have taken now they must give
And end the vanity of nations
We've but one earth on which to live

And so begins the final drama
In the streets and in the fields
We stand unbowed before their armor
We defy their guns and shields
When we fight provoked by their aggression
Let us be inspired by like and love
For though they offer us concessions
Change will not come from above

Comrades, allow me first of all to greet the Congress on behalf of the Council of People’s Commissars. I very much regret that I was unable to attend your meeting on the opening day and did not hear Comrade Kalinin’s report. But from what he has told me I conclude that many things relating to the direct and immediate tasks of Soviet development, and especially to the Cossacks, were dealt with in his speech. I should, therefore, like to deal mostly with the international situation of the Soviet Republic and the tasks which confront all the working masses, including the Cossacks, because of this situation.

Never has the international position of the Soviet Republic been as favourable and as triumphant as it is now. If some thought is given to the way our international situation has evolved in the course of two years of untold difficulties and incredible sacrifices, if some thought is given to the reasons for it, any intelligent person will discern the main forces, the mainsprings, and the chief alignment of forces in the incipient world revolution.

When, over two years ago, at the very beginning of the Russian revolution, we spoke about this approaching international, world revolution, it was a prevision, and to a certain extent a prediction. And the vast majority of the working people who did not live in the large cities and who had no had a schooling in the Party greeted this talk of an approaching world revolution with either mistrust or indifference, and at any rate with scanty understanding. And, indeed, it was impossible and would have been unnatural to expect the vast mass of the working population, especially the peasant, farming population, who are scattered over an immense territory, to form in advance anything like a correct idea of why world revolution was approaching, and whether it really was international. Our experience during these two incredibly difficult years and the experience of the working masses of remote border regions are worthy of attention, and not of merely being brushed aside with the remark that times were hard but have now become easier. Yes, we must give thought to the reason why things happened as they did, to the significance of their happening as they did, and to the lessons that are to be drawn from this; we must see which party’s views have been borne out by what our own history and world history have demonstrated during these two years. That is what I would like to deal with first of all.

From the standpoint of the international situation the issue is quite clear; when the matter is taken on a broad scale and regarded not from the standpoint of one party or of one country, but from the standpoint of all countries together, when the matter is taken on a broad scale, then particular and trifling details recede into the background and the chief motive forces of world history become apparent.

The red Star is rising

When we began the October Revolution by overthrowing the power of the landowners and capitalists, appealing for the termination of the war, and addressing this appeal to our enemies; when after this we came under the yoke of the German imperialists; when after this, in October and November 1918, Germany was crushed, and Britain, France, America and the other Entente countries became the lords of the earth—what was our situation then? The vast majority asked whether it was not then obvious that the cause of the Bolsheviks was hopeless. And many added, “Not only is it hopeless, but the Bolsheviks have turned out to be frauds. They promised peace, but instead, after the German yoke had been thrown off and Germany defeated, they were found to be enemies of the whole Entente—that is, of Britain, France, America and Japan, the most powerful countries in the world; and Russia, ruined, weakened and exhausted by the imperialist war, and moreover by the Civil War, has now to hold out in a fight against the foremost countries of the world.” This was easy to believe; and it is not surprising that lack of faith made indifference and often actual hostility to the Soviet government more and more widespread. There is nothing surprising in it. What is surprising is that we emerged victorious from the struggle against Yudenich, Kolchak and Denikin who were supported in every possible way by all the wealthiest powers in the world, powers which no other military force on earth can even approximately equal. The truth of this is clear to everybody, even to the blind, and even to those who are worse than blind, those who refuse to see at any price—even to them it is clear that we have emerged from this struggle victorious.

How did this miracle happen? It is to this question that I would like most of all to direct your attention, because it most clearly reveals the chief motive forces of the entire international revolution. By analysing this question in a practical way, we can supply an answer to it, for this is something we have already been through; we are able to say what happened after the event.

We were victorious because we could be and were united, and because we were able to win over allies from the camp of our enemies. And our enemies, who are immeasurably stronger than we are, suffered defeat because they were not, never could be and never will be united, and because every month they fought against us brought them further disintegration within their own camp.

I shall now speak about the fact which proves these statements.

You know that after Germany was defeated, there was nobody in the world to oppose Britain, France and America. They had robbed Germany of her colonies, and there was no corner on earth, there was not a single country, where the military might of the Entente did not prevail. It would seem that under such circumstances, enemies of Soviet Russia as they were, they must have clearly realised that Bolshevism aims at world revolution. We have never made a secret of the fact that our revolution is only the beginning, that its victorious end will come only when we have lit up the whole world with these same fires of revolution. And we realised quite clearly that the capitalists were frenzied enemies of the Soviet government. It should be mentioned that when the European struggle was over they had an army of millions, and a powerful navy, to which we could not oppose even the semblance of a navy or an army of any strength. And all they had to do was to employ a few hundred thousand soldiers of this army of millions in the war against us in the same way as they were employed in the war against Germany, and the Entente would have crushed us. There cannot be the slightest doubt of this in the minds of those who have examined this question from the theoretical standpoint, and especially of those who went through the last war and know it from their own experience and observation.

Both Britain and France tried to seize Russia in this way. They concluded a treaty with Japan, who had taken practically no direct part in the imperialist war but who supplied a hundred thousand or so soldiers to crush the Soviet Republic, acting from the Far East. Britain at that time landed troops at Murmansk and Archangel, not to mention the movement in the Caucasus, while France landed soldiers and sailors in the South. This was the first historical phase of the struggle we sustained.

>tfw ur slovenian
>tfw all this posts still look like product of a retard

Sex je náš dělá dobře mně i tobě Otčenáš
bejby odříkej až v hrobě
Středověk neskončil středověk trvá
Jsme černí andělé a ty jsi byla prvá
Sex je náš padaj kapky z konců křídel
Nevnímáš zbytky otrávených jídel
Středověk neskončil, středověk trvá
Jsme černí andělé a ty jsi byla prvá holka
Sex je náš dělá dobře mně i tobě
Otčenáš bejby odříkej až v hrobě
Tu svou víru neobrátíš, má krev proudí v tobě – nevíš
O kříž se teď neopírej, shoříš v týhle době
– no no
Středověk neskončil, středověk trvá
sex je náš
Jsem černí andělé a ty jsi byla prvá holka
A. I. D. S.
Sex je náš padaj kapky z konců křídel
Nevnímáš zbytky otrávených jídel
Tu svou víru neobrátíš, má krev proudí v tobě – nevíš
O kříž se teď neopírej, shoříš v týhle době – no no
Středověk neskončil, středověk trvá
Sex je náš,
Jsme černí andělé a ty jsi byla prvá holka
Sex je náš
Středověk neskončil, středověk trvá
Sex je náš
jsme černí andělé a ty jsi byla prvá holka
Sex je náš
Středověk neskončil, středověk trváSex je náš
sex je náš
Jsem černí andělé a ty jsi byla prvá kluk