Apology for poor english

apology for poor english

when were you when gustavito hypothalamus dies?

i was sat at home eating sharp turd when krelo ring

'gustavito is kill'


Other urls found in this thread:


How the fuck does someone beat a hippo to death?


some people say it's a new form of hazing from gangs
it's pretty damn cool if you ask me

I'm honestly convinced now that spics are even bigger savages than niggers.

>not beating up giant mammals on a daily basis
and you consider yourself a man white boi?


Oh they are. They're turbo niggers.

See, there is NO bottom of the barrel for shitty human behavior. The poorer an area, the worse the humans. Central/South America is so much poorer and worse than America.

They watched those youtube videos and thought it would be cool to win against a hippo

>beating up a hippo

Trump was right


i'm very sorry for my poor english please execute me

I want to fugg you

Spics aren't even human. They are genetically closer to rats.

Where´s your harambe now white boi?


And you are the next, if we beat an 'hypothalamus' to death, a moose and a whale wouldn't be a problem.

South Americans only know violence. Does this surprise anyone?

>thousands of people killed as a result of the war on drugs
>nobody cares

>a fucking hippo dies
>omg wtf i hate el salvador now!

spics are less than a hippo

>Thousands of dead spics and junkies
>A bad thing

it's not "cool" it's cruel

Americucks BTFO

people dying is normal, it's not a matter of value because they are not equivalent, one person doesn't not equal to 10 hippos

hippo bullied to death is quite illogical, beyond drug violence

>Population of hippos: Roughly 150,000

>Population of evolved monkey nigger: 7 Billions and counting

Huhm, really clogging the nogging

Fuck off spic

>Beating and stabbing a hippo to death
Literally why?

How is it cool? Subhuman tier behaviour


>Sri Lanka


The irony is palpable coming from a Chink.

hippos are cunts anyway

>Tfw your name is Gustavo

Everybody is mocking me this days. People here are losing their mind because of a animal.

that's not a reason to have gustavito
otherwise you are no better than your tormentors

this. I remember a new article about Indians murdered and eaten alive by Tigers.

The comments were all racist remarks and plain disregard for human life and dignity. Fuck animal rights and fuck you all.

Humans>>>animals>>animal 'activists'



>killing an animal/person because you need to
this is okay
>killing an animal/person for fun
this is not okay

Spics and Poos are not human.

what about farms in first world countries are they ok?

You kill animals because you need their meat to live, so it's okay.

people in first world countries don't need meat to live they choose to eat it because it tastes nice

Man bites dog.

the hippo isn't killed for meat

it was killed because it was a hippo, literally racism

>this thread
It's so sad to witness the lack of self awareness of these people. A more common example is anti-bullfighting people getting huge bonners over people getting impaled by the bull's horns. Like the added suffering of the guy will redeem somehow the bull, which is going to be killed anyway.
You are right, but the massive human loss is worst.

They actually did the Hippo a favor. He/she was living in a Zoo in fucking El Salvador. Conditions are probably horrible.

Think of like this

Who the fuck in the world gives a single fuck about some random Indians? Very few people

But A LOT of people like Lions.

Yeah killing something weaker than you (sharp metal is more than an equalizer) is pretty fucking badass. The coolest part for me was how the animal lived severely injured for a few days after, hiding underwater in its enclosure and refusing to eat. Pretty badass if you ask me

Hippo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Latino "people"

>a hippo
>weaker than a human
nigga these "animals of peace" can split crocs in two.

>muh false dichotomy
>implying human suffering detracts from this appalling subhuman behavior
>implying most people aren't disgusted with the war on drugs
>implying anyone is condoning cruelly tormenting a human to death by being disgusted by this

I really don't want to throw another (You) your way because I'm 90% certain you're being an edgy fedora tipper... but I feel I should on the off chance that you're just retarded and doing the very best you can. Either way I'm sorry

What? You're telling me I can empathy for both Humans AND Animals!?

Wooow dude how was I supposed to know

>what about farms in first world countries are they ok?

From an ethical standpoint? No they are not, it's murder no matter how you frame it. But it's considered a necessary evil by most.

But we try not to prolong the suffering of the animal. We don't torture it, and we use it for nutrition. Contrast this with breaking into a zoo to torture an animal for God only knows what reason.

Do you understand the difference? Do you at least understand how intellectually dishonest it is to compare farming with actual factual animal abuse and probably torture?

why isn't it "Sir" Lanka? would be more dignified

>implying most people aren't disgusted with the war on drugs
they literally aren't

neither of your presidential candidates wanted to end it

why isn't it Fin"lad"? it would be friendlier

There are stupid extremists in literally every group of people on Earth.

Breaking into an animals cage and torturing it so bad that it succumbs to its injuries is pretty fucking barbaric. This doesn't somehow suggest that humans dying is acceptable, or a human's life is worth more than a person's.

Christ you spics are simple

because we're not dirty anglos

>The 15-year-old hippo suffered “multiple blows on different parts of the body” from “blunt and sharp objects” in an attack Tuesday night, the Ministry of Culture said in a statement, according to CNN.

>The next day, staff noticed that Gustavito was hiding underwater in his pool and refusing to eat. It took veterinarians until Thursday to examine the animal, since he wouldn’t leave the water, and they discovered he was covered with bruises and puncture wounds, Zoo Director Vladen Henríquez said at a news conference, according to the Associated Press.

>Zoo officials tried to save the animal with around-the-clock care, but he died from his injuries on Sunday. The zoo said a necropsy would be performed to determine the exact cause of death.

It probably wasn't a bad life until he was tortured. It was probably decent aside from the lack of other hippos.

There's nothing impressive about this.
It would have been much more impressive if it was one man vs one hippo, no weapons. A true primal fight to the death.

Right, a hippo is more than evenly-matched matched against multiple El Salvadoreans with long, sharp steel poles because it can kill a crocodile. Those two opponents are perfectly comparable.

You have a pretty low standard for badass my friend

Do South Americans regularly torture each other?

What's a Hippo at that point

I imply such thing.
It's just that the response is pretty disproportionate, and I'm not talking about this thread, but about comments in social media and news sites. People can be outraged by this, and I understand, but it's the same people that shrugs the death of their neighbors in conditions that might be just as absurd.

the hippo is better dead anyway, zoos are the worst, are prisons, have you ever seen a central american prison? that zoo in particular is the worst.

*I didn't imply

>an issue composed of countless incredibly complex economic, social, cultural, religious and geopolitical agendas, conflicting with not only each other but also with their direct counterparts in dozens of international governments, coupled with violent criminal infighting, somehow make outrage over an animal being tortured to death hypocritical

Reductio ad absurdum much?

Are you being sarcastic? Because that's was the point of my reply

why do americans feel so much empathy for a fucking dead hippo?

oh shit, i think i just got an answer...

People here kill you for a fucking quarter. Let that stimulate your cerebral cortex.

Just to clarify, it's more than likely than the people who killed de hippo were the same that were working with him at the Zoo. It wasn't some gang related bullshit.

It is all a false-flag to close the Zoo because PETA-like orgs here have been trying to close it since a fuck ton of time ago, but without a valid reason people really didn't care and the gov even less. Now they have a valid a reason to try to shut in down and it might become a reality.

is there a video of it?

you look like a cool dude. let's hang out at leyendas.

>ywn kick gustavito in his big round belly while he agonizes until death
Why even live brehs

>El Salvadorians are so tired of murdering each other they moved on to animals


>60% white

I knew an Indian guy named Sriram and he called himself Sir Ram

Issues with humans are incredibly complex. Look at my post here which is vaguely related

Wars are complex. Economic catastrophes are complex. Even shockingly infamous crimes can have varying shades of grey (as you well know). There heroes and villains, and a million of shades of grey, to every serious problem in human affairs.

But this is not a complex issue. There is literally no shade of gray, no complexity that confuses the issue. It's something that universally revolts people, and that's why causes the disproportionate response.

Military spending? Cancer research? Oil subsidies? All complex issues, with endless solutions and alternatives and half-measures.
Torturing an animal in a zoo? Extremely simple and straightforward. It's sad and fucked up, across the board

And this is why you are the Mexico of central america.

For some reason I thought that was an image of Elliot Rodger before I clicked the reply and saw it in detail

>you will NEVER hug gustavito hypothalamus now

No, but there's some pictures like pic related.

Also he didn't die by the wounds but by the stress caused by the attack

I'm still in prison so I can't really hang out with anyone but my inmates

RIP in peace :^(

Actually a good point. Agreed.

t. gypsy

hahahaha it's totes okies to violently kill an animal just because
it's just an animal hahahahahahah wtf are you some kind of peta faggots hahahahahaha

are you pic related?

>81 replies

Hirohito, fire your free mods. Cycle and get new because Jesus Christ a fuckin' ape could do a better job.

10/10 intellect

yeah why do latinos even have zoos they can't afford to maintain that shit

El Salvador plz. We gave Gustavito to you WTF.


>a thread about the most random reason
>amerikeks start crying about how much they hate us


why the fuck do they give spic shitholes animals to care for?

i mean they are barely above animals themselves.

fuck off argie scum, you had 100 years to become civilized with all your resources and turned your country into a shithole.

you are objectively beneath anglos and we have the right to trash you for being failures as a people.

>ywn cut up pieces of gustavito after he dies and sell them to Venezuelans for stacks of cash

>we angro are number juan, speaku engurish you frikin' piece of shittu

The solely reason cause I didn't quoted keknadians in that post is because you are nothing but a bad copy of american culture, I don't think you hate me, I'm sure it's other of your attempts to look more american without recognizing this, and the most funny thing about this is that you probably don't realize about it because copying americans is part of the canadian everyday culture.

I still like Quebecois.