What did Action Bronson mean when he said "I blowed my motherfucking high, holy shit"

What did Action Bronson mean when he said "I blowed my motherfucking high, holy shit"

How do you "blow a high"? His high ended? He ruined his high? He is about to take a hit?.

ITT: stupid rap questions part1

Is he going to share that pizza?


why do so many rappers rap about gang violence and killing people and shit without having done it themselves?

we both know that he is not

why do so many directors make violent movies yet they're pacifist themselves?

It means he ruined his high.

he blew a high rating on the breathalyser and went to fucking gaol is what happened

That's not really an apt comparison


why do so many metalheads sing about violence and killing people and shit without having done it themselves?

Action Bronson is one of those artists that I used to love, then I fucking hated, and now I think is just okay.

Because they never escaped from their edgy teenager phase

more rappers should kill people. who agrees with me?

directors try to tell a story

rappers literally say 'i came in there with a 12 gauge, one sucker dead LA times front page' or some other shit.

Ya that's solid
They should eat human flesh as well

yeah but that sucker killed my best friend from school because he was a fucking junky and couldn't pay up because we live in the fucking P R O J E K S mang

it is, lot of edgy metal about serial killers made by people who will never kill anyone

they tell story from a viewpoint of real killa

completely fair comparison, what are you talking about

Because they know there's a lot of people that can relate. You rap about stuff your target audience can relate to, otherwise you end up like Macklemore


Makes sense, thanks.

>thread about getting high
>why do all rapper talk about killing people

honestly STAY MAD

otherwise you end up like Beastie Boys, if you are good, Macklemore can barely make decent rap and his topics make his songs pointless, the new album is even worse then he tries to talk abut SJW shit and race.

why u hated him, too much in the media?

imagine being high as fuck and coming home to your parents/loved ones slaughtered with blood everywhere. that's one way a high can be ruined.

to enjoy rap you first have to not take it that seriously, then it's about finding that good shit no one hardly talks about cos the old rapheads listen some bullshit cassettes that sound bad and new rapheads are usually just shitty fuckbois or boring people who don't jack.

So many triggered r/hiphopheads in here

That would certainly blow my high man

ghostface does a good job of telling a story usually involving murder at some point, how's it any different?

people pointing out that something is retarded is triggered now? ok friend