Has anyone here beaten social anxiety/avoidant personality? If so how?

has anyone here beaten social anxiety/avoidant personality? If so how?

Have u tried not being a fagget?

I did and it changed mylife for the best!!

I though to my self ok so what do I not want to do, and I just did that for 6 months then I was fine

But u still sound like a fagget.

After about a year and a half of SSRI treatment I realized how much of a faggot I was and started sozializing again.

That was 4 years ago. I'm still avoidant, but I don't give a fuck about it anymore.

U should see me irl

The real question is why would you?

Most people suck. Most social interactions are inherently seflish. Even when you break down empathy, it is more rooted in self interest than any sort of projected altruism.

Hell, even altruistic thought process, merely self gratification rooted in 'feeling good to do good things'

So why bother getting over avoidance?
Why bother with social interaction.

"I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity." - Albert Einstein.

All of the best people in this world found comfort in themselves, not in society. There is no horror which roots in self that doesn't stem from society.

Something happened to me over the summer where I realized I just don't give a fuck anymore. There are more than 5 people in the world and oh fucking well if things don't work out. Just dive in head first user, open your eyes and see what happens

isolation is very boring user

I tried that but the anxiety is killing me in social situations, can't get over that

I have it too and it sucks. I think it's something you just have to live with and get used to. Socializing feels so awkward to me and when I try to talk to people it's like I don't even care about them and have to pretend I care about the stuff they say, because they tend to talk about things I can't relate to, at all.

Depends on the root causes of your anxiety. There's a couple of ways to fix it. Seriously, don't listen to people that tell you it's a disease that can never be cured and you have an illness and please respect mental health blah blah.

It's not easy, but everyone can change who they are and become that which they want to be.

I'm not an expert, but a couple of things that work for me:
>quitting masturbation for a little bit - gives me the impetus to get up and go out and talk to girls I wouldn't care to try otherwise.
>eating well and sleeping right, drinking a nice big cup of coffee and accomplishing something first thing in the morning (even if it's as simple as just making your bed or taking out the trash, it has a snowball effect for the rest of the day)
>marjuana - helps sometimes, sometimes gives me anxiety tbh. helps with introspective thinking
>LSD - take it and take a long hard look in the mirror. think about the universe and where you sit in it. come to the conclusion that you are both inconsequential tiny and nothing matters, and important and everyone is beautiful and interesting and the world is magnificent in its own way. Take solace in both: nothing matters/everything is beautiful and connected.
>chaos magick/religion and spirituality in general. whether atheist fags like to admit it or not, our brains evolved in such a way that religion has profound and useful effects on our psyche. It stemmed from us being able to notice patterns, an evolutionary strength, and our need to make sense out of the chaos and discord of reality. religion can offer inner peace and life contentment, social groups and support. don't underestimate it
>learning and being honest with yourself. not being afraid to tell your friends that you're "tired of being around people, sorry buddy haha i just need some time alone, i love you." can make all the difference in the world. knowing your strengths weaknesses and limits, improving upon them while not burning yourself out.

If anyone would have beaten it, they wouldn't be on /b

There is no such thing as boring, simply boring people.

If you are bored because you are alone, its because you are a boring fucking person who never bothered to develop hobbies or interests worth a shit.

Xanax / beta-blockers (the name suggests everything) / antidepressants AND exposure therapy.


Source : Currently suffering from S.A.D. (social anxiety disorder) and I quit cold turkey these meds because I don't have an insurance, including therapy.

I'm in hell now

Or instead of drugging yourself like a moron, develop an interesting personality and hobbies which occupy your time and make you appreciate being alone.

>being alone.
You're such a fucking faggot, holy shit, a-user!

You literally have to expose yourself if you're dealing with social anxiety disorder, NOT isolate yourself.

Also, I recommend 3 supplements:
A multivitamin that comes from offal/plants/raw ingredients - your body can more easily digest them, synthetic vitamins are almost 100% excreted in urine
Fish Oil - actually has a slight antidepressant effect with more than a small amount of studies to back it up
Probiotics - your gut bacteria plays an incredibly important role in so many aspects of your physiology. recent studies have proven that a "fecal transplant" (gut bacteria taken from a healthy person and put up the butt of an unhealthy one) has a higher efficacy rate than antidepressants, which have a marginal effective rate over placebos, while potentially adding lots of negative side effects. Also a recent studied showed that fecal transplants cured chronic migraines in 30% of test subjects - an incredibly high rate for an early study.

You don't need any other supplements than that. There is a huge snake oil market in supplements, but these 3 are well proven.

mdma... alot of mdma

Yeah I'm sure Tesla, Einstein, Euler, and everyone who ever accomplished anything felt real bad about isolating themselves and being comfortable with that isolation.

Learn how to not be a piece of shit you faggot nigger.

Thanks, will look into those.

Oh shit. My bad, I forgot Dindu's like you couldn't possibly develop any interesting hobbies or professions to fill there time.

Feel free to be a pathetic nigger, mah bad user.

We're talking about social anxiety disorder and how to deal with it.

Isolating yourself not only makes anxiety worse, but it can trigger depression too.

Holy fuck user, don't you ever give life advice anymore.

You think these people didn't like to socialize? You quoted one line from Einstein that he likes to be alone now that he's older, as if that means he never wanted to ever talk to people or experience life. He lived a very interesting and vibrant life user.

Shit, if Tesla was better at socializing, we'd have wireless power by now instead of a forgotten genius who died alone in love with a pigeon.

Yeah my bad, I forgot that niggers like you exist. Niggers that can't figure out what to do with their time when they are alone, because they are too pathetic to develop any personality, or hobbies.

Yes. Feel free nigger. Pop pills and be a fuck bag until you die.

>isolating myself even more in attempt to cure social anxiety disorder
>social anxiety disorder gets even worse

Nice job, now hand me the bleach.

Let's just all agree to ignore this grumpy user. Misery loves company, and this user would have us all socially inept recluses along with him.

For real tho. Don't be like niggers. I'm pretty sure everyone here can agree with that, even the niggers.

Silly offended nigtard.
Mad about being so uninteresting that he can't stand himself and can't be alone.

10/10, would drown this nigger just to end his suffering.

I got rid of a lot of my SA by doing therapy at a psychologist. Im not sure about america, but in europe these people need a masters to be allowed to give therapy. Their methods are thus based on scientifically proven to be effective methods. Mostly CBT, and (once you're ready for it) exposure therapy.

My therapist also helped me identify the 'core' fear in relation to my social anx, which I later learned influenced a lot of other things in my life (like avoiding work/study).

They don't have a magic trick to cure you, but the good news is you can work for it, and at least significantly reduce your anxiety.

To be honest I think this is your best option. All the self-help stuff is hard to do by yourself, or sometimes just complete bullshit.

Are you fucking retarded?
Honestly, are you?

Don't you realize that people with social anxiety disorder NEED exposure therapy ?!
They HAVE to do it.
Finding a hobby that isolates you will do the exact opposite.
They can have whatever hobbies they like as long as they EXPOSE themselves, not isolate themselves.


No, I agree with there is no need to socialize if you can be happy and healthy without it, plain and simple. Socializing for the sake of socializing is stupid af

I wouldn't say I've "beaten" it, but it's no longer a problem ...

About 3 years ago I took a job in a software support department, I spaghetti'd my way through the interview, I at least prepared some questions so it sounded like I wanted it.

Every day for about 8 months I'd have to answer the phone about 20 times, trying to placate incredibly angry, stupid people. I couldn't provide them any real solutions because I didn't know shit about the few million lines of code they could have been complaining about.

It was really stressful, a large part of my social anxiety is tied to falling short of public expectations. When you're getting shouted at everyday by random people because you don't know how to fix their problems, it feels like total shit.

Anyway, after about a year of that, it's almost impossible not to become extremely jaded towards peoples demands/expectations on your behavior.

After a year, people would be shouting at me, pissed off they didn't get their overblown problem that really doesn't fucking matter solved instantly and I was just thinking to my self, yeah yeah, I don't give a fuck, nobody really cares about this problem, you're completely bullshitting me when you say you're losing 40k every week because of this problem, I give 0 shits about bullshitting you back and telling you exactly what you want to hear. It was very liberating to not give a fuck.

My hands still sweat profusely every time I pick up a phone, but I can do it without issue and I don't let it get in the way.

I'm seeing my fourth, first 3 didn't help at all, this one seems to be better but no difference in 6 months of seeing her. Also on AD but that's more recent, haven't made a difference yet.

cock and ball torture and exposure therapy sound pretty great tbh :^)

No, but, where are you from OP?

You don't beat it you just work on it
And ignore the clown telling you about exposure therapy you need to talk to a professional and get personalised help for your specific context.

> Sadly that shit ain't free US cus capitalism and takes a while UK cus Tories.

>cock and ball torture


NOT if we're dealing with a MENTAL ILLNESS.

Fuck that sounds terrible to me

Is being a nigger a mental illness now?
DSM-5 really mixed things up, huh.

Sure, learning how to be comfy being alone is super important for literally every human regardless of mental state.

But this guy is just being an edgelord for the sake of being an edgelord with an unearned superiority complex attached. "hurrdurp people are dumb the sith were right all along I'm so smart and everyone else on the face of the earth is dumb and uninteresting and there is nothing of value to ever be learned or gained from others"

I love being alone, but this is just unproductive when the OP specifically asked for help with socializing in general.

I'm whiter than your mom's bleached asshole.

Read about social anxiety disorder and how it's treated if you don't believe me.

I've beaten it by cutting everybody else out of my life.
Peace at last.

>No, but, where are you from OP?

yeah... it was awful. It got significantly worse after I learned how to solve their problems

The trick is to talk when you want.
Feel like maybe say something, just say it.

Be this niganon. Goes to Sup Forums for deep conversations.
Thinks Sup Forums advice is legit.
Can't be alone, because Dindu genetics prevent him from
Would be a suicide statistic if he could figure out a firearm.

This might be an unpopular opinion, but there is a reason alcohol exists. There's a direct correlation with happy people and alcohol consumption, and modern society would not exist without it - there's actually a super interesting documentary on that very subject.

Basically, as bureaucracy, social queues, and complexity of modern life increase, alcohol is a proven medication for that which when consumed in healthy amounts and in moderate intervals, can cure so many ailments of modern existence.

Also, it gives you something to talk about and a prop to hold in your hand. Just being honest.

It's all about everything in moderation. Socialize in moderation, drink in moderation, be happy and be sad in moderation. Be moderate in moderation - sometimes you gotta go crazy too. The sum of the results is healthy balance.

But I'm fucking armchair psychoanalyzing right now and I haven't even had a drink so don't listen to this old piece of shit.

>Feel like maybe say something, just say it.
yeah that doesn't work user, words won't come out

You don't even know how to greentext m8. How are you supposed to ruffle my unflappable feathers if you can't even put your words together coherently? I own a couple of firearms and consider myself to be pretty well educated on the mechanical and safety aspects of being a responsible gun owner.

no you feel like what you will say is probably stupid and obvious. So you hold back.
For me at least thats how its been. A fear of ridicule. So I just try to go ahead and say those too.

Hm, well, learning how to laugh at yourself might help? Say something stupid, and just laugh it off if it comes out dumb. Everyone does sometimes.

>no you feel like what you will say is probably stupid and obvious. So you hold back.
>So I just try to go ahead and say those too.
can't do that bit, sweating/very low voice noone can hear etc. kicks in

Honestly you get tired of being afraid and it starts making you angry and you do something about it.
If you want to speed that process up think of it this way.
If you take a guy up to the top of a building and tell him to look down he will be scared as fuck.

After a week of forcing him to do it he will be used to it.

After month he will stand on the ledge.

After a year you push him off.

Right here,got into sports/working out also partying more, id start smaller with groups of like 10 or so people then work your way up. Also i smoke alot of weed, personally ive never had a single issue with weed enhancing my anxiety but im very experienced so i dont know how youd react. Alcohol definitely helps just dont get wasted or puke. Once you start getting more accustom to social groups you wont even need the alcohol or weed

Well put my dude

Why waste a whole year educating a nigger?

Isn't that the problem with the current education system?

Time wasted educating niggers, when white kids could be putting satellites into space and such?

my voice get low too
But still your friends will pickup your words when you say something.
Also don't try speaking all the time.
It might seem you should but for me I found talking about things that interests me is easier.