Is this Stathamkino?

Is this Stathamkino?

i loved the sex scenes desu

too bad he's a manlet

Unironically love the shit out of it; it and Torque are unfairly forgetten in place of the uninspired pile of cancer that is The Expendables series

It's fucking great. The 2nd is pretty comfy also.

Not as good as snatch

well I am sorry to hear that

it's not true

That's the crappier Running Scared.

Torque was supposed to be a parody of Fast & Furious



paul feig to direct and starring pic related

Yes and no.
It was originally (as in when the studio Okayed it) just "Fast & Furious with bikes", but when the director got hold of it, he tried to turn it into a parody instead of a ripoff.
So Torque is 75% parody (which the studio hated) and 25% straight (which the director hated).
Definitely not "supposed to" be a parody, but yeah.

Did someone say Stathamkino?

In Crank 3, Chev Chelios must ______ regularly to survive.

Inhale farts


black lives matter

Fuckin funny weirdo-action movies. That Godzilla scene though...

eat cum

crank it up a notch

star in shitty b-rate action movies

It's completely different and Statham is a faggot in Snatch (I love Snatch way more doe)



One of the greatest action films ever done (Crank 2) and top3 favorite of the past 16 years (action film)

They didn'¨t give a single fuck and made a masterpiece.

because now...



Drink blood, its the only thing left that would make sense

Yeah. Other notable mentions include
The transporter
The bank job
Death Race
The italian job

Italian job is pretty shit desu