Why is it that 99% of suicides are directly linked to Atheism? Is it proof that a life without God isnt worth living?

Why is it that 99% of suicides are directly linked to Atheism? Is it proof that a life without God isnt worth living?

(Please discuss respectfully)

Can I see those stats? This thread can't move forward until you cite the sources to those claims.

They couldn't define atheism anymore.

Your stupid. Thats all. There's no proof that says most suicides are by athiest

Oh, man. I guess your right. I better start believing in god right away. Thanks.

What does it say about theists that most child molesters are priests?

Falling for this bait in 2017

I would like to tell you, in the most respectful way, to fuck yourself

Then do it, faggot.

Maybe because most religious dogma says suicide is a sin. So ya. You that dumb. Also OP is a fag.

That's because christians are afraid of hell so they just live their lives in misery instead of killing themselves. That's not better is it.

>Please discuss respectfully
Is that a fucking joke?

>99% of suicides are directly linked to Atheism?
100% of your numbers need citation...

I am not an atheist, I have my own beliefs about life and death and the nature of the universe.... however I do not need to be so narcissistic that I need to believe that an "ultimate power" exists who will heavy handedly punish everyone that I don't like (infinitely mind you) when they die. I believe that all dead deserve peace and most deserve respect.

Go guzzle donkey cum

That's how you make Super-Atheists, like when anti-bacterial soap kills 99.99% of germs and only the strongest remain. Christians should do it, too. They don't, which why you always see those babies born with no heads or something and their parents are like "We'll try to pray them healthy!" Enjoy your harlequin babies, Christians.

People of this site. I come before you as one who is guilty of the same things. Of lust and of adultery. Of hatred and sexual immorality. Even homosexuality. I do not expect to reach any of you and I will not remain for long, but I must serve as a witness here and to all the peoples of this board. Though you have been trained to scorn sincerity and to mock it, and no doubt you shall, I come to tell you the Good News of salvation in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect sinless life, suffered terribly, and died to set apart for Himself a people to dwell with Him for eternity. He is the Son of God and by His power He rose from the grave, to secure life for all those who would come to Him. A day will come when He will judge each of us according to our deeds. None will come before Him innocent of sin, but in the Name of Jesus Christ our sins can be blotted out. By believing in Him and His story; by repenting of our sins and turning away from them; and by submitting ourselves to His Lordship--this is the way we can be saved. Save yourselves from judgment. Cast off these chains and live a new life with new desires. We are all destined for hell without this message, without Jesus Christ. May you all be saved from this darkness and by the Word of the Lord found in the Holy Bible.

kek is the one true god. prove me wrong. hint, you can't

God is the global mentality. Heaven is how you feel when you do good, hell is how you feel when you do bad. That's what religion is, don't be stupid. There's not a big guy in the sky watching us. God wouldn't exist without humans. Religion is just a relative guideline that you can fall back on when you're lost in life. That's it. Self-help books do the same thing. The ''good news'' in the bible is just a way of saying: '' Hey, if you act kindly to others you will be treated kindly. There's no need for war if we all love each others. ''

It's really not that complicated. My grandma is really christian and doesn't believe in God but she says it's the only authority on moral we have and if we don't have that the law will judge what is moral and what's not and you don't want that in a society. Imagine if the government was the one deciding what's right and what's wrong.

Atheists usually have small cocks

I think morals stem from empathy, required for keeping a group of people cohesive and productive (groups survive easier). Other than that, I agree.


So religion saves lives? Tell me something I don't know.

Please be respectful, thanks.

>He lived a perfect sinless life
so that is what you call martyrdom for the sake of self aggrandizement.
If only I could be a cuck like gods favorite creation.

Lol once OP cites their sources and takes it seriously so will I

third this

it is known, czech

All OP has to do is say atheism and you autists fall for it hook line and sinker every single fucking time.

Every single time??? U need to cite that

>30 minutes later
>27 replies

Whoa, such powerful trolling

You fell for it too faggot.

I'm pretty sure that every single threat about Atheism has hit the image or post limit.

If atheists have a weakness it is the fact they cannot pass up the chance to debate a theist about their beliefs. It's their kryptonite..

It means that religious people are simple chicken shit morons. Kill yourself.

nah, I'm just here making fun of the faggots that think they are going to prove once and for all that god doesn't exist.

People have debated it for thousands of years, there are probably 50 threads a day on teh subject on Sup Forums alone, but this thread, right now, is where God is finally proven to be false and theism come crashing down.

This is going to be epic. We are a part of history!

Are you ok? Funny that you come here to shit on people and you're the one who gets mad.

fight me faggot

I will, what's your address you silly cunt

Can you provide proof that 99% of suicides are linked to atheism? I call bullshit, thats not believable.

Now your just pretty sure??? Plus... Who is debating here?? Have u even read some of the comments... ,??? I'm pretty sure no one is debating

What an absolutely horse shit assertion.
99 fucking percent? Top kek. Stay mad and keep churning out these retarded arguments religionfag, It totally doesn't make you look retarded.
Or...::dons tinfoil hat:: maybe YOU are an atheist and you're posing as a god puppet to make them appear stupid(er).

Well, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity also claim fucktons of lives annually and have done so for thousands of years without interruption.
Don't die huffing your own jenkem.


->(30 posts) Nice bump limit.

kek is a collective construct of /x/, a servitor built on faith poured into it by fellows like you.
tldr: kek is like "santa" you can believe but any gains you get won't particularly be the doing of "kek".

Creator deities are hardly creations themselves and do not require the acknowledgement by their creations to "exist.

this has to be the stupidest shit i've read on Sup Forums in ages.
your argument is basically the equivalent of a parent saying, "because I said so" when challenged.
end yourself.

Suicide is an Atheist's solution for everything huh?

Toughen up and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour.

My statement is a reflection of creation and creators. If a creator is implicit it is not a result of the mental circlejerking of its creations.

If you vomited on the ground you would not be creating all of reality, despite the opinions that may be held by stomach parasites seeing the outer world for the first time.

tldr; you are wasting your effort and kek is a joke.

These people died for a greater cause, Atheists kill themselves by the thousands every day because they realise the mistake they have made.