Movies where nazis were the good guys?

Movies where nazis were the good guys?

Inglorious Basterds.

Anything that's historically accurate.


The keep

inglorious basterds

real life

The Nazis weren't the good guys, they just weren't the villians.

Childhood is idolizing the allies

Adulthood is realizing Hitler made more sense.

Any media about ww2

>being this edgy

>being this deep in denial


>being this uneducated

>being this dogmatic

Cross of Iron

the irony.

Das Boot

real life

There is no irony here. Read some books instead of shitty Sup Forums infographics with fake quotes.

>muh 6mil
I didn't need Sup Forums to get redpilled on the shoax.


Yes, it has one archetypical nazi evil (the one with the glasses), but the other guys are just normal people suffering the miseries and misfortunes of war. It's kinda surprising that the most ideologically convinced Nazi is the protagonist and probably the most noble person in the film. To be fair I don't recall much of the film but they probably portray him as somewhat deluded, might be mistaken on this.

Overall it is a great movie exempt of the classical Hollywood dehumanization of the Nazi era Germans.

>Read some books that are totally not orientated!
thank you bilderberg.

>classical Hollywood dehumanization of the Nazi era Germans
Well, they were dehumanizing Slavs and Jews.

Can't dehumanise something that isn't human, mate.