Hear about tripping out from cough syrup

>hear about tripping out from cough syrup
>buy 4 bottles of buckleys
>mix it with milk and chug all 400ml of it
>feel nothing but my stomach burning and nausea
>realise buckleys doesn't contain DM which is the chemical that gets you high

Should I just make myself be sick or will the buckleys hit me with some crazy high soon?

What is active ingredient/dose?

Soon you gonna be dead. Sit back and enjoy the poisoning experience.

Potassium bicarbonate. Ammonium carbonate, menthol and camphor

A dose is 10ml. I think im gonna die

Rip Op

Puke it up and eat a bunch of bread with ginger ale, you have done nothing but upset your stomach, your not going to die don't have a panic attack

Are you still alive?? Because that's how you don't be alive

>cough syrup
Why not something with codein ?

I didn't fucking know man, i read eating salt will make me puke so I'm shoveling it down my throat

Send pics
We will suffer with you Op


Fuck dude stop that immediately. You are going to fuck your electrolyte balance and croak. Chug warm water til it all comes up.

> camphor
Hahaha oh man this is going to suck buddy. Enjoy your intestinal demolition.


bend over the toilet, shove it as far as you can go and wiggle it until you find the spot. Ffs dude how old are you?

Uhg and I was supposed to fap tonight
RIP bros

18 nigger it's coming up now

Good, because I'm really not sure how table salt and potassium bicarbonate would mix. Could end up with ulcers and puke blood idk I'm not a doctor.
I can bet you never got very drunk and tried to sleep, got the spins, and made yourself puke to just end it and sleep

Evacuate your stomach. Eat some bread and you'll be fine. If you can find Vicks 44 (iirc) it has just the dex and no guaifanesen(sp)





>when the buckleys hits


I'm laughing, but I feel really bad for OP.

I got most of the salt up but not much buckleys i think
Its hard to tell because of all the milk

You're fucking dumb. how hard is it to turn the bottle around and see what the active ingredients are. And who the hell mixes it with milk? Just why

I really like milk

>400ml of milk and cough syrup
>stomach burning and nausea

Who'da thunk it?

That shit seems like it will make you puke. You're supposed to chug the syrup itself only, or some you can cut out all the syrup and only be left with the active ingredient so it'll be easier on the stomach.

"who the fuck mixes it with milk"
"i really like milk"

op's braindead

You are the stupidest fucking person on the internet today. All fucking day. Seriously. How fucking stupid are you?

I used to think that natural selection didn't apply to humans as much because society doesn't allow it to. I now see that I was wrong. OP, you've got to be one of the dumbest of fucks around.

Aha what is going on?

How do you fuck up DXM? There are lists online of which brands to buy you dumbass

the first stages, darwin predicted this


"Ingestion of even small doses of camphor can cause fatal poisoning in small children.[3] It produces gastrointestinal and central nervous system irritation after toxic ingestion. Nausea and vomiting followed by agitation and seizures are common" - camphor
"If large quantities of this material are swallowed, contact a physician immediately." - Ammonium Carbonate

"Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention." - Potassium Bicarbonate

'Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek immediate medical attention.
" - Canadian Balsam

Literally every active ingredient is lethal in large dosages. Call poison control centre bro

Pretty stupid
It's pretty bad

dont even do DXM you hurtin little kid just get 'real', good, drugs. literally can get LSD online nowadays and kids are still dying over cough syrup.

Ops gunna die and im here all comfy reading his slow d.escent

OP is gonna die from his own stupidity. Kek

Buy Robitussin you fucking idiot

Keep posting OP your experience is the last thing you can contribute to in this lifetime. Tell us what you feel, what's happening, what you see. Describe everything you can. Do you have skype? I am fascinated by the prospect of watching someone die.