What is your opinion on Team Fortress 2?

What is your opinion on Team Fortress 2?
>Pic Related

Overwatch is a far superior game

people aren't tired of it yet?

I can't seem to stop. I'm 1400hrs deep and counting.

OP here, i lost the interest in this game like 2 years ago because the updates were shit and since then the game has gone down hill

Mei is bae

But would you let roadhog go full hog in you?

When I build another PC I will play it again, mostly for my unusual knife, "Just the Tip." It has around 3500 backstabs recorded on it and I haven't played in 2 years.

Fun, but dying. The community is fucking cancer.

You'll get to a point where you'll become good enough to find community trash servers and calve servers are just target pratice. Maybe you're already there, 1400 hours were enough for me to find the game not challenging anymore.
You'll try competitive, community one, and you'll find yourself against inhuman players OR in a shitty team.
Also sell all your items. Bullshit.

Trust me you have not missed anything important, the game is shit now, the updates are broken and full of shitty items and valve is no longer interested in it

I mained pre-nerf phlog pyro. Post nerf i mained demo

Every update is one step forward and three steps back.
The community is cancer. Hats are cancer. Valve employees are leeches. They don't even make stuff, the community makes most of the updates, the community holds events, everything is done by the community. By the good part of it. The rest is just retatded teens thinking POOTIS POOTIS is still funny

Valve servers doesn't count

>tf2 more like economy simulator
>if you don't have hats you suck
>It turnt into another CS:GO
>You have to pay if you want to play competitive
>the "meet your match" update fucked everything up, making it harder to find games
>it is dying
Dude, I've been there since its first release and let me tell you, it's fun, you can find a lot of ways to have fun like tryharding, trolling or some shit, but at some point it will become boring, stressing, you just know what's going to happen because the community never changes, and also as I said before, the newest updates are killing what its left of the game, but as long as you enjoy it, it's fine
>pic totally related, because fuck you

sucks to hear that. I played it since Orange Box so I've got tons of Vintage and Authentic and Unusuals in my inventory

It's one of the best balanced games of all time, no joke

overwatch is a shitty game for children

Sell them all.
Hats are what made me hate the community.
These people spending hours making their shit scout look autistic, and then getting mad if somebody with a gibus killed them.

got bored of it

>>tf2 more like economy simulator
you don't have to give volvo money
>>if you don't have hats you suck
because people without hats are seen as new players who don't know what's going on
>>It turnt into another CS:GO
>>You have to pay if you want to play competitive
both overmeme and csgo cost money as well
>>the "meet your match" update fucked everything up, making it harder to find games
they've fixed it
>>it is dying
the team working on it is smaller than the average indie studio, and they don't listen to the community that much

really dude?
aw damn
I was really into it 4 years ago, but had to quit Bcos the pc I was playing on was acting up

damn I remember the community, the amount of friends I made, how cool everything was

now most of them just grew up of it or even pc gaming as a whole, and so did many people from the Golden era of Tf2, back when guys like kitty0706 was still alive and played/made tf2 content

one day though I will come back, just for the nostalgia , which brings the question ; how much has changed since the last year and a half

I used to like this game like really loved it, but it just got bad and bad with every update and now i see what Valve really is about, getting more money by doing absolutely nothing

>It turnt into another CS:GO
more like cs go turned into tf2 but with higher sums of money in the middle

The game is great, but for what ever reason Valve is slowly trying to kill it.

For like a week straight I plydd on half empty to empty servers because of the Smissmass update. Oh and they can't balance for shit.

I would say we need our own IceFrog for tf2 but he fucked uo the UI in the latest update and did some shit changes so I don't even know anymore.

>you don't have to give volvo money
you know the... I'll give you X for X because it's worth X
>because people without hats are seen as new players who don't know what's going on
indeed, but the community can't judge them like that
>>It turnt into another CS:GO
You know the contract update with skins n shit (and the matchmaking thing)
>both overmeme and csgo cost money as well
Last time I checked tf2 before uninstalling it you had to pay for competitive (cs:go doesn't count because you have to pay to get the game)
>they've fixed it
how so
>the team working on it is smaller than the average indie studio, and they don't listen to the community that much
I don't see any progress tbh

what do you mean??

As somebody said the game is incredibly balanced.
But really sell ALL your hats. They're worth nothing. Join community competitive if you really want to know what real tf2 feels like

I don't think Roadhog gives you a choice

TF2 was the most played game like 3 or 4 years ago also the one with most revenue, but that changed when CS:GO was released, suddenly CS:GO became the new number one and since then TF2 has not been the same

>you know the... I'll give you X for X because it's worth X
literally no one does that anymore
it's all tradebots now
>indeed, but the community can't judge them like that
what do you mean?
everyone makes quick assessments about players and not having any cosmetics is a red flag for many people
>You know the contract update with skins n shit (and the matchmaking thing)
both were ways of trying to keep the game alive
no new players kills games
>Last time I checked tf2 before uninstalling it you had to pay for competitive (cs:go doesn't count because you have to pay to get the game)
isn't it $5 or something?
who doesn't have $5?
>how so
have you not played matchmaking at all recently?
there's a map vote and matches are quicker to find depending on the hour of the day
>I don't see any progress tbh
from all I've heard there's only 5 people actively working on it, that's nowhere near enough people to keep something as big as tf2 working properly

it is cool
its like 10 years old so new graficks would be neat
and the community pretty much makes all the content in the world for valve but they are lazy niggers and dont put that much in

Sadly but Valve does not give a shit about TF2 anymore so only 5 people are "Working" on it

the way valve works internally is no one is assigned to a project
if 50 people want to work on VR than 50 people work on VR
if 10 people want to make tf2 hats then 10 people make tf2 hats
I'm sure gaben could assign people but that's not really how they operate

not him but I am at that point and the game is great. I toss up a server and by the end of it all the bads on the enemy team are accusing me of hacking and pleading with my team to vote kick me.

I don't know whats more fun, destroying them or laughing at the stupid shit they say when the salt heats up to a boiling point.

Valve just grabs the commnity shit in the work show and copy paste it on the game

>literally no one does that anymore
well I didn't know about that
>everyone makes quick assessments about players and not having any cosmetics is a red flag for many people
that's exactly what I mean dude
>both were ways of trying to keep the game alive
no new players kills games
perhaps, but I don't know any possitive effects than bringing cs:go players
>isn't it $5 or something?
who doesn't have $5?
Muh money... (srsly that's just shitty)
>have you not played matchmaking at all recently?
there's a map vote and matches are quicker to find depending on the hour of the day
not really, I uninstalled it after I tried to play (it took like 10 minutes to find a game)
>from all I've heard there's only 5 people actively working on it, that's nowhere near enough people to keep something as big as tf2 working properly
5?? you gotta be kidding me

That's a shitty way to work

and they still managed to pop it off

Idek what to say after all the time I've given it and all the competitive matches.

That explains why Half Life 3 is not out yet

it's a game, right?

>well I didn't know about that
yeah, trade servers are mostly dead now, save for some autistic individuals and kids
>that's exactly what I mean dude
there's nothing wrong with it
it's how it's been since cosmetics were introduced
>perhaps, but I don't know any possitive effects than bringing cs:go players
people want skins
>Muh money... (srsly that's just shitty)
it's only for competitive, and I'm pretty sure that's mostly to deter hackers that just make infinite steam accounts to play tf2 for free
>not really, I uninstalled it after I tried to play (it took like 10 minutes to find a game)
when was this
it doesn't take me more than a minute in most cases
>5?? you gotta be kidding me
see >muh creative freedom

they fucked everything by not just making a episode 3 and ending the cliffhanger
they promised episodic stuff and fucked it up



The fuck?