Why do atheists have funerals?

Why do atheists have funerals?

Why do worshippers of atheism get dressed up in suits, dress up the CORPSE ITSELF in a suit, hold moments of silence/reflection, all in a formal ceremony for what the atheist religion dictates is nothing more than decomposing matter?

Theists' belief of man's transcendent worth answers why they do.

What is the atheists' answer?

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Good point man, we should just throw all the athiests in unmarked mass graves the second they die. No reason to let their loved ones pay their last respects. They believe differently than you so fuck 'em.

Funerals are only for the living. It comforts them by offering closure. No religion required.


>historically religious ceremony
>no religion required

>historically religious

no shit, primitive humans were all religious because they were uneducated.

That's not true. The Egyptians and Babylonians weren't religious.

Do you actually know history? The Egyptians and Babylonians were entirely devoted to their religions, building their greatest monuments to their gods.


"when I'm dead just throw me in the trash" - Frank Reynolds

So that we dont just have dead bodies littering the street OP. Duh





So if there ever is a zombie apocalypse, at least we can all die from the sharply dressed undead.

Don't you know anything, OP? Fucking retard. You should've stayed in school then you wouldn't be so fucktarded, you theist piece of shit.

All mainstream religions believe in the transcendental worth of the human SOUL, not the body. So theist, why go through the motions of a corporal funeral?

Funerals are more for the selfish living, than the honor of the dead.

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. Nobody worships atheism. Holy shit your dumb

There is no atheist religion it the complete lack of religion

You again.
Fuckwit, this was answered twice: for the benefit of their family and friends. It's about grieving.

Like an atheist has a god to offend or something by doing it ffs.

I'm not religious, yet I go to church with my girl sometimes, celebrate christmas and will close my eyes and bow my head for prayers with religous people. Because it doesn't harm me and it's polite.

Kill yourself.

This themed troll bait almost disappeared.
But you faggots keep responding.

Anytime this shit is posted, you must exercise self-control and ignore it completely.

With no replies, faggot OP and others will stop posting.

It really is up to you to kill it.

Christmas isn't a religious holiday and anybody who treats it as such is a fucking idiot.

How many times are you going to feed the troll with your fucking copypasta?

Yes, it is. It isn't even up for debate.

Ya how the fuck could anybody draw a correlation between Christ Mass and anything remotely religious!

You cant choose on it is an answer for your stupid question user?

If God doesn't exist then who created religion?
Fucking retard atheists.

how to religion:
step 1:muh religion
step 2:atheists are bad
step 3:things atheists do are bad
step 4:no logical thinking whatsoever

Frank Reynold aka Dr. Mantis Toboggan

Never heard of her


Good question. Atheists get burned.

I mean that's what they should do imo. Get incinerated. It's been done since hindus, it doesn't take space ans it has less of a religious connotation.


Why do Christians?

The "soul" has already left, so why care about the remains?

>the atheist religion


is it you again? Do you like stay on Sup Forums refreshing the first page over and over again to not miss a single one of these threads?
Do you even sleep?

wasteful and toxic, it's actually fucking terrible environmentally

Tibetan Sky Burial is the only acceptable answer

>it's polite.
>Kill yourself.

jesus christ

The dynamics of love, loss, and grief transcend all religions and non-beliefs.

It is how humans normally work, dipshit.

Funerals aren't for the dead. They're for the living.

i think i would rather dig a shallow hole in the ground for someone than drag their corpse to a fucking mountain, which btw are so far away i dont even know where i should go.

Actually, I intend to be placed in pic related and put in the ground with as little ceremony as possible.



I get you man " if you hold no value in my religion, why do you keep my practices" I ask this question a lot too. like why when God loves you, non believers try to throw my religion if my face to justify their non-belief

No idea. Funerals are a pretty dumb idea and burying people in metal and concrete boxes is sheer fucking lunacy.

there are vultures everywhere, and you could use pigs if you'd prefer. Mountains aren't really necessary. In Florida we use gators.


It's about respecting the dead. Would you leave your loved ones body out to dry in the sun?




Where i live there arent that much vultures, not enough to take care of ALL the dead anyway.

We have like bears, wolfs and lynxes. none of which i have ever seen or heard of nearby, in addition its cold here, the body would just freeze and not even a wolf pack would be able to take care of it, so instead of leaving it there for months to freeze, rot and smell i would dig a small hole.


Athieanon here. I vote straight to the incinerator. You don't memorialize people's severed limbs and shit so why make a big deal about the rest of the meat bag? It's stupid as hell. They should just give out memorial plaques or trophies or those window stickers you seen on the back of really shitty cars that say "R.I.P. James "Uncle Jimbo" Durquette 2-31-2013" or whatever.


Yeah, you don't want to encourage wolves and bears to start going after humans, but vultures are pretty good at eating corpses, you don't need a bunch.


atheists care about other people because they have empathy
theists "care" about other people because their imaginary friend wants them to and will punish them if they don't





Or perhaps donate their encasing (that holds the illusion that is "consciousness", per Abbot Dennett) to "science", like it was done with the bloated, cancer-riddled carcass known with the arbitrary appellation of "Christopher Hitchens".

The bodies of the self-avowed "rational","logical","science-based" "skeptics" truly can be a testament of "evolving" (or deviating) from being an or the image of "God".


The Jewish religion doesn't believe in an afterlife and they get put in mass unmarked graves.




>atheists care about other people because they have empathy

Circular non sequitur








Grammer what is?

to show respect.

fucking moron you are OP


"Respect" to inanimate matter.



