I just took 7 Xanax and drank a bag of codeine 30 minutes ago but I don't feel shit...

I just took 7 Xanax and drank a bag of codeine 30 minutes ago but I don't feel shit. I usually take 15 or so every few days, and the high is amazing but now I'm not felt shit. Is the my tolerance too high now for Xanax? Should I take more? I think the codeine nullify the effects Xanax no is sure.

Unless you're rich, you should cut down a bit cus you might have hit your threshold. You'll get almost as high again soon. -Also risk of possible heart failure but who am I to judge

Is there a risk to your heart with benzo use?

shit bro...
don't you know that an addiction to benzos it's worst than an addiction to CM or heroin?
I take 1mg of xanax and 0.8mg of clonazepan a day and I'm afraid of any withdraw

Take a bit more time between doses, i've dabbled a bit in benzodiazepines though not xanax, usually if i've done them for 2-3 days there isn't much of a high. Just sort of mellows me out at that point.

Pretty sure take more or slowly stop as abruptly stoping will probably cause a withdraw. Either way good luck with what ever is happening.

Well taking 30mg xanax regularly can definitely cause a variety of heart as well as other issues. Mixing codiene in there will fuck your heart more than the xanax will. So maybe take less but more frequently instead of binging every few days. But if you're not already addicted, you will be and benzos and codeine withdrawals will make you wish you were dead

Though stated in a retarded way, this user is right.

You can cold turkey opiates, and feel like shit but live through just fine.
Cold turkey on benzos like Xanax can kill you, and tapering is painfully slow.
Steer clear of anything more than once a week.

I've got 50 etizolam pills coming in the mail. super excited

anyone have experience with it?

You're aware you're going to die, correct?

No way faggot I only had 1 seizure in regab. Don't tell others to not be a pussy when you are

You sure they weren't giving you any other meds? Because if so you're just lucky, and how your body responds to a drug has nothing to do with being a "pussy".
I'm IVing 240mg oxy a day and taking 30mg valium, up to 300mg codiene daily on top and I could probably smoke you under the table you piece of shit.

Benzos can and have killed people, even one seizure can kill you. Sadly in your case it did not. I actually hope you keep your opinion on going cold turkey on benzos, and do it again :)

call someone pussy because it gives a good advice.

Have to go to rehab.

Rehab it's just for pussys that cannot stand their owb problems and need baby jesus in their lives to be saved.

>need baby jesus in their lives to be saved.
Haha this as well as having no willpower, or being stupid enough to get caught.

if you wanna have a good time and save money go with this convination.
>some indica, 1mg of xanax and some alcohol.

Of course they give you meds in detox and rehab. Then you trade smokes for other peoples suboxone and valium when your detox is up

and before someone says that those pill are not xanax.
Yes they are.

how do i get easy xanax? :(

Right, so his cold turkey from Valium was aided by other meds, and he still had one seizure. That hardcore motherfucker.
He's pretty dumb to advocate quitting benzos cold when he hasn't done that himself.

I have 4 packs of 7 days Sub patches myself, to break open in emergencies. Got them from another pain patient I met.

You can order it online without even using darkweb, it's easy. Codiene too.
I've seen people even selling them on Craigslist.
I would use darkweb if I were in the US though.

no fucking way you can order xanax online

i call bullshit

go to your doc crying and saying that you cannot handle the fear of death every day and that you constantly feel like if you were chocking on a bbc and you will get the receipt.

>bag of codeine

Currently tapering off of Benzons, it's not so bad at 25% reduction per week.

I'm not linking you. You can call it bullshit if you like, I have done it loads of times, the last time was last month. I found it through this amazing website called google.
I don't care if I get caught, the law in my country is very relaxed. As long as you aren't dealing.

The sooner everyone quits the better

damm son! that's fast when I did it I went from like 8mg per day to 7.5mg next week, that was slow.


you're retarded. you can't buy xanax online

8mg per day is still a high dosage, everyone reacts differently

>you can't buy xanax online.
Haha you're either THAT stupid, or a cop. Either way get fucked retard. I'll be chilling with my pills :)


BUT there were times when it was incredibly hard, anxiety, heart palpatations etc. When that happened I would give it a couple more weeks until carrying on.
The main thing you want to avoid is seizures, anxiety sucks but it's not fatal.


if those websites were so easy to find like you said, and I was a cop, like you said. Couldn't I just use google and find them myself?

get fucked retard

as an advice for everyone.

you fucker better go with weed, try some critical kush or G-13 and you will feel it

either shit bait or autist

Cops are too retarded, so are you.

Opiates are nicer.

had a friend die because of alcohol and xanax. stay safe

anxiety is a bitch, I still have it and panic attacks too but I always repeat to my self.
"this is not the first time, sweaty hand, numb face and heart going crazy, I already know this feeling"
it works... most of the time but if not I have some Klonopin in drops so I take a very low dosage, like 0.3mg just to calm my self.
and I got to admit Linden tea helps too

will do.

try stop for 3 days, do it again.
gonna hit harder than a train

Knowing it's anxiety and nothing real is 90% of winning the battle. You're doing good son.

cops know the sites exist in darkweb and that people order stuff

why are you so fucking secretive about this? there are a million websites that say they'll sell me xanax but how can I know which ones to trust?

Is telling me the name of a website suddenly going to cause the fucking cops to show up at your door? no. Chances are they're already aware of what websites you go to and they dont give a shit

I have loads of sources, and I'm not giving any out :)
Find it yourself dipshit entitled millennial cuck.

did some one else got fat after benzos?
I'm taking xanax and I went from 55kg to 90kg in about 6 months

I hate people like you

I've found quite a few websites. But I have no way of knowing which ones are safe, and I'm not going to take the risk of ordering from a random one. It would be real easy if a kind user just told me, but alas there aren't any kind ones any more

Common side effect of downers, combination of being less physically active and distortion of appetite.

i'm gonna give you a tip.
Go for the options with higher shipping price.
well, pills don't weight 6 ounces if you know what I mean

I hate people like you, and I don't want idiots fucking good things up. If you're this much of a dipshit you'll get caught/fuck it up for the rest of us.

Enjoy sobriety :D

so I really need to get back to the gym... or at least take my dog for a walk more often.

fuck off, retard

hope you die of an overdose

I could If I wanted. Unlike you :)

That or just eat A LOT less. Cut out sugar most of all.

why are you people fighting for?

fuck off, I have tons of etizolam and clonazopam. I just wanted to get some xanax because it is far superior

For keks, and ideological reasons. Maga motherfucka

I will...
men! I swear, is the fucking chinese food, those fucking chings are filling my food with opium, I'm addicted to that bullshit.

Uhuh ;)

carry on then

Yes, good for coming down off stims and getting sleep or stopping anxiety, not much recreational value though.

shiet! you are actually arguing who will die first of an overdose, and one of you it's really mad about it.

well shit... that's a fuckin bummer

what's the best benzo for recreation?

believe me.
better go for weed

I wish, but weed gives me panic attacks

and the high i get from xanax is the best thing ever

i am on 4th day without benzos took only 1mg of clonazepam each day reduced slowly to 0.25 and even for such a small dose it was hell

clonazepam is probably the most euphoric and also last really long. xanax is the best anxiety reliever.
benzos are very awesome if you have anxiety, otherwise they just make you more relaxed

A massive proportion of of deaths are caused by mixing opiates and benzos. Don't do that it's dumb.

Yes, I have horrible anxiety and it's honestly ruined my life. The few benzos I've gotten from my best friend are the greatest thing I've ever experienced. I had forgotten what it felt like to have no anxiety

ironically enough im too scared and anxious to go see a doctor so I can't get a script of my own

yes fucking clonazepam gives you amazing euphoria you just lie on your bed for 15 minutes like you shot a heroin and your muscles get so fuckin relaxed its awesome but going off is not nice

just order RC benzos from clearnet, its legal and some of them are awesome, although addicition almost guaranteed. benzos are meant for max 3 days a week. you can use valerian root extraxt daily, it helps with anxiety

well bro.
look for a not to strong indica strain like a cali kush, maybe (one of my favorites) use a very small pipe and smoke just one bowl per day, it's awesome with benzos.
I always take a pill and put it under my tongue 10 min before smoking that way there is not going to be any bad trips.
don't smoke indica or dabs, that shit will get you paranoid af

ohh yeah, weed with benzos is fucking great. but sadly I just cannot smoke it without them. I get super paranoid and get a huge lump of anxiety in my chest no matter how little i smoke

I was just rubbing in that he had no good drugs. All good fun.

Wat dat is?

dubs of true.

valerian is basically a plant and is also used to make pills from it, it relieves anxiety and often schizophrenics take it to make them calmer. doesnt form an addiction at all. although benzos are more effective and dangerous