Global '''''''''''''''''''''''''warming''''''''''''''''''''''''''

>global '''''''''''''''''''''''''warming''''''''''''''''''''''''''

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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""bait"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" thread

The Simpsons made fun of you.

No climate change, `tard.

>denies climate change

wtf measurement unit is this map using?


F Ds

Nothing standard, looks like some german temperature unit?

Are you really this retarded?

>can't even read the first half line of text

67 degrees is pretty hot though, can't even begin imagine how people survive there

Fährenhêitzdegreén, 60+ means bearable

Pretty comfortable actually.

proof that Canada is all gay, it's PINK

67 is perfect, mong

"Hey guys, it's cold in the winter, check mate atheists"

It's such a nice morning today in South Florida.

>mfw Florida shitbird trash people don't deserve this happiness

That's what I said, assboi.

i hope you get hit by a hurricane, florida

bitch, did anyone say they cared about preventing the end of the world or that they believed we don't live in a predatory society.

>looks outside
>good day for golf, but a bit chilly
>maybe I should buy a long sleeve shirt
>wait till noon and it'll be 75 degrees
>crisis averted
Another day in the life of a Floridian

When has the climate been static?

>it's cold in the winter


bro, everyone knows climate change and round earth theory are government conspiracies to take away our guns

stay woke, kill all niggers