I didn´t exist in your World until you read this Sentence of mine

I didn´t exist in your World until you read this Sentence of mine.

yeah ok, fuck off

Do you want to exist in my world? ;)

I didn't exist in yours until I replied

You want to exist in our world, that's why you made this post.

B-but why?

why would i want you in my world?

I'm sorry, get ready for a world of unyielding pain and an uncaring audience of peers

whoa man that's like really deep and stuff

I don´t know, tell me about it.

i browse Sup Forums and smoke a black and wild every then, thats about it
and fap

>black and wild

kek I think you mean black and mild, junior

you're fucking retarded

I'm not the one who called a black and mild "black and wild"

i would go back were you came from traveler

the show is about over here

>pic related

Huh. Thats funny.
I´l doing pretty much the same.

a black and mild and a black and wild aren't the same thing you old sheltered fuck

Just in case you are not trolling i would like to inform you that a "Black and Wild" is a Cigar filled with weed. A simple google search would have told you.

I see. I'm supposed to read your mind and know the specific slang you use automatically, then? You're still retarded kid. Learn to communicate faggot.

A simple google search would have told you to fuck off and get bent, faggot.

You are boring.

Says the boring faggot

Can´t you atleast try to bring up a decent insult?
Something you even put a little thought in?

You presume you are worth the thought, or that there is even enough information about you available based on your posts to make a thoughtful insult out of. Both of which indicate that you are a self-absorbed idiotic faggot.

hey,that's pretty good

An actual thought provoking post.
The last two looked like they where written by a 12 year old don´t you agree?
Is it usual around here that you add the word faggot on the end of every post?
Becouse i see it all over this beard, faggot.

If the word faggot triggers you maybe find a different website or grow a thicker skin. Anonymous image boards are about the content of posts not the tone, go bitch to someone who cares.

I never claimed it offended me.
It pretty much offends no one posting here it seems. You are the guy that keeps bitching.
Do you remember why we are even arguing anymore? Becouse i don´t and i´m too lazy to scroll up.

My god you sound pretentious. I imagine a tube running straight from your ass right up into your nostrils so you can fully experience every ounce of methane that passes from your backside.

I´ll just leave you with that image in your head.. I´m also naked, and have mantits. Enjoy your day faggot.