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What can you see from your balcony/window?


I can see some nice neighbors.

Your house is very close to the street
Also good numbers

trash and graffiti


My backyard

His backyard.

jkajkajkakjkjajkakjakj el provinciano seniores

isn't that buenos aires?

t. actual provinciano


Buenos Aires es una provincia :^)

habla castellano mogolico

Looks like Sahara. Impressive.

Comfy view. I can see Madison Square Garden.

qe lindo es ser amerindio wacho

My Bolivian fishwife, this afternoon while I buy oranges, grapes, bananas, pears and avocados for home consumption Mariquita Delvecchio. She works Saturdays, Sundays, holidays by default, plus weekdays, with awayo holding her baby. No ideological planteos on rights to rest or low speech any apologist for vagrancy is done, as is common to hear in European (and European) have imposed in positions of Argentine production limited hours, noon meal, morning coffee, afternoon tea, every hour for smoking, holidays and bridges, a day a week working from home under the ridiculous category of "home-office", which on Thursday is to work less because the next day is Friday, which Friday nothing is done because it comes on Saturday, Monday is at half speed because they alcoholizaron and weekend drugged while dancing at a festival with other alcoholics and drug addicts, or whatever is necessary to defaultear obligations labor. My neighborhood greengrocer is frost Potosi, Potosi Department, Plurinational State of Bolivia. Your children will be dominant class in Argentina. The children of today Europeans will surf history and will dissolve in the social irrelevance. Over time, the barbarians always beat civilians. Because the domain of society is to work more than others, work gives power, being a bum is losing power. Occupied territory, major cities, is a guarantee of future success. Withdrawing the country and the neighborhood closed to not run into Amerindians is a sign of defeat and guarantee of extinction as a national group.

>Real estate boom: ask for $400.000 for Villa 31 house with no deed

The bull market full of Villa 31 Retiro in accordance with the warnings duly presented from these columns. Impossible to understand for the socialist and macriísta Argentine-European ideology. National villero time also dedicated to voter PRO believed that the government Macri arrived with bulldozers and razed entire village, sending their inhabitants back to Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. The Native American and Latin American Argentina is in full expansion and development. European Argentina is in outright recession and self-extinguishing process. Native American and Latin American monopolize the city of Buenos Aires. Instead, European scared by the faces they see on the street and they do not like, fleeing the city, take refuge in gated communities, in country-club buildings and trellises

the european's house will be flattened by industrious amerindian

Really nice.
I've noticed that residential buildings in the US doesn't have balconys, meanwhile here that's the most common thing

In 15 years time, Buenos Aires will be the Bolivian Republic of the Rio de la Plata, just like it was the Italian republic of Rio de La Plata 60 years ago. Cultures, to be dominant -and this is irrelevant of the liberal regime or any kind of government- must constantly generate expansion of their own people, keeping alive the waves of immigrants, physically surround the civic centers of the capital near government offices, not country clubs or suburban neighborhoods outside the main cities, fill the police, the army, hospitals, public school, etc. The Italian and European decline in Buenos Aires is impressive. Italians quietly retire from sites where Amerindians arrive en masse. Back then, Italian food was the norm, and it needed not to be named as such. Now italian food equals chinese food in foreign-ness.

To occupy territory, the major cities, is a guarantee of future success. Withdrawing the country club and the suburban neighborhoods in order to not run into Amerindians is a sign of defeat and a guarantee of extinction as a national group.
The warnings were duly submitted.-


>doesn't have balconys

kjajkjkakjakjajkakjkjakjajkajkkjakja el provincianos senioresCAPO, one thing nomas wanted to tell you, I liked very much your post, really, is the most stunning I have seen at the time, is a work of art, without exaggeration, is something that, at first glance, might have been made by none da vinci, genius that has can be noticed from kilometers away, not even the worst of gossips might say that we are not facing a majestic view once every thousand years. I have not seen in all my years of life something of this magnitude, it causes you an indescribable feeling, an immense despite not having done any action joy, a strange feeling to find but fantastic, something like what feels a breeze a hot summer, or see the joy of a child opening their christmas presents, or just be with the person we love. Do not listen to the gossips who constantly criticize anyone who does not meet absolutely all expectations, just trust me to me and to all those beings who believe and admire such a great work of art. There will always be people who will tell you what you did not have value, but the secret is to ignore them, those people would give anything to have created something as magnificent as what we are seeing. Just as a man in love creates a poem to express their deepest feelings, or as an artist creates a work of art some time that not even he knows, this is how was created this post, in the same way. It may seem that I'm exaggerating, I repeat, but it is not, nowhere near, dijiese not exaggerating if I stand before an admirable, amazing creation, an almost greater than its creator beauty.

the european argentine does not have the will to fight, he sees amerindian face and flees to suburb

amerindian peronist national will use bulldozer obtained in macri-village 31 peace treaty to flatten the country club european.-
while the recessive european flees to contry club, suburb and ezeiza airport the amerindian settles in his throne as new face and ruler of argentina.-
Recessive european cowards moving outside of the city to country-club. amerindians taking over cities and towns. we will chase europeans down the suburbs and flatten their houses. the warning have been duly presented.-

this is the contry club and the suburb this is the village and the amerindian of the city dirt (You)

what they lack, what we surplus.-

Keep in mind that the Third World will prevail over the First World. The union of Amerindians + African + Middle Eastern + Asian will move upon the north, we will take all your positions, because your are lazy and afraid, while we work and fight without calculating human costs. You are the country clubs and the suburbs with children playing in the grass and riding bicycles. Instead, we are marginals of the filth of the cities.

We will pass over the First World with a steamroller, the present is struggle, the future is ours,


No me pidan después que sufra por los terremotos, tsunamis y toda clase de desgracias que sufre la República de Indonesia. Un país que impide al gobierno de Israel sobrevolar su espacio aéreo, en un acto discriminatorio antijudío atroz, de mi parte que termine como Karakatoa, al Este de Java.

Desde Lima vengo a mi Machaguay
desde Lima vengo a mi Machaguay
a bailar el mambo de mi Machaguay
a bailar el mambo de mi Machaguay

por el cerro negro me lo voy a llevar
por el cerro negro me lo voy a llevar
a la maraqueña me lo voy a robar
a la maraqueña me lo voy a robar

Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay

Si tocan la puerta señora yo soy
si tocan la puerta señora yo soy
vengo a despedirme, mañana me voy
vengo a despedirme, mañana me voy
Si tocan la puerta señora yo soy
si tocan la puerta señora yo soy
vengo a despedirme, mañana me voy
vengo a despedirme, mañana me voy

Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay

Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay
Mambo que rico el mambo, mambo de machaguay

It has been a busy day
I'm dying of thirst.
In the corner the vagrancy
Has something to drink
I am told that this mixed,
Wine and soda will be.
But it hit me so hard
Must have something more.
There I am, I'm crazy.
There is going to say the gilada
If he led a life of his head
I always stop with this swollen one.
There I am, I'm crazy.
There is going to say the gilada
Because the gilada does not have
The eggs that have this swollen.

And give it a go and give it to Güacha ...
And give it a go and give it to Güacha ...
And give it a go and give it to Güacha ...
And give it a go and give it to Güacha ...

Ocupar hilos, los principales "generals", es garantía de triunfo futuro. Retirarse al country y al hilo chicano pedofilo para no toparse con amerindios es señal de derrota y garantía de extinción como grupo nacional forero.-

To occupy threads, the main "generals", is guarantee of future success. Withdrawing to the country-club and the Chicano thread pedophile so as not bump into Argentinian is a sign of defeat and guarantee of extinction as a national group.

jajajaja ganamos
que lindo es ser AMERINDIO CON AGUANTE seniores

kjakjakjakjakj sabe pa

Same latitude.

a los cordobeses los ESCUPO en la cara

how fucking rich are you

jkakjkajkjakjakjakj AMERINDIO demuele mestizo provinciano, no viola derechos anales.-

I can see Madrid and my car

so paceful

what a nice pic of the city, saved


even comfier with this rain




Thank you, I took it this morning

A wall (the fucking irony) so im not posting a pic

i find amusing that there's at least three red cars there, it's rare to see more than one nowadays