Without being racist, explain why he's not as good as Stewart

Without being racist, explain why he's not as good as Stewart.

He's a nigger and unlikeable

He spends too much time laughing at his own unfunny schtick. And they've almost entirely abandoned the "doing the news" format to just be him doing semi-topical standup routines occasionally behind a desk.

Or at least that was my criticism of him last I saw the show. I finally gave up on the Daily Show about 4 months ago

He's not funny and is generally obnoxious.

Cause he comes off as a guy who was popular and a Chad

Stewart came off as a fucking nerd.

Whenever a non-American talks about American news, they seem like a prick.

its hard to explain but basically it's not him exactly but Comedy Central forcing a specific political agenda after a period of time. Early Stewart was based because he took shots at both parties and was basically unbiased in his approach. His schtick was that he made fun of all politicians, regardless of affiliation, because they were acting rediculously partisan in their behavior. Of course he made fun of Republicans more (in proportion to democrats) because it was easier material. But still, he would address Democrats being rediculous (think Bill Clinton) because it benefitted the tone of the show (a show that was a spoof on Fox News,CNN, what have you.)

Once the Bush administration was popping off, he started making up his anti conservative message because it resonated with those who didn't agree with how he was handling things. Around this time "the o'reily factor" was reaching its peak and Stewart had crafted a notable style of critiquing Bush in a way that would define the critiques of his administration. Not to mention that this was the time of the dream team (Colbert,Carrel, cordry, Samantha bee, fuck even Jason jones) were all a huge draw to the audience because of their on air personalities that would later allow them to branch out on their own. It was because we were living in a republican administration, and because Fox News was so decidedly serious in its handling of "conservative issues" (war on terror, war on Christmas, etc etc) that Stewart could carve out his niche with so called "young democrats/early libtards."

Fast forward to the Obama administration. Stewart starts losing steam because all of his protégés have their own show/have left him for movie and tv roles. He's competing against Colbert for his own time slot and is sucking Obamas dick because it resonates with audience. Now all he can do say "oh that wacky Fox News" and begin to perpetuate the political underpinnings of the time associated with the Democratic Party.

since he isnt american everytime he speaks about american issues he comes off as someone that looks at america and thinks "isnt that crazy? huh guys? you guys are crazy!"

its annoying.


Stop this.

He talks to the audience like they're retarded.

This isn't a bad thing, because Stewart still had leeway to explain that the Obama administration isn't exactly perfect but you could tell that Comedy Central was pressuring him to be specifically "anti conservative."

After all the original members had fled and John Oliver had fucked off to HBO, Stewart was decidedly liberal in his approach. This was never supposed to be the case. The daily show always was meant to be a parody of news oranizations but instead had literally become news for the younger generation of democrats and libtards.

Stewart lamented that he felt his reporting wasn't reflecting what he actually believed and left the show because he felt that he was pushing an agenda that didn't necessarily reflect what he believed. He accepted that all politicians are fucked up and wanted to point out both sides of the coin to the viewers and allow them to decide on their own. Instead Comedy Central was forcing a liberal/democrat agenda down his throat because it supported the personal views of his viewers. Not because it was indicative of what he actually thought to be true

This is fundamentally what's wrong with Trevor. He's just a mouthpiece used by Comedy Central to support libtard/young democrat viewpoints. all of his stick is painfully biased and millennial I'm content. He tries way too hard to relate to the generation that watches him and it shows. Stewart mah have started compromising later on in his career but atleast he knew when he was starting to become a puppet and left the show. Noah acts and behaves like a puppet. His guests are all pop culture celebrities rather than relevant polticians from opposing viewpoints. He doesn't challenge the viewer, he just spoon feeds them comfortable bullshit to make them feel superior in their own views.

He's betrayed the very foundations the daily show was built on, a parody of news shows. Now it's Fox News for libtards and young democrats

Comedy Central isn't liberal leaning, they've had South Park, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn and This Just In to name just a few conservative/right-leaning programs.

They would have to be, since they are watching his show.

Yes but where are those shows now?

Tough crowd is gone.
Southpark may still have some integrity but it is far from being a totally conservative comedy and only because they don't want to fuck with their cash cow.

I'm a democrat myself and even I saw how pressured Stewart was getting in the later seasons to "relate to the young viewers." It was embarrassing

I didn't read all this, but I appreciate the time you put into it.

>TLDR user thinks Noah is a puppet. Stewart had his own views he worked into the show

Too left for my taste.

He's too young and good looking. I want my fake news to come from some jaded miserable old schlubby guy like myself

When are they going to sell the show to BET?


>painfully unfunny
>dim witted

It wasn't stale, political correct, or reinforcing the social status quo when stewart did it during the early 2000s. Noa just feels like some nobody jumping on the political bandwagon and patting himself on the back

Actually this.
And I'm not even American myself.

Stewart was not popular at all until the show.

I guess Stewart was okay but then we went into a weird direction in his later years. Remember that "White Privilidge" interview for his book with Bill O'Reilly? There was no mention about the book until the end and Stewart begins his talk with "Let's talk about white priviledge". Thing came out of fucking nowhere and there was no leadup to it.

basically these

+ the politics of it probably being their choice to pick a black guy and not picking the best candidate





Stewart also sucked. The show was funny in the beginning due to good writers. It had already gotten very bad by the time Stewart retired because they were out of ideas and he had nobody to prop him up anymore. Only reason Noah agreed to take the helm of a ship everyone knew was sinking was because he was a nobody so that was a good opportunity for him. Once the show finally dies he will still be able to make a living from his new notoriety.

hes not as funny.... /thread

>4 months ago
>Not 8 years ago

Are you literally a cuckold?


I guess people simply get tired of hearing

>dude Republicans are all racist, sexist and stupid

over and over again

Black people hairlines are funny.

Because he's arrogant and condescending about America's problems like South Africa isn't one of the biggest shitholes on the planet.

>I´m a democrat myself

please kill yourself before your political party turns this country into another middle east and makes publice castration of white, straight men law

Anyone with an African accent can not give a convincing critique of western culture.

Its because Americans have this weird national pride and get insulted when a foreigner, specifically a black foreigner, points out any of their flaws.

I think its a throwback to slavery. " we owned those Africans, they can't tell us what to do!"