I want to think of Julian Assange as an information wants to be free hero...

I want to think of Julian Assange as an information wants to be free hero. But there are pending rape charges on the guy, anyone have sauce for these allegations? Names of victims, anything that honestly discredits him except the opinions of people he has pissed off?

i cant remember now google it but it isnt even like rape rape
its something like he didnt wear a rubber or somesuch

Julian Assange is part of why Hillary didn't get in. Just look at France and Germany right now. Without Trump, that would be us.

There are "pending rape charges" on anyone the political ruling class doesn't like. They're just mad Wikileaks blew them wide open.

I don't know about the women in Sweden, but I do know of a woman in Sydney he got pregnant and then dumped. And a sixteen year old girl in Melbourne he got pregnant. He went through the Family Court system to take the child away from her, then sort of lost interest when the kid started making noises about going to high school. And there was that other woman in Melbourne whose arm he broke.

None of them want to come forward because he's a media darling and he'd frame their accusations as American propaganda.

I knew him when he was sleeping in public parks in Melbourne in the 90s, and he's a full-blown Aspie. Imagine Donald Trump without any money. or Harlan Ellison without any writing talent. Or L.Ron Hubbard without.. Well. Yeah. like L.Ron Hubbard. Just the sort of shit to rape women and then claim "they wanted the D".

zomeone zaid he poked a hole in the condom.

He's a terminal fuckup IRL, so he probably found the condom in someone's sock drawer and stole them without checking to see if they were like ten years old.

Why isn't Australia hot for him if this is true?


Why do you think he fled to Russia? and then Sweden? and then England? The Australian Federal Police caught him fucking shit up online twice, and he's been very quiet about the deal they cut with him, but he's probably gone back on that as well.

This is why I laughed out loud when he announced he was going to become an Australian politician. The feral aspie fucker didn't even go to high school and he's got a criminal record.

So, getting a girl pregnant and dumped is considered a rape these days?

It just feels like Government, and corporate shills job to hide dirty laundry and journalists job to find dirty laundry. But the only guy airing dirty laundry in America isn't American.

oh, I don't know, is it legal to impregnate sixteen-year-olds in Australia?

Julian Assange isn't a journalist. He's dyslexic.

Maybe, he thought she was a Roo...
Did she look like a Roo?

What do YOU consider a journalist?

Compared to the corporate paid half truths on the air on every channel of television, I think he might be one of VERY FEW REAL journalists.

His accusers have ties to CIA operatives


Someone who doesn't sit in the Ecuadorian embassy pontificating to anyone who comes near while reposting whistleblowing leaks that people risk their careers and sometimes their lives sending him.

Surely you aren't wondering why Edward Snowden refused to have anything to do with him?

The same people who call Snowden a traitor call Assange a rapist.

So for instance the Pete Sampras or Orville Redenbacher?

Yeah. The details he posted about that American College Sorority's initiation rituals.. that was some classic whistleblowing right there. Showed them!

Power to the people!

... he doesn't have much to say, critically, about Vladimir Putin. I guess Putin is innocent.

> Polonium

That's right.

I see a big difference between Snowden and Assange. Snowden is a traitor, while Jullian Assange is NOT a traitor since he ISN'T American. But is Assange a rapist? All I get is a lot of hot opinions, nothing factual, Even Bill Cosby and Donald Trump had OPEN accusers. Assange just has a warrant with no credible reason backing it up openly.

... Khayman?

Julian, give that iphone back to that street groupie. There's a reason they cut off your net access.

>But there are pending rape charges on the guy
Pending rape charges which conveniently appeared right as the guy laid the smack down on the America Democratic Party.

If it walks like a duck...

Sir this is a McDonald's drive-thru

They showed up around the time he was dropping info on the Iraq war

Litterally juat look up on youtube what Assange has to say - he's been asked about this dozens of time and has been very consistent over the years. There's also the site justice4assange, as well as a documentary (which can be found on youtube) about this. Interestingly, there are no charges nor indictments - and when this first came up he stayed in Sweden for a couple extra weeks to cooperate and then got permission to leave (after which a prosecutor reopened).

The "rape" charges started with two girls who assanged had been fucking while in sweden found out about eachother and found out he didnt use protection with either of them, so they went to the police and asked them if there was a way of forcing him too take an std test, which then police changed to rape, and the next day his face was on the front page with "Wanted for rape" or something like that, obvious that the police acted on orders higher up, sweden is a total cuck to the U.S. I'm swedish

Not him, lol but the Director of Intelligence in the United States says the guy isn't credible, makes me REALLY wonder how credible the guy is. Like top spook isn't spooking even when he's not spooking.


Damn, I might have broke a condom on that too.