Hey faggots, heard a big noisy crunch from the back of my head and now my limbs are numb including my face

Hey faggots, heard a big noisy crunch from the back of my head and now my limbs are numb including my face.

What the fuck, any medfags here?

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ahem.....go to a hospital

They would just turn me back home if I'm not dying or unconsciousness, and now the right side of my brain has that kind of pressure feeling and sight is blurry, you think I should walk a few miles to the hospital or go to sleep?

your inner skelton is trying to get out

Via my brains?

ambulance or death

My intervertebral disc has been swollen for almost a year now and a few months ago my spine started to make those cracking sounds similiar to when you crack your fingers you know what I mean? One time the nerve was stuck in my spine, could this be one of the symptoms cause of that?

>now my limbs are numb including my face

so, you typed this with your dick?

ok I thought it just happened out of nowhere, I would still schedule an appointment but you probably might not die

Last time when I called an ambulance and they checked my heart rate (have had 7 heart attacks) they found something wrong with my heart rate during breathing, yes I know I do inhale and exhale a few times a day. They said I have nothing to worry about.

Don't be a pussy, if you can't walk to the hospital you deserve to die.

What kind of a pussy is you?

I don't even drop down when my sight goes out, you know when you stand up too fast and everything goes black? I refuse to fall. numb limbs don't stop me, lol.

numb, not fucking paralyzed lmao

maybe not death, only just permanent damage of capsula interna or sth . seems like stroke

Medfag here, could be some sort of IV disc herniation or rupture. Any difficulty swallowing? Try sticking your tongue out and see if it deviates to one side

Nice, nerve damage, just when I was about to begin a career as a professional video game player. Bought a 2k euro pc for that shit and all.


Stop, drop and roll

Tried, but my tongue started to do a helicopter, no wait that's my dick.

None of us can perform a neurological exam on you. Unless you have x-ray and CT at your house- you should probably fuck off to an Emergency Department.

it's too late. you died.

OP's ghost here, for fucks sake!

What does a heart attack feel like? I smoke too much who knows, might be me some day.

Oh well, sam well.
I go to sleep. not afraid to die.
Hopefully that nerve or nerves connect again like what happens when you get a wood leg.


Bloodstream stops moving for a moment. There are only two sorts of pain, blood circulation and nerve pain. Figure it out.

what shithole do you live in that turns away people with medical issues

people around here go to the hospital for a headache and stubbed toe for christs sake


Stop posting I'm laying myself down and seeing if I die.

PS. Started to feel the nerves in my teeth.

Medic here, thats Aids