How safe it is to eat a heated pizza ~30h old, it was on room temperature...

how safe it is to eat a heated pizza ~30h old, it was on room temperature? i'm really hungry and that's the only food in the flat

it's already infected with ebola, at this point it's a mere reflection of it's former self, deep down inside it's a zombie parasite, waiting to latch onto your brain and control you

Dude stope being such a fucking faggot and eat it - you dont need b/ to tell you what to do retard

depends on what meat is on the pizza but its probably fine. the bread/cheese/sauce/ is perfectly fine u just gotta worry about the meat..

stop being a fag and shove that shit down your throat op.

thirty hours ? it's perfectly fine just throw it in the oven

Omfg user
are you retarded
throw it out now!
tjat can create mustard gas and you can get you lungs melted
throw it out now!

Shouldn't be bad, hell even if it had mold all you'd have to do is pick off the bad bits, you'll be fine bro

is this somebodys home made pizza? or was it made by a local establishment or was it store bought? this determines how much preservatives the ingredients have.

Overnight (~12h) is fine but 30 will have bad mould/be infected. Buy microwave meal or don't eat

how long/what temperature?

it's from a local pizzeria so i guess that all ingredients are kewl and more or less organic

ur good then imo

welp, i hope i don'0t die you guys, thanks for advice

i'll let you know if i get a serious shit or something

Get it in the microwave and blast fuck out of it, it'll be fine



youll know by about 15-30 min after u eat it if you fucked up. hope ur asshole doesnt bleed too bad

i don't have a microwave, just an oven and a frying pan

i'll probably just throw it in the oven and hope i don't die

thans man

Put it in the oven at 350f until that shit is hot as fuck. The worst case scenario You get sick for 6-12hrs. I'd take the risk. Pizza is fucking great. I'm from Chicago that's all I know.

Couldn't be any worse than eating Velveeta shells off a fat nigger whore.

did it multiple times.
nothing wrong with eating old pizza

Are you retarded

just answer you fucking faggot

how old are you?

why does it matter? i just never reheated pizza like this so i don't know

I see what you did there.

Grow the fuck up and eat it fag. It ain't gonna fucking stab you it's just fucking pizza, better than wasting that shit

Bleach it first.

i do it at 350 and heat it until the cheese starts bubbling

fatty cant walk to store

i'm actually not even fat, i have around 70 kilos (185cm tall), but i eat like once a day approximately so my weight varies from day to day

heat it up to 360 degrees and walk away from it

That's like 8 ft tall bro

You've never operated an oven

Meant to go

There's probably enough preservatives for it to last forever.

No food poisoning, but you'll probably get cancer of the face.

Fine. I had a pizza sitting out on a back deck for almost a week. Ate it right there. Nothing happened.

did so

3 days is good

Perfectly safe. Modern people don't realize that most food is so loaded with preservatives and salt that it will keep, even at room temperature for days.

How the fuck do you think people did things before refrigeration? I mean there were ice boxes about for 100 years before refrigerators but before that they almost exclusively had to rely on salting and loading things with preservatives (sodium nitrate usually).

And they'd eat salt pork and beef for days, weeks, sometimes months. Sure, you may get some diarrhea but that's about as bad as it might get.

And day old pizza you should be just fine. I personally don't like cold pizza from the fridge, I leave it out and munch on it for 24 hours. Doesn't affect me in the slightest...

King of eating old pizza here. 30 hours is not bad if you have some alcohol on hand. If not Id suggest heating that Za to like 300 for at least 30 min, or until that shit is boiling. If it is a spinach and Alfredo pizza, than just throw it out now.

op here

it's been an hour and a half and i still haven't moved, but the thread is still alive wow

i should probably just heat it and post results

i actually had some hiskey kek but i'm still reheating it because it's just disgusting like this

oh yeah, it only has sausage on it (meat related) so i guess it's okay, it's smoked and dried(?) anyway
sorry for bad english, i'm high af

This is how you get food poisoning. Don't eat it.

i don't want this to be the last post in the thread godfuckingdammit

Just use a microwave, bud :)

Man, I've eaten 3 day old pizza that was left in a baggie in a lakehouse