The white men arrived in the new world

The white men arrived in the new world.
They asked the Indians who owned the land.
The Indians said, " Nobody owns the land."
So, the white man said, " Thanks!."

Today, people are asking the Americans,
"Who owns you?"
The Americans then reply,
" Nobody owns us, we are free people."

What stops slavers from around the world from saying, "thanks!"
( Communist China for example )

Other urls found in this thread:–2008

1/4 lucid


They're North Americans

So, 3/4th bat shit?
M.A.D. is madness....
Thank you for the clarification dufus.

This is the dumbest logic I've seen all day. The white man slaughtered Native Americans by the thousands to TAKE their land from them. The Trail of Tears was totally a thing. They didn't make that shit up out of thin air. So what stops slavers from around the world saying "Thanks!" (and doing what exactly btw) is the thought of committing genocide against people who are legally allowed to own firearms, and who live in a country that is a nuclear capable world superpower.

Suppose the politically empowered masters of this massive taxation slave plantation get a better offer from the Chinese?

You're assuming that our "leadership" won't sell us out for personal gains.

It is an honor system. We Trust the leadership to act in our interests.

Sadly, the most dishonest, conniving, sociopathic group of professionals happens to be the same group of professionals that call the shots for us.

Would you trust people like Trump or Hillary with your life?

You can tell OP has next to no idea how the world works nowadays. The United States IS the world superpower. Our wealth and technology dwarfs essentially everyone else. We have less than 1/4th of the population of china and could still dominate them without even lifting a finger. We are the only superpower in the world with nuclear weapons placed in foreign lands. We have the highest GDP per capita by far, and our weapons tech is light years ahead of any of the shit knockoffs from russia / asia.
If anything the rest of the world should be asking why we haven't done to them what the settlers did to the native americans.

You're also assuming that we have 0 say when that theoretical point of no return actually happens. Do you seriously think the American people would sit by and let legislation get passed that literally turns us into slaves? It's called "revolution", faguette. We've rebelled for MUCH less in our nations history. It's not an honor system whatsoever, and your failure to grasp political concepts is not my problem. Slavery is illegal, has been illegal for decades, and will continue to be illegal. Especially if ANOTHER country is trying to make it happen here on US soil. Amending the constitution requires the STATES approval before it gets passed to Congress. So every single state in this country would have to agree that slavery was totally cool, before our 1% even got their hands on the fucking piece of paper containing the proposal. It's not about trusting Trump or Hillary. It's about trusting human nature enough to know that we'd never let something like that happen. Even if it tears the nation apart in order to rebel against.

The 2nd Amendment.


"The only way to win the game is to not play."

>tears the nation apart in order to rebel against
In case you missed it OP, thats referencing the last time this question was brought up. The Civil War.

All I have to say to you is, Vietnam.
You're forgetting that the US is only 5% of the global population.

The second amendment is completely useless when all of the citizens have pea shooters. The police will be militarized. They would enforce the law because the mainstream media would run a smear campaign against the revolutionaries.

The general public believes everything CNN says.

CNN would use terms like, peace and cooperation, violent extremists, and anti-American/anti-democracy murderers.

They wouldn't call it slavery. They would call it necessary taxation increases.

It wouldn't happen fast. It would take decades to transition slowly. People wouldn't notice.

Civilians basically only get to have these:

Authoritarians would be using tanks, black hawks, and bullet proof hummers with 50 cals. They would have an entire Gestapo police force.

A violent revolution is impossible when the general public is nerfed and pussified.

lel amerifag thinking US is top shit

double trips checked–2008

Our recession caused a global financial crisis. We are kind of a big fucking deal.

Are you dumb? China can literally fart and you would be blown away.

The citizens have military grade firearms. And they use the 2nd amendment to KEEP those military grade firearms. Or in other words, American citizens are fighting with the same weapons the goddamn army would be fighting with, and the police can "militarize" (the fuck was that word supposed to mean?) all they want. The reason we STILL have access to guns is BECAUSE we keep fighting those who try to take them away from us. And if ANYTHING, trying to take our guns would spark a revolution WAY before slavery even appeared on the radar.

The general public distrusts American media sources, almost uniformly. You'd know that if you weren't fucking 12.

China has been farting for 20 years, and we're still right here. You need to fucking relax with this breitbart fear mongering.

Lol at your M4's when they can have .50 Barretts that take down fucking airplanes out the sky and turn people into mist.

Who do you think is firing those ".50 barretts" faggot? Oh wait. It'll be AMERICAN CITIZENS FACING THE THREAT OF SLAVERY.

Fucking hilarious logic.

You need to quit being a domesticated, trusting, piece of sheep shit. Get ready for your masters to sell you to another master.
Are we allowed to bear armed black hawk helicopters or battleships?

The second amendment was designed for muskets. It has no actual purpose now except to protect individuals from other individuals.
Yeah, US aAmericans are a bunch of spoiled conceded pricks. We need to get our head out of our asses if we don't want to be tossed out onto the very streets our forefathers conuqored for us.

China fighting the U.S. would be reminiscent of Soviet Russia fighting Nazi Germany.

Significant does not equal invulnerability. Just saying.

>domesticated trusting piece of sheep shit
You watched Zeitgeist once and now you think you know everything there is to know about "conspiraciez REEEEE". Don't flatter yourself. Its just another fad you followed, along with millions of other "anti-establishment" sheep. How ironic.

We're allowed to use guns, faggot. And the people fighting to protect our freedom are also American citizens who'd face the threat of slavery IF it was to get that far. The first group of people to rebel would be the armed forces, since they're in a better position TO rebel than the rest of us.
>with pea shooters also known as AK-47s
Your failure to grasp American politics is, again, not my fucking problem. Shit tier troll/10. Upgrade your b8 next time.

>a word literally no one used ITT
fucking retarded. the proof I need for all of this? multiple countries aren't currently trying to invade and enslave our nation. might have something to do with the nukes but hey, what the fuck do I know right? I'm just an American who actually READS about the country I live in. inferiority complexes don't suit you.