You guys are being too harsh on the new Ghostbusters cast

You guys are being too harsh on the new Ghostbusters cast.

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my mom died of cancer, you ugly gorilla.
what you gonna do now huh?

Why does she look like that?

Gorilla genes.

Did she finally get that dress once all the top fashion designers didn't want to put a rag on this silverback?

>fuck you
>no, fuck yo momma

So brave.

Holy fuck, that ghost tracker looks like one of those spinny light things you buy at an amusement park.

>insult somebody's mom instead of the offender

so her mental age is that of a 10 year old, which is remarkably similar to a chimpanzee .. who'd a thunked it.

It's like a limp dick. DID YOU GET IT?

but she does look like a gorilla. should I lie to her face and say she doesn't?

but my "momma" looks like a normal human being..

Holy fuck those effects are awful.

i dont get why its racist to say she looks like a gorilla

im not saying all black people look like gorillas

im just saying she specifically does look like a gorilla


We should always try to be polite and civil.
That's manners Alice.

Harambe biopic when

But my mother looks nothing like a gorilla while she looks exactly like one.

Maybe gorillas can't grasp the concept of insults and how they are supposed to work.



looks fine to me

until they put i light on it, that ghost looked pretty good

btw: before you people think this movie's ghosts were just CGI - they actually had a guy go through lots of make up work to play this ghost but then yeah they CGI'd him over.

Can anyone explain, why all the ghost are just see through people, except Slimer?

This is whats wrong with it. Authors of this new version do not understand the previous ones at all.

They could all be saints.

Doesnt change the fact this is a hollywood cash-in with an ill-guided political agenda strapped to it.

I thought it was pretty obvious. people who say the originals hold up and this one doesn't are retarded, that said neon was a bad choice

This movie's ghosts design is such a shocker... it is way too bright and colorful.

I have no idea who greenlit these designs.

Just watch this
What the guy who was playing this ghost looked like before they CGI'd him over (reminds me of the 2011 The Thing).

They could have simply used some other dark contrast lighting effects on his face to make him spooky instead of making him entirely blue...

>we want the Sup Forums audience!

they learned nothing from the Thing premake

Then it's a good thing you never got into filmmaking. Because no, that's not fine.

What's a momma one

call your mom an ugly, dead gorilla

he looked perfectly fine before they put the CGI blue effects over him... WHY THOUGH?

>all that make up to just photoshop over it

I was joking. Way too much blue shit on this guy.

And since when are all ghosts blue?

I don't think anyone involved in this alleged film knows anything about film making

this, what a fucking terrible idea

was that rhetorical? you know it's because this reboot is creatively bankrupt.

yeah i know, see me

since Avatar made a bunch of money.

same reason all the JW dinos had that shitty bluish tint

Please tell me this image is fake... those dinosaurs look like they are from some 2005 video game cutscene

Here, we have the same concept, but done more in a more fantastical way. One thing about the ghosts from the original movies is they virtually became creatures when they became ghosts.

Somehow, filmmakers became convinced modern audiences wouldn't respond to this; so they made their ghosts look like glowing Walking Dead rejects.

Oh and the logo became a monster because it's "clever"

Exactly! There's no variety! It's like they wanted to cut costs by having everything be a human and blue.

>Do you see that? The eyes!

What the fuck kind of delivery was this



doesn't matter, it's CG and Cameronblue, that's what the kids want

No, no, electric lights strapped on is plenty. We're good!

I can't believe they had T Rex nod in this scene... it was so ridiculous otherwise I enjoyed the fight.

>the eyes!

jesus christ is this some bad acting meme

Like the movie is supposed to be self-aware but in doing so just makes it feel disingenuous.

They're not paranormal investigators shooting the breeze, they're LOLSOFUNNY SUPER WACKY COMEDIANS playing at Ghostbusters.

Haven't seen something so forced since the "I wouldn't buy that for a dollar" line in Robocop 2014

It stands for 'north korea' , they changed it but kept the shirt.

I don't know, maybe they're just good guys

Kate is getting annoyed seeing Wiig constantly covered in slime

>machine learning algorithms after taking hundreds of thousands of photos of gorillas into its records saw a picture of two blacks and identified the picture to be similar enough to all the other gorillas pics to be labeled as a picture of gorillas
It's the most unbiased, least racist comparison that you can get. The computer is just honest.

I mean. I don't have a problem with her existence
Nor do I have a problem with her accepting the part in the movie
It was an oppurtunity presented to her and I have no problem that she took it
I just have a problem with the movie as a whole and who ever decided to butcher its legacy

I want to watch a shitty ghostbusters camrip with Sup Forums and laugh

It reminds me of Tommy Wiseau's The Room which is what makes it so funny

If you call me a gorilla,of course I do, it's obvious.. but I'm going to lie and say your mom looks like one anyway

Whose career is dead now?

And still they had to apologise for it like they did something wrong


and I want to smash your face in for even suggesting that


nerdy villain guy's

Obviously the sheboon. Maybe McKinnon, but she's hot.

Let me hug you

have y'all pre-ordered your tickets yet ? My cinema is totally sold out

Leslie Jones is everything Armond White hates about niggers, but is that enough for him to actually crush the movie?



the whole scene was cringe as fuck

>vidya CG
>poorly paced ramping and music
>extreme close-up with at least five mandatory bite-into-the-camera 3D moment
>slow-mo raptor rescue and zero gravity jump show
>mosasaurus' ebin return to perform the exact same fucking scene we saw twice already

I know you won't believe me, but I really wanted to like it.

It's gets worse with each new clip.

It's really quite impressive how bad this shit actually is.

>works in entertainment
>in public eye
>has strong, stereotypical black features including heavy brow, flat, wide nose, and protruding, wide mouth
>main shtick is whoopin' and howling on stage
>upset people make obvious association based on physical appearance and actions.

What did she expect?
If you're ugly in the public eye, you have to have some personality to back it up, but if all you're doing is screaming about "how whyte womenz is" and "yuz gonta be street nagga, sheit!" then people will look down on you. Even fucking hood-rat thugs with lucky charms tattooed on their faces and living with their mommas look down on Leslie Jones.

>I'm so fucking ghetto, black and loud haha
>hey stop pointing out I'm so ghetto, black and loud

Fucking ugly gorilla fuck you

this is what women, liberals and feminists do on a daily basis though, shouldn't be too surprising

Do you think somewhere out there a group of evil filmmakers concoct these bad movies just to see how we'll react?
I'm starting to suspect that this is some sort of evil plot to garner publicity by making deliberately bad movies and using our backlash as fuel for their plans.

I don't think so but the way they CGI'd over amazing practical make up for this guy who plays one of the ghosts has to be some kind of joke
there cannot be someone so serious to think this blue visual effects looks scary or realistic

the ghosts in the original were designed to look creepy
they were created to be scary, even gross looking.

These ghosts were designed to look like things you would see at an Amusement Park like Universal or Disney.

these ghosts look like ghosts of a theme park ride..

why does it looks like it was produced for television? the lighting and camera work is garbage. i thought this fieg guy has been making movies for a while.

not even that mad about the CGI but
>that acting
holy fuck, they are really fucking bad at acting. And that fucking script, holy shit

Why are there so many threads about this woman ?

acting almost on par with this


This hyper-nigger is a comedian?

How is it racist? She literally does look like one. Even if she was white she'd look like one.

And on top of that her character is as stereotypical as it gets!