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>one of them has normal hands
>the other has massive paw-hands

me irl




choke on my dick am




i love you





>getting jizz and lube all over the carpet
motherfucker do you know how much of a hassle it is to get that shit out

youre not funny


Yah, but sometimes it's worth the clean up.

I'm serious.

You could just put a fucking towel down on the floor.


yeah but youre not funny either

I agree, but sometimes in the heat of the moment you forget.

get these tits outta here


lol john scares put a FUCKING towel


Curses. My dreams of being a stand-up comedian are dashed forever

Bah. Just keep a spare towel where you keep your lube. Planning ahead so you don't need to prepare

▲▲ DID I DO IT????????????


Can you stop typing like this. It looks stupid. This is a g/fur thread not a reddit simulator.

That's still preparation though.

so as we can see here there is no life of the hack and yes so safety is number 1 prororoty

>not reddit

Maybe preparation is the wrong word, but you get what I mean

I guess so. Maybe we'll do that from now on.

lol its hiii yena (macre)


You mean so that you will already be prepared.



ha ha!

guys am i a gfur yet am i still relevant am i still funny

mop me

scouts code etc etc

looks like he didn't use enough saftey

get that bdsm bullshit out of here

fucks sake lmfao

you know what else you didnt use
your brain to think about the need of this reply

am I a furry yet?




fuck off




please die

guys what do you think of her is she a good g Fur

retix is that you




lol Saka_moto










can you guys like not post cringy shit
pic related is way cooler

I'm not clicking that because it would require more effort than I am willing to expend.

lol gay


yet you do the effort of typing a long ass comment
k den.

funny tube news

I think I threw up a little

like the Lion King song

its alternate universe hanzo and his brother


AM loves fatties.

oh my fucking god shut up

here i hope you fucking die and throw up all over your keyboard

That one is fine. He doesn't have a Healthy American Body

i think i threw up all over my fucking table

Typing takes a few seconds. That's clicking, then navigating to the tab, then reading a whole big thing. That's three things, typing is one thing.

I don't get the reference.

"Can You Feel the Love Tonight" by Elton John?

well and youre fucking cringe
can you finally vomit now

hello am DASHIE GAMES what game should i play TODAY

Close enough

guys whats his name again i forgot? help me

horses are the most disgusting things ever created

That's about, like, falling in love and how that makes everything vaguely okay. What does that have to do with preparation?


totally agree brother

jesus fucking christ that dude is gigantic

They prepared by hiring Elton John to sing for their montage, otherwise it would have been considerably less romantic

Lions are often well prepared for romantic montages

hiugh manges!
