I've been watching this show called The Following, it's about a serial killer cult...And I'm wondering...

I've been watching this show called The Following, it's about a serial killer cult...And I'm wondering. Are there any cults like that in real life? Or is there anyone here who is sympathetic towards murder? My life is boring and I want some action

inb4 join army






Like what I really mean to ask is, why is killing wrong? Why is death bad? There's so many people that the world could do without, why isn't there a cleanup crew?

Go away kid.

im srs bro
im rly depressed I wann change za warudo

Charles Manson and his family

But seriously. There's so many people who are just shit, why the fuck not? The only thing stopping most people is the fact that it's a law. If there was a purge night, people would have fun with it. Overpopulation and disorganization is fucking the world, and all people wanna do is talk about it. Where's the real change? The violent change?

Too many variables, like what actually defines good an shit like that

Manson is just a playa

Humans define good, bad. You and me

he was a cult leader that got his followers to murder several people

Several? Not even double digits?

Thing about Manson, if you've ever seen interviews of him...He just fucks with people! He has fun with it! He's free, and it's because he doesn't take it seriously. People take shit too seriously, like death

C'mon. I want someone to really debate me on this. If there's no argument against it other than "morals" then I'm gonna start having fun


Fine since u asked so nicely for a response I will. Ppl are ignoring it cus everyone knows u either just want reactions and likely a child or ur just a dumb, depressed weirdo.

I want conversation, so thank you for responding. I'm not a kid, but I'm not an adult, I'm not fucking stupid (hey, I can use full words!) and I am pretty weird. But I am depressed. Who the fuck isn't? Everyone and their cousin is fucked up in the head nowadays, we've never had widespread mental illness like we do today. People are broken. Hell, I feel like most people aren't even people nowadays, it's like they're less than human. My whole fucking generation is lacking in conversational skills, empathy, self-control... It's a world full of fucked up kids

Am I wrong?

C'mon. Someone out there has to have someone they want dead

You people have become this boring? Just tits and traps for you fat fucks, huh

Why do you get to decide who lives and dies? What makes you so special?

You are clearly either so narcissistic that this doesn't even occur to you, or you are so depressed that you secretly wish to die.

Nah, I don't secretly wish to die. I know myself. What makes me special? I want to is all! :D In a world where people don't care for each other, why bullshit?

>my le generation doesn't have empathy or self-control
>im gonna go kill someone!
See the problem?
Life is the most valuable thing in the universe due to its ability to change and affect existence. The fact that you want to take it away from someone else is clearly some kind of power fantasy due to the fact that since you are unable to find a purpose in your own life. The complete lack of control in your own life became a desire to control others in the most ultimate form possible: power over life and death.
>people don't care for each other
that's where you're wrong kiddo