Could I pass as a local in your country?

Also guess my ethnicity

Spaniard, turk, serbian?
No, you could not. And don't make that fish lips face, ok, you are not a russian girl, thank you

100% fabulously gay

>Could I pass as a local in your country?
>guess my ethnicity
French? Italian?

That's a nice khanjar on the wall.

For sure
What's your ethnicity?

>don't make that fish lips face
My face is naturally like that, I can't help it

You're right

yeh, definitely mediterranean

Ooooooh, i didn't notice that, nice find Ivan.
We know all know where you are from. Turkey? Iran? Serbia?


damn it. and you call yourselves white, kek

I'm supposed to say that anyone could look like an american.

but I'd think this was some kind of western middle asian turkic sort of person

If he was walking down the street in New York with his earrings and really gay clothes you would think he's as American as applie pie.

I would think the above, but now he'd also be a fag

yeah, he doesn't look mixed enough for an american

he's got swarth enough about him for your land I'd reckon

Spic faggot

i don't know what that means
>for your land
i was talking about murica. he would be considered an alien in czechia

Zyros ya frauding framecel cuck!

if he's a spic faggot then what are you?

You could pass as a local in the gay scene in Amsterdam. But other than that no.

Slayer of Finnish pussy