Post which side you are and which place you want

>post which side you are and which place you want
>if dubs you get it
>you can take other people's place if you want
>when you take their corner place they are eliminated and their other territory turns blank
>last side left wins
For example! 'Nazis to place 3'

If you get dubs it will work. If you get trips you receive two bonus moves

you go first OP

You go first

libertarian to 15

Snek attacks dirrection of rose

Sovs to 2

Nazis atacj commies


Soc Dems attack Nazis

Nazi expand to space 7

Nazi attackkkk takes #7 space

Commies to 2

Nazi expansion for #3


Nazis to occupy #3


Nazis for the #8

Communist to 5

Liberals kill themselves beacuse they were oppresing the stones

Russkies to 2

ROOLLLL Nazis to #8

Nazis to take sector 8

Commies to 2


Nazis need number 8 for camp ground


Nazis take 3

Red Army attacks 9

Nazis in for 11

Nazis to 8

Commies to 9

Nazis 9

snek to 12

Nazis toll the die for #3


Nazis advance to 3.

Re rawl

libertarians to 12

Commies to 9

Sovs take 3

Nazis to storm #3

come on


Stalin March to 3

Commies 6

Nazis continue to push into 2.

Nazis take the libertarian piece

my brother
Also a roll for #8


one more time

Nazis 6


Sovs storm 3 and kill all capitalists there

Nazis to 6

please kill these edgy nazis, snake slither to 12 now

Libertarians to 11

Nazis onto 6.


Brother win
Also a roll for 11 nazi


Rush 3 For communism

Nazis retake 3.

libertarians move to 12

Libertarians insta win beacuse of pansexual power


Nazis to 5

Communists kill Nazis

Nazis fight for 3.

8 get for hitler


It's Charge 6 commie style

Nazis for 3.

another 8 get try for Hitler


Sovs take Berlin

Nazis to 3

Nazis push the assault onto 3 once more.

dubs get for number 8 hitler


Easier to see


Nazis finally retake 3

national socialism win!

Nazis WILL take 3.


Nazis occupation for 8


Re roll

Nazis 3

Commies kill NAZI


commies hug nazis

libertarians step on 12

Nazi expand to 9

Sieg fucking heil

SoDems to 14


Yes, now take out those commies.

Sovs sieze berlin

Libertarians sit there and do nothing