So this is what tumblr feels about pedosexual

So this is what tumblr feels about pedosexual.

Notice how they sound a lot like people attacking homosexuals back in the day, or anything tumblr wants to be protected?

I'm having a laugh over here.

Other urls found in this thread:




tbh something is wrong with you if you defend niggers as well but I'd get burnt by them if I said this in front of them





So much hate... When will this horrible prejudice and bigotry end?

Remember is #clovergender not pedosexual!

Also, we should reply that "get a treatment" is what gays had been told in the past

Wasn't there some retards who were saying that assuming gender for children should be illegal because they cannot yet say which gender they prefer?

If newborns should not be called a male or female without their consent, how is consent from a 10 year old weird.

Nevertheless, I hope this meme doesn't turn into another movement.

They atleast have this much common sense, right?

>Nevertheless, I hope this meme doesn't turn into another movement.

why not?

I hope so... but with the current times memes like these are dangerous potenial double edge swords.

A fucking gorilla was turned into a movement. You think this won't?

If any of em use the argument that pedophilia is illegal, tell em that homosexuality also used to be illegal. I can't believe this meme actualy took off. Kek

We already got enough people on this earth.

We don't need even more.

In the past people used to get married at 9/10/12 etc. etc. Because they thought that once puberty starts, a person became an adult.

But nowadays, we regard that the end of puberty marks the start of an adult life.

In the future, legal age for marriage has more chances for going up than down.

Hell, at the rate the world's going now, I wouldn't be surprised if some faggots outlawed marriage altogether.

We are not getting civilised. We're the same way we were thiusands of year ago.

Increased intelligence didn't make us civilised. It just made it easier to hide ourselves.

NAMBLA applied to the UN for recognition of Man/Boy love 20 years after the Stonewall riots. There's people at work on this, it's no secret, social media has walked right into it.

That shit was so fucking cringy.

Atleast now we know just how desperate some people are.

Look at youtune for example. People qhose channels should've died 2 or 3 years ago are trying to stay 'hip' and complaining about changing policies just because they can't accept the fact that people moved on. The idea that some people could grow tired of their cringy, repitative, unfunny shit is somehow lost to them.

>Because they thought that once puberty starts, a person became an adult.
Nobody thought that, if they did they ended up killing kids in childbirth and that tribe struggled to prosper.
Children are still being betrothed to much older men, or other children, as a way of tying families together. They aren't allowed to have sex until they are old enough to actually have a child without dying, but some places are more strict than others.
Places in the Middle East it's said: Women are for children, boys are for pleasure. Try to understand the reality that little gem came from. If you disagree with them, they think you have some problem or are weak somehow.

Sorry,but if you/re a kiddie diddler--you should either seek counceling or have your testicles removed.
guys help me out here we need to bait some more.

The shitty name was to appeal to the 'sweet tumblr community'

Yea they want me to join tumblr to view thread. That is one community of cucks I refuse to be a part of.

yep, same goes for homosexuals

Couldn't agree more.

"Homosexuality is not a choice, it's a condition"

-So you sayin they are sick?

"No, they have hormone imbalance an other shit"

-Thats the defition of sick. All you're saying is that homosexuals have hormone problems and/or are mentally confused/challenged. Would you deny a disabled man from getting a bionic arm? Why would you stop a gay person from becoming straight then?


Fucking a child and fucking an adult the same sex is very different. Comparing the two is retarded.

Shits legal in Oregon. Look up the Dymond Damily. 40 years and going strong even state support. All you have to has is a church (Kenton Prepeterian church, ) A pastor and his family member working for CPS, and a family thats all cool with it. Think Im jokeing? This shits TOO sick for Sup Forums.

Question, how does one actualy deal with pedos that don't want to be dangerous. It is a sexual orientetion, so you can't "cure" them of it. So what do they do with them? pump them full of drugs that lower libido, or is it something else.

You could say that cloversexuals don't intend to have actual sex with a child. But they have this fantasy about having sexual relations with the person that the child will transform into in the future.

Kind of like they want to be there for them from the start or some shit.

Or some shit... I don't know.

Don't quote me on this. If you take this, all responsibility is yours, whoever you are.

>people on Tumblr advocating for pedo rights
>Tumblr's idea of social justice has gone WAY TOO FAR
>WTF is wrong with you, Tumblr?

Guys I think we did it.

>so you can't "cure" them of it
Pretty sure you can at least orient them to something else

The more we break apart the communities in tumblr the happier i'll be.

Sweet...Sweet...Sweet Victory

So wait you can do the same to all other orientations too, you can orient a homo or a stright person to something else too? How do the do it, with psycho active drugs or something?

>you can orient a homo or a straight person to something else too
Sure, Sup Forums alone made me bi.
Drugs and alcohol definitely help, sometime a mere dream can do the job as well.
"Just trying" could work too.
Also, look up the experiments from Dr. Moan and Dr. Heath,

But how does one suppose to function in real life, while being drunk or sleeping. You can't go drunk to work, and aside for bed testers, I can't think of people that can sleep at work.

It just has to happen once or twice for your sexual orientation to switch

This is how shit gets done. Just make it about women, tell them its about their freedom, and Boom. You get what you want. Just aim it with a femnist angle, throw in All sorts of SJW bullshit, you got it in the bag. Call the Movement DYMONDS NEED TO STICK TOGETHER. Never mind what it stands for. The only way to fix something is Fuck it up. Make posters, put them all over! Its the ulitmate Mind fuck.

no the reasoning here must be: At the age, that kids can consent to getting a genderpronoun or a sexchange, that is also the age at which they have the mental capacity to consent to sex. And the youngest people have been allowed to have a sexchange is somewhere around the age of 9 or 10.

I don't know guys in military or prisons get fucked all the time, but once they get out, non of them decides to become gay all of the sudden.

They don't claim it out loud, but they're likely to do it again. They simply don't forget about their former sexual orientation, and the same might happen with the methods explained earlier. The purpose is only to find something else to compensate