Need a decent excuse to leave the house so i can go smoke

need a decent excuse to leave the house so i can go smoke

help me Sup Forums youre my only hope

how old?

19, living at home this sem because its closer to my coop placement

wish i could just tell my mom I'm going to get high but i'd probably be kicked out of the house lol

tell them you're going out on a walk to relax

you're an adult, here's what you do
>"mom i'm going out"

Trust me, this works every time user

tell her you are going to DEFINITELY NOT GO SMOKING SEOMWHERE.

she'll believe you i promise.

Go to the movies

Say you are going out to get a blow job from a hobo.

Just smoke it in your room, and if she catches you, tell her its a prank bruh

Say you're going out with friends.

if quads kill yourself


shes on the phone talking with her friend so i just walked out to my car and drove away

hopefully i'll think of something when i get back

New years goal: Run every Saturday night no matter what

well shit

roll i guess


>be OP
>be wanting to get high and fucked up like every other degenerate millenial
>use smol brain to find excuse to dupe parents
>find no excuse
>ask us Sup Forumstards to find an excuse instead

Seriously user

Spit in my fucking mouth idiot

"I'm going to hang myself and livestream it."

>trying to lie to your parents so you can go smoke somewhere

are you fucking 12?

No but I need money for school and if my family finds out I smoke weed then rip money

Also my mom would probably lose custody of my lil bro if he told his dad

it literally doesn't get any easier than this
>I'm going for a walk BYE
you don't even have to say bye, but it'd be nice.

>i am now going to leave the house for a smoke
worx every time

>money for school
>buying drugs with the money your parents give you for school
no wonder you don't have money in the first place, you are a degenerate

>not being able to get weed and pay for school
what are you fucking gay?

Just say you are going out... of its an issue just say you went out to play bollards with friends or some shit...