Some Pizza here?

Some Pizza here?


Pls Pizza. :c


cruz go to bed

pizza it is.

kid group? I've got lots to share



pizza is a code word for ''little girl'', a kid.

Go fuck yourself OP.


I'm gonna order a pizza for everyone. tell me what you want on it.

Look, the newfag has learned something new.

Just give Barack his pizza

>Go fuck yourself OP.
preferably not to the thought of little girls


an actual pizza or are you gonna post pic?

You mean you? You're welcome!

buying actual medium pizzas. not sure how the address thing is gonna work but we will get there when we get there. just making a list of what everyone want's first



Ima do it

Buffalo chicken pizza. Those things are the best.

Plain cheese pizza. I'm an Englandfag tho so I don't know how this will work c;

Plain cheese pizza. I'm an Englandfag tho so I don't know how this will work c; xox