So Sup Forums looking for ideas to secretly spread herpes

So Sup Forums looking for ideas to secretly spread herpes.
I bust the sore open, and wipe the juice on random things. Stuff like doorknobs, and drinking fountains.
Got any more ideas to infect people? PIC RELATED

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Go ahead, if you live in the good old USA it is a first degree felony to knowingly spread an STD.

I've never been tested. So I have plausible deniability

So then how do you know you have an STD and not just a pimple?

That's an in grown hair

He doesn't, and that's a pimple.

That's not herpes.

You are a fucking douche.

You got a gut like Randy Bobandy you cheeseburger eating mawfk


Herpes spreads through skin on skin contact you fucking mong the virus doesn't live long enough to infect others through that kind of exposure. If you're gonna try and spread an std catch a real one herpes is pretty mild compared to aids which you'll no doubt catch because you're a massive fucking faggot

What state are u living in so I can dubble up on sanitizer

Olive in California

Olive this one alone.

Burn in hell scumbag


You first asshole

get fucking aids from someone else trying to spread their std you fucking faggot i hope u get the electric chair.

I have da herps and it migrated from outbreaks onna dick to outbreaks on the right side of my stomach

true story

coagulated hot-dog-bun bastard

Sup Forums has sunk to a new low. STD threads? For fucks sake. Pure cancer here

potbellied mustard tiger

This is now a Phil Collins remembrance thread

Why is that a thing you want?




Herpes doesn't spread that way.
Lots of people have herpes. It's annoying for about a week, then it almost never troubles you again unless you're already sick or stressed. Pussiest STD you can get.
That's not herpes.

You got bedsores you chubby NEET.