Is smoking degenerate? Why or why not?

Is smoking degenerate? Why or why not?

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Smoking is just about the most non-degen thing a person can do

Shows character & commitment

waste of money

Used to be a lot more normal and classy, now it's seen as one of the stupidest things to do (and rightfully so, because we know what it does to your body)

Didn't stop me, though (I know it's stupid). People wonder why others still pick it up, but when all of your friends smoke, both your parents and many family members do, it's kinda the feeling of fitting in that makes it worth it.

My gf hates that I do it, so I don't do it when I'm with her or when I'm planning to see her.

But what do you plan to do after high school?

Well, I'm not in high school anymore. 20 now, but here in the Netherlands it's much more common to stay at home until a later age (because we don't really have campus housing here). If you must know, I study computer science and I'm interested in robotics.

According to the app I'm using I haven't smoked in 7 days 8 hours 46 minutes. Really fucking glad to finally be quitting.

Given that it turns you into a slave to something external without getting anything in return other than the cessation of craving, it is in fact degenerate. Maybe it wouldn't be if, i dunno, you only smoke a cigar every once in a while, or like if nicotine actually did anything worthwhile as a drug. But for the vast majority of smokers it's just mindless addiction. Which is no bueno

only stupid people smoke, and if they are really stupid they smoke dope.

At what university?

I see someone smoking and I immediately know they're a redneck. The only thing more white trash is picking up chicks at a family reunion.

Eh, don't feel like sharing.

What city

Somewhere in northern Netherlands. All I'm saying.

i smœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœkè

How would it be degenerate? Smoking is actually healthy for the body.
You build up a resistance to toxic substances and the slightly increased blood pressure is giving you more energy without harming you.

Social security number?

Campus Diemen zuid look it up

>If you keep shooting yourself, you'll build up a resistance to bullets.

Depends on who's smoking. If it's some teenage little fucker trying to be cool, it's pretty degeneerate. If it's some fag on a chopper, at least it fits. If it's a man dressed as a cowboy, it's pretty rad.

Getting addicted to smoking is degenerate. Smoking on occasion or even having one cig a day is not degenerate at all. If someone thinks less of you for smoking 1 cig a day, congrats, you know to avoid that person

Cigarette smoke is more harmful to non-smokers than it is to smokers

you do. it just usually takes longer than a lifespan.

I hate fucking dicks like you.

what is this logic?

smoking is a way of life.
At least when we get cancer we die faster than the people who dont smoke and get cancer.

Thus saving the government a fuck load of money at the end and making the government a fuckload of money till it happens

In both sexes, smoking 1–4 cigarettes per day was associated with a significantly higher risk of dying from ischaemic heart disease and from all causes, and from lung cancer in women.

developing an oral fixation and mouth/lung cancer isn't worth looking cool and whatever minuscule nootropic benefit it provides.

I'm not debating that it's bad for you. It is. But it's significantly less bad than smoking more than 1 cigarette a day.

Most cigarette smokers do not smoke 1 cig a day.

it doesnt even get you high, whats the point

I dick fucks like you

tru nuff

The head rush from small amounts of tobacco can be extremely relaxing, although more than a few drags will just make you feel shitty

come at me

When i found out nicotine helps me calm down from anxiety i had no chance. Am i degen ?

nicotine containing mints and other products are niceeee. does the job. good invention, for money

I suppose that's fine, at least to me. Anxiety and limiting yourself is worse than having a smoke from time to time.

xanax is also extremely relaxing

Much of the anxiety it "solves" is the anxiety it causes - the restless feeling of craving. As a drug, nicotine really solves no problems other than the ones it creates.

To the tune of a couple thousand dollars a year.

That shit is horrible I almost died 3 times doing shit while I was on xanax and then the withdrawals were horrible everybody thought I was high all the time because I would stay up for like 2 days straight. I can gladly say I'm 6 months clean :)

I have 2 French flatmates who still think it's cool to smoke. Europeans are so fucking retarded.


I only took xanax once and ended up driving, getting pulled over and getting a ticket that I didn't know about until I got a letter for not having shown up in court. Scaary scary shit

I have chick friends who vape, and because it doesnt stink and they're hot, I'm totally fucking okay with them

Everybody hates smokers. There disgusting, they reek, and their teeth are really bad,plus it's a waste of money.

Taking it once but when I would buy xanax I would have like 82

You should work in advertising if you don't already.

I'm laughing at you while enjoying my premium cuban cigar, poorfag.