Trips names my band

Trips names my band.

The make -you-feel-bads

Whitey and the crips

Simon and grafuckeduplegs

As above, so below

Settled and moderately content

The sad handjobs

Feetjob enthusiasts

Kimmy and the lords of the underworld.


meals on wheels

Judge a Book by its Cover

I won

But no once gets the reference god dammi

Explain the reference, you turbonerd.

Rollin' On The River
Keeping it Wheel

I get it, it's just not funny.

Rollie And The Baldo





Reach for the Skyler

South Park. Timmy made a band. Timmy is wheelchair kid.

Chrome Dome And The Chair Of Despair

No Parking Anytime


Crippled Jane and the Phantom Drummer.

Disabled and handicapped

Superdad and roller pig

this is just bad )'; i will cry for hours until i forget about it and continue with crying about my ex you MOTHERFUCKER

Duramp duramp

I'm fucking your ex

Is your ex a wheelchair?


can you shoot me in the face?

Legs and the wheel perSon

head on wheels

South Park