What a cunt this Lauren Duca is!!! This special snowflake can dish it but can't take it back

what a cunt this Lauren Duca is!!! This special snowflake can dish it but can't take it back.....

Now they banned Martin Shkreli cause her.

Martin is a faggot anyway

kek. what a beat fucking shoop.

can someone red pill me on wtf you guys are talking about?

you wish you were him....

would like to see you do better......

>Martin Shkreli

It'll be a cold day in hell before I feel any pity for that kike faggot.


I don't think he is Jewish.... but okay

What did he do?

shop his head into a picture with her. they called it harassment.....


haha, you got the pic by any chance?

I don't know if you're dumb, can't google, don't recognize clearly jewish names, or trolling me, but Shkreli is an extremely jewish name. Could only be more jewish if it was shekeldradelstien

>Martin Shkreli
FFS, learn to Google you lazy cunt!

What a fucking cry-baby stooly.
Is she still in grade-school?

this faggot shkreli stalked some attention whore on twitter and now he got banned.

I think my issue is, I can Google.........

On another note: is being stupid hard or blissful?

you know how to reverse image search????

teach me your ways mastaa

So what you're saying is, he has a jewish name and was interned at a clearly jewish company even though he dropped out of high school but I'm supposed to believe those jews did him that solid because he's not jewish.

You're gullible.

yeaaaaaaa keep churning out those conspiracy theories jr.

someone with believe you one day.....

No, you're right. Jewish investor firms are known for their kindness to high school dropouts. My mistake.