Just came across this which is pretty cool

Just came across this which is pretty cool.
Do it a couple times with a bit of force and it confuses your nerves so it feels like your holding a big weight in your hand.

Anybody else have any cool things our bodies do?

> Anybody else have any cool things our bodies do?
Yeah when I rub my dick it goes all big and hard

Weird as fuck.
Only one I know is that imaginary balloon thing you used to do as a kid

When I hold my breath for a long time I teleport to a different part in the room.

is this supposed to be hurting this fuckingn bad

the fuck man , i tore my ligament

you are stupid

Did you just assume my childhood?

Go on. My dad only taught me the butthole tek?

no you did it wronk. u must do it very quick and hard. just do it again and u see. u get better.

yea, op is a cock

you have bitch ligaments, it didn't do anything to me when I tried it. (inb4 I'm a freak of nature)

the floor?

Op here. It's not that fucking difficult haha should get it first few tries

Did none of you fucking 15 year olds ever play with marbles? The fuck has this world turned to? a bunch of weak ass weirdos who can't socialize without technology?

As for OP's picture, when you play marbles, you do those movements all the fucking time and NOTHING ever happens to your hand. The purpose of showing the "internal" parts is to scare you but your body does that fucking movement ALL THE TIME.

You fucking retards

actually this is good way to make hands longers. my hands just went like 2 inches longer.

Marbles does it in reverse, hence a different effect.

Yeah, I believe some men do it daily to improve length and strength...

The fuck are you even talking about, you fool?


It actually does nothing, done it as hard and fast as I can. Nothing.

marbles? how the fuck is hitting other marbles out of a spot with another marble fun? get outta here oldfag

It's not fun for the kids whose uncle fucks them in the ass and turns them into social rejects who can't come out of the burrow


>showing a diagram how to tear an essential muscle in your hand

Come on nigger.

I do this to practice proper use o a sword for larping. Getting better at it too. That muscle shown in the pic is the one I'm trying to make stronger. Which will make for quicker sword movements

I'll have you know I'm Mexican.

Jokes on you, you now like penis.

You can fly if you take a deep breath, squat, and blow on your thumbs as hard as you can

Do you mean the one that makes you pass out? lmfao remember doing that shit

Don't do this, it makes mustard gas.

I've done this really fucking hard and nothing happened


I'm dumb and tried this. I fucked up didn't I? FML.

the red pain glow makes this fucking painfully obvious

Instructions not clear enough, accidently tooknover germany started the third Reich then got my penis stuck in the ceiling fan

Depends... Did it work?

Dont fucking do this you will end up in the hospital with a fucked up hand

What the actual fuck.

I better not have just broken my fucking thumb fucking ligament.

I tried like 10-12 times. It didn't hurt, but I'm worried now...my arm feels stiff.


post pic or its not real

How the fuck do people still fall for this?

No, I'm seriously not sure.

One thing I realized is that I didn't put my thumb inside of my fingers. So I think I might be okay.

Still fucking pissed at OP for posting this shit.

the fuck are you on about?

That's true.

It checks out.

I can make my adrenalin or something related to feel good chemicals activate while I'm lying in bed.
I can't find anything about it online and no one has ever said anything about it irl.

My directions
>lay on bed in supine position
>be calm and focus on my breathing
>as I exhale, shut my breath off (simply stop breathing) with a little air left in my lungs
>While holding my small amount of breath, do some kind of body thing I can't explain with words, but I'll try: feel my core and body, activate the nerves through out my body, but don't move any muscles
>Feel the explosion of chemicals and neurons
>Calmly ihale again after a few seconds of neuro-chemical ecstasy.

It feels kind of like sex horomones: like when a girl kisses you but not as sharp. It's a full, warm, feel-good thing. Very hard for me to explain with words. I just do it. Maybe it's a form of breath play or meditation?

It is, i am 1.95 Meters tall and still growing a lot... My hands are too big for it to work...

>shooting marbles like that
you were the kid I scammed money from when I played that

I know that if you poke someone really hard on there neck u can kill them its the death tap i no cuz im a cool dude lol xd do u want me 2 teech it 2 u cz i kn do it 2 ppl my uncl taught me i swer

I'll actually give that a shot tonight, think I have a rough idea about what you are talking about with the core...
I love to try and just be mindful of my breathing instead of letting thoughts race when I go to sleep... Usually ends up in some cool imagery and/or sensations.

OP Back.
Who dun goofed?



the rolls are ok in here but the ambiance is not to my liking

You are worse than that stupid nigger alex!
This is the first time in like a month that that has been reposted so I don't really mind.