Hello /b

Hello /b,
I have a problem I new to take care of. What is the best, most readily available thing to use to poison an adult human.




Search your own shit

Organized religion...


There are some house hold products that are toxic in large doses, very hard to kill with though, most have smells and colors that make them detectable to you. If you knew enough chemistry you could concoct something like ricin but I dought it.



try bleach , maybe carbon monoxide, if you're trying to buy something then arsenic or some rat poison maybe.

if you can get your hands on cyanide. put it in the person you want to kill's salt shaker and then go on vacation for around a week. so the person will be dead and you'll have a very good alibi because you were miles away from the murder.

give them a few thousand hits of LSD


Polonium (a few micrograms will cause death in 24hrs) or cyanide capsules in the bloodstream

Seriously, you pussies? These are your answers!? Fucking, potassium overdose. Literally feed them too many bananas.

Too Sooon

Botulinetoxine. In pure form its poisonous as fuck.

Who is your victim ? m/f and age ...

sodium hydroxide is a good way to off soeone quickly.

