Hey Sup Forums. How do you feel about the new Pewdiepie? Just curious

Hey Sup Forums. How do you feel about the new Pewdiepie? Just curious.

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if he was doing this kind of content from the start he woudn't even get 10k subs

but its not terrible

I mean he's chill, a little overkill maybe. But hey, it sells obviously. Don't watch streamers though

What did he change?

I'm not going to watch his videos.

If your curious just watch the videos you lazy fuck.

doesn't deserve the attention hes getting

Nah, sage


he's kinda funny glad he's the #1 and not some faggot SJW friendly idiot

he barely plays games now, nowhere near s funny as old pewds. i use to watch him everyday back in like 2010-2013. but unwatchable now, walgreens brand filthyfrank at best

he's kinda cool

this guy's got the right idea

I really like his content this last year. It's still goofy AF but more tounge in cheek with some actual grown up content. It just feels more honest while still being funny. Much better than watching him scream at horror games.

Whoa, hey guys!

It sure is different from the old PewDiePie, but I like him like that. Sure he was funny back then but I think is better nowadays, not giving a shit about what people think.

Play a game your self faggot. If poor fag play android games

He turned into a cheap version of filthy frank. But still funny as fuck

Used to like him, now he really sucks.

He has become a meme and he knows it.

>mfw pewdiepie keeps making these threads
fuck off cunt

used to hate him,now hes really entertaining

kek 12 year old get angry when you attack their leader

He's a lying fag for not deleting his channel at 40M

omg delete that post you stupid cunt

>swedish man declares his love for Hitler and proceeds spouts nazi propaganda on live radio (1942, colorized)

But he did.

>you still watching lets plays
>mfw you dont play it yourself

Still to this day never seen one of his videos.
Don't care for "Youtubers".

I don't think he's funny or enjoyable to watch. I'm also jealous of his money.

He's trying to be a great value filthy frank, and it's really obvious

he's cute


pew has always been, currently is and will always be annoying. i don't give a shit about her and i don't watch her videos.

Two fags that look at people play games and can't do it them selfs.

In my opinion user the new Pewds seems like a nice guy, and tbh his content is much improved. though i do wish he would do more actual play-throughs.

Basically trying to be like Filthy Faggot because the generation that grew up with Youtube and the Internet (the current ones) are now edgy teens who need suicide jokes and 'dank memes' for their difficult lives.

I never liked him anyways.

Who is these motherfucker?
Never listened about.

I used to think that 2013-14 pewdiepie was the best but recently his vids got a lot better, he's really entertaining now, fucking love him




wrong i may be poor, but you're the one defending pewdiepie, so i will always win

His new videos are better and more funny


old pewds was just a fake personality and it was so fucking obvious. but hey, if you like shitty actors..

I hope he dies this year.


He was funny for me back in 2012 but then I grew up and realised that screaming and moaning alone in the room isn't really that funny. Now he makes "ok" content for me. Not really funny, not really terrible, "ok"

imo i think he should have started over and deleted the 50 million. i think his love for video games is gone but his personality is still great. youtube is all personality

that's actually not a bad idea

I had testicular cancer and had one removed, that was funnier than pdp

10 games, nice meme

OP, dear, honey.
most of the guys here don't give a fuck about pudishait.
so make a thread if he suddenly dies.
until then GTFO of here.

How is his old content good by any standards?

Besides there enough of thrash gameplay content already

He was never funny I only used his videos to watch the wolf among us because he wasn't acting autistic and made good decisions.

>Hey guys, as a message to YouTube in an effort to coerce them into changing their degrading policies, I vow that if my channel reaches 50 million subscribers I will delete it. This will surely be a crucial step in ensuring fair play and impartiality on YouTube.

>SIKE! It was all just a joke for media attention!

He's a fucking cunt.

wow, 40hours on a game. such badass 1337 g4mur.

bring back 2007naCh plz.

Clearly his content is gold and he's not a cuck faggot

There wasn't any content to begin with. He just got there by accident. Beside the monetary aspect, his channel is worthless.

Is he our guy


It's like he's gotten tired of his target audience being le 9gag epic meme troop. He's more in line with h3h3, filthy frank and the others. I still don't really watch him, but he's hell of a lot better than before.

Filthy frank doesnt upload nearly as frequently and his recent stuff is pretty shit tbh. The album is meh on all levels

I think people only make this comparison out of the similar voice felix does, I only started watching him last october.

This too

40 hours on postal 2 tho

He is trying to be edgy. (Read: Imitating filthy frank)

His content is more about social commentary and issues in our society.

Essentially none of his videos feature video games.

Also this.

>watching people overreact to video games
Why do people enjoy this heinous thrash?

Didnt care then, dont care now.
I think he lacks humor and wit.
Is a fucking faggot that got rich by screaming into a webcam like an Austic cunt.
Do i care?

Most YouTube personalities bore me

Felix did you start a thread about yourself? We all know you lurk b

Get out of here PewDiePie we know it's you.


>hey guys ill delete my source of 7 figure yearly income when i get a couple more subs
>Being retarded enough to believe this

quite the pleb taste there lad

He is funny now, used to be cringiest cringe lord on earth, surpassed only by the people who have kept that act on for years longer than him.
Now he is pretty funny and entertaining, I like that he knows its hard as hell to make daily content and what he ends up with is what he ends up with.
Having that attitude makes it feel kind of like a journey, it goes well with how we realizes there are millions of people, he has no idea who might be watching so its not pandering.

TL;DR pewdiepie is fun now, used to be cringe. content getting stale though

Justin Bieber made a ton of cash. Is he a genius musician now?

I used to hate the prick, now I watch his vids if they're not gaming ones. He can be funny now.

It's like he's living out that scene in Aladdin.

> A fag, am I?
> How about I show you just how fag-like I can be?

No, but he;s a decent singer

I'm not 13 so i didn't give a fuck before and i don't give a fuck now.

Seriously you kids don't have anything else in life to think about? fuck me this sites average age must be in the single digits by now

Definitely not what he used to be. I'm not entirely sure if it for better or for worse, but hey, gotta please the masses.

Yet you are still here with traps furries muh dicks and banana posters

If this is your main board you are genuinely a loser bro

Consider the alternatives. Keemstar's an irritating douche, LeafyisFag sounds like a rambling crackhead, idubbz thinks he's actually funny, dunkyfatfuck is like the chris rock of gamers, yeah he has some interesting points but he's really sucking lately. Pewdiepie is just very basic but he's kinda comfy in that retrospect, definitely compared to all the other popular gamerfags.

Watch markiplier. I swear to fucking god that guy is the most annoying piece of shit that has ever been born. Embarassing as fuck too. I dare you to watch an entire video without wanting to die.

>Seriously you kids don't have anything else in life to think about?

Useless discussion, sage


>not giving a shit about what people think.
he cares extremely what other people think. his "prank" to get people to subscribe his channel so that he deletes it. people like him always talk about content and only about numbers and views. watch the interview with h3h3. they are fucking pricks.
stop thinking of them as nice guys. it's about money of course.

He's always been a fucking faggot, never watch his videos only kids under 12 do.. get a life.

>main board

Dude if you regularly hang out anywhere on this site, you're not really in a position to talk down to anyone.

>Check out his videos
>His latest is about Gal Gun

Did he ever played a H game? Might respect him if he does it

That's the same point he was making about you

His content became watchable when he dropped the "hey bros it's peeeeeewdiepie, let's play some happy wheels" -bullshit

Kudos for him for not trying to milk the let's play/kid friendly youtube money anymore

But he did do it, he deleted his second channel. That was the joke.
Don't blame him, blame the media for not realizing it and reporting on it

>haha xd filthy frank is the embodiement of edgy any humor similar is clearly an imitation

lmao I remember this.

Im not the guy he replied to

I used to be a na of his content back when he was doing all of the scary games. He was actually pretty cool. Plus he was funny. I just got tired of him doing the same repetitive shit over and over again so I stopped watching his videos kinda by the time his amnysia videos died down. Never watched him since

Im not the guy you replied to

underage b&

also saged

>i watched and enjoyed the worst content he ever put out
>im a child who likes to watch people scream at the camera cause lol xd randim

Honestly, I have no problem with him. I kind of wish I hated him because he's #1 but I just don't. If you don't change your content you start to fail (Smosh, Leafy).

His content isn't the greatest, but it's kind of universal. He fits in with the vloggers (Casey Neistat, Dan & Phil), the "popular" ones (Good Mythical Morning, Shane Dawson), the weird crowd (Filthy Frank, H3H3), the gamers (Markiplier, jacksepticeye). Got something for everyone.

It's just mostly his annoying 12 year old fans that are shit.