Why are the women so pathetic on this show?

Why are the women so pathetic on this show?

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>on this show

Women are like that irl, by nature and by their own choices.

Are you buying into this girl power nonsense or something?

They had shows like this before, with just women and men on a different island. The men were doing fine and after like a week the women had to be rescued.

>Why are the women so pathetic on this show?

lol @ "on this show"

Look at me! I only know girls from TV!

Came here to say this

"Quite a few years ago, I had the pleasure of watching the Dutch version of Survivor with my feminist roommate. That particular series of Dutch Survivor would have two islands, one populated by men and one populated by women. The feminist roommate had been promoting that particular series to me and the other students in the house for weeks because it would show us, according to her, what a society run by women - free from the evils of Patriarchy – would be like.

And it did. Oh it did.

Here is what happened: Initially both groups were dropped on their respective islands, given some supplies to get started and left to fend for themselves. In both groups there was some initial squabbling as people tried to figure out a local hierarchy. The men pretty much did whatever they felt was necessary – there was no leader giving orders. Men who felt like hunting, foraging or fishing did so. Another guy decided he was fed up with sitting on sand and started making benches. Others built a hut that gradually grew and evolved. Another guy cooked every night. Within days a neat little civilization was thriving, each day being slightly more prosperous than the previous one.

The women settled into a routine as well. The hung up a clothesline to dry their towels, then proceeded to sunbathe and squabble. Because unlike men, women were unable to do anything without consensus of the whole group. And because it was a group of at least a dozen women, consensus was never reached. During the next few episodes, the women ate all their initial supplies, got drenched by tropical storms several times, were eaten alive by sand fleas and were generally miserable. The men on the other hand, were quite content. There were disagreements of course, but they were generally resolved.

I saw one episode with a huge ginger former Marine and a globe trotting chick whose parents were constantly moving around the globe.

The marine was fucking useless. Stayed in the sun until he had like second degree sunburns, then dug a big hole to find water and drank it before boiling it, and gave himself the shits. Then, instead of shitting in the jungle behind the tent, he shat right beside the door and the chick stepped in it. Dude would just lie there complaining the whole day while the chick wove them big ass leaf hats to shade them from the sun, and found fruit for them to eat.

It was pretty funny.

Watching this with my feminist roommate was wonderful.Initially she tried to rationalize the differences, but her arguments became weaker and weaker. Eventually, the people running the program decided something had to change. In order to help the women out, three men would be selected to go to their island. In return, three women would take their place at the men’s island. The look on my feminist roommates face during this episode was priceless.

Initially, the three men selected for the women’s island were ecstatic, for obvious reason. But then they arrived at the island and were greeted by the women. ‘Where is your hut?’,they asked. ‘We have no hut’ ‘Where are your supplies?’ they asked, dismayed ‘We ate all the rice’

And so on. The three men ended up working like dogs, using all the skills developed by trial and error in their first few weeks – building a hut, fish, trying to get the women to forage. The women continued to bitch and sunbathe.

The three women who were sent to the men’s island were delighted – food, shelter and plenty of male attention was freely available.They too continued to sunbathe.

And that my friends, is what Patriarchy is. My former roommate is no longer a feminist."

Because they only chose the good looking ones with minimal skills. Because it's mostly scripted (the events, not what they say).

It's tv.

I know a lot of women who are good at survival shit, but they don't look good and are from rural podunk villages. I was raised in one of those places too. I'm glad I'm out of there.

And then everyone broke into applause and there were high fives around the room and one guy even fainted.



Because they are naked and afraid of being raped

The name of that former roommate?
Albert Einstein.

>it's another /r9k/ thread


Who here would do better in this show than the women?

Thanks ;^)

No one.

tl:dr women generally are, even in irl.

So do the survivors ever fuck?

The roomate was visibly shaken and dropped her copy of The Female Eunuch.

I have never watched the show OP mentions but I just finished watching this I could be alone and I would do better than the women. What the fuck did they even do.

To be fair I have been camping since I was a teenager and recently starting emulating primitivetechnology but holy shit, they did not even try.

i was a boy scout, i can still make a fire and i've been camping with my family every year since i was born. i'm no Rambo but i could at least put up a wonky shelter

Basically this