Shitty games that everyone likes

Shitty games that everyone likes


Fuck you.

FF 7












kidding, love this game.

This game was actually pretty good.

Until the last 10 minutes.




Overrated trash


In regard to a thread I saw yesterday. Civ 5 is just not my cup of tea. It is so incredibly slow and boring. I don't see any appeal to this game.



I fucking love this game, they really need to port this to PC with online multiplayer because finding 4 people to play this at your house is fucking impossible.


-Pretty much the entire Assassin's Creed series
-Metal Gear Solid series (I like them too, but let's face it, Kojima made a lot of retarded design choices, and can't write worth shit)
-Dying Light (another generic fucking zombie game, WITH PARKOUR)

Well I mean managing a civilization over thousands of years is going to be long. The excitement for me comes from amassing an ultimate army and destroying every other civilization.


I liked them
This game ruined fun.

>muh childhood

nigger, just no

Destiny and Overwatch

Nigger, just yes.


ALL video games

Found Lacy Green

If everyone likes them, how can they be shitty?

What was wrong with Halo CE?

You're mind is weak stick to super mario

Go home, grandpa.

Assassins creed

retard detected

>You're mind is weak

Man those graphx were revolutionary back in the day


Can't argue with that one tbh

It's sad when even a retard knows ff 7 is shit.

That one with the paddles and the ball was funner than a frog catchin flies.

Episodic trash. I also played the first episode and was appalled at the story and character design of the game. It's absolute shit

MOBAs are just fighting games with all the demands of timing and command entry skill removed.

Best elder Scrolls game imo, beats Skyrim by a long shot

Came here to post this.

Destiny. I'd add a pic but that requires me downloading it first and why the fuck would I waste time and drive space on the biggest video game disappointment of my entire life. Tits for your time.


It casualised the FPS genre.

This game is awesome, if you took your time to actually complete it instead of giving I guess up on the first puzzle and going to browse Sup Forums maybe you would realise that.



Yeah League is pretty shit tier

Playing this was like pulling teeth

i wouldn't say its shit but its definitely not worth the money.

Oh, so nothing really.


This game is shit.

CK2 is where it's at.

The Stanley Parable is funny and that's what makes it great

>DMV simulator 2016

It started off with a lot of potential but fizzled out fast. It's a shame


The vast majority of indie games are trash that everyone goes nuts over because they're indie and that somehow covers up the fact that they suck

no u

Stupid fucking Russians.

It made casual conventions standards in the genre.
It started the fucking "hide behind a rock until the game stops shouting" game play that has plagued us for years.

One of my friends no life's Civ 5 like it's going out of fucking style. I honestly don't know how he does it because he just sits in the single-player killing civs, he does that shit all day and I can't imagine it's any fun. He must have autism

FF7 is responsible for the hordes of weeaboo filth and anime garbage being dumped into the roleplaying genre. Imagine how many cool RPGs there may have been if the world hadn't spent a decade pumping out zipperbelt trash full of shojo sparkly feels and furry rejects.

We're stuck with shit like Dark Souls and Skyrim, good in their own right but no more sophisticated than games that predate them ten years. Eventually we'll be past the Blizzard purple musclegirl gay indoctrination porn and get back to doing the work of men.


Are you trying to not look like you love dick? Because that is not how you do it.


I will always think the first one was better

Nobody likes Battletoads

I love dick and I also love portal. Boom roasted go back to ur basement mate

Fuck outta here what that shit.

then why do Anons keep calling and asking if I have it in stock???

Gold and Silver pawn shop does.

I got about 120 hours into Civ 5 when I stopped playing. I realised all I was doing was the same strategy over and over again because it worked.

The scenarios are good though, I'll give it that.

CK2 is objectively the best strategy game of all time.

i remember at some point i wanted to play that game so bad when i ended up trying it i played 1 game that took me a whole month and then never touched it again

I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, would just like to know your opinion on hearts of iron 4?

i do but pic related was the best.



It's a good game.

Modded it can be extraordinary, vanilla is trash though


Actually haven't played it. From what I've seen, it's very military focused like EU4 (which I have played).

I prefer CK2 because war is by far the least effective way of getting clay.

lol wat

If you get the good ending like webm related

Fuck off


>Look mom, I'm so unique and have such refined tastes
the thread


I know Life is Strange is objectively a bad game, but I still liked it. Soundtrack is 10/10

Ignoring all the autistic fucks that play it, the lets plays, and Notch's constant pandering to the base, it's still fun to just build whatever you can imagine

fucking love this game

Did they post all your favorite games?


Honey Select.

Expect its not shitty. And no one plays it

All the FIFA games ?
