I'm having actual thoughts about killing myself...

I'm having actual thoughts about killing myself. I just can't stand all of this fucking stress and the fact that nobody in my life will ever love me. I'm fucking tired of it. I'm tired of life I don't want to fucking be alive anymore. I don't feel happiness anymore. I stopped feeling emotion. Every smile, every laugh, every joke I make is all a mask to cover up my actual feelings. I want to die but I'm too much of a fucking coward to kill myself. I'm fucking crying right now. Nothing in my life is worth living. What the fuck do I do???

Fill the emptiness with new experiences. Pack a bag, buy a one way ticket to Thailand, & don't look back.

Follow your heart what ever feels right. Unless you know better, then don't or open your mind to new things, or whatever.

Stop being such a fag OP. If you're really that emotional then chances are you won't take what I'm saying seriously but here you go.

I've been there before, suicidal, no way out, crying myself to sleep every night.
I look back now and those smiles, laughs, the idea it's a cover to how you really feel is only half true.

Those are real happy emotions. You're just bringing yourself down and feeling guilty because you found moments of happiness in an otherwise depressing life.

Well user, that's life. Learn to appreciate those moments of happiness and live off of it until you find the next happiness. Then eventually you'll realise it isn't that bad and you'll get a productive place in society and feel proud of your accomplishments and how far you came.

>my bad attempt at summarizing 8 years of getting over depression

You're not as alone as you think you are. I can promise you that there are people that love you even if you don't know it. If you think that there is no purpose to your life then go out into the world and try to find meaning. Suicide is a permanant solution to a temporary problem.

>but I'm too much of a fucking coward
If you succeed over your cowardness then you will have your answer, you will stop being a coward to realy live like a fullfilled person or to kill yourself, but right now you are just a pussy crying SO make a decision fast

Agree with user who said to pack a bag, get a one way ticket to some foreign country, and gtfo of whatever shit you're living in now. Assuming you're an adult who's capable of living of your own.

Great advice I wish it were practical.

It is practical, people is useless

Dont do this OP. last thing an able bodied human should do is give up. Many of us face tough times. times that we feel everything is meaningless.
but as humans we have the gift of endurance and patience. Taking your very own life will just bring grief to your loved ones. Whatever happens, we dont give up. take a walk outside. look at those beautiful trees, look at those niggers that commit 50% of crime and still shamelessly leach off welfare. If they dont give a fuck, why should you? To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life

Watch Rick and Morty! I'm not kidding that show cured my depression

But just become an hero

This OP, listen this guy

Harm noone, live well.

Thank you for the replies trying to stop me from killing myself but I've just had enough. It's so much worse than you people think it is. I'm really not bothered to go into detail. I've decided to kill myself. At exactly 12:00am central I am going to shoot myself in the head. Sup Forums is the only way I'm able to "socialize" with people I'm such a sperg in real life nobody wants to be friends with me. It's been a hell of a ride Sup Forums. Do you want me to live stream it??

special snowflake, kill yourself and please livestream :3

Bye bye faglord lmao

What's not practical about it?

Who is stopping you from being happy? Literally only yourself. Take control of your emotions and stop letting other people or circumstances dictate your attitude.

I could be back in the middle east burning shit surrounded by terrorists who want to kill me, and I'd be just as satisfied as I am now because I'm beyond giving a fuck.

Just reach that zero fuck nirvana, lose total control of feeling or emotion, then as you grasp it back realize you're the only person who owns it.


Don't use a gun. You'll get counted as a gun crime statistic and bring us law abiding citizens down. Just pull the old car ventilation trick if you want to take the pussy way out.

But seriously. Stop being dramatic. If you're going to kill yourself at least tell user about it. You literally have the rest of your life to do it.

Roll it bitch

Cut out people that are bullshit.
La B/Bchin is a decent example of people who are le dark side-giant fagbots, but also, there is a art to memes.
I've always wanted a cult.
Severe and troubled people that want to work on honesty, their needs, communication, but, it seems a combination of other people are too depressed or I am to actually do it.

Oh how I Wish I were a Jew.
I wonder how many Juice "practice" loving and tolerable kiddie fucking.
I certainly have my own issues, my gf being the refuse of daddyissues/catholic "education" is among them.
Kids are pure, just fuck the young looking, ideally, eh?
....and move to japan, belgium?
Most white people DO suck and are WEAK trolls.

There is nothing wrong with killing yourself. It was commonly practiced by our ancestors, as long as there was a good reason for it. It is only a part of the judeo-christian tradition that killing yourself is arbitrarily bad. You are literally perpetuating christian ethics by stubbornly holding to life when what you crave is freedom

>The best thing which eternal law ever ordained was that it allowed to us one entrance into life, but many exits. 15. Must I await the cruelty either of disease or of man, when I can depart through the midst of torture, and shake off my troubles? This is the one reason why we cannot complain of life; it keeps no one against his will. Humanity is well situated, because no man is unhappy except by his own fault. Live, if you so desire; if not, you may return to the place whence you came. 16. You have often been cupped in order to relieve headaches.[10] You have had veins cut for the purpose of reducing your weight. If you would pierce your heart, a gaping wound is not necessary – a lancet will open the way to that great freedom, and tranquillity can be purchased at the cost of a pin-prick.

Seneca the Younger

Hmmm, not bad, points for effort and quotation.
Now, eat the damn berries, Seneca, DaddySnow IS MADACHU!

Yes, my being in a relationship that when I cave into fucking her makes me just feel resentful, certainly not thankful, respected, valued or honored (and I thought getting any "the puss" was going to permasave me, HAHAHAAHA!) when in fact I believe I need am attracted to truth, integrity, people that know pain, disturbance and HAVE FAITH IN THE POWER OV DAR DORK SIED.
So some kind of app that allows people to not be cunts, reffers one to applicable and ACTUALLY helpful or increasingly so quotes, codes of honour, the science of poor communication and imbalanced needs.
Gangsta Slaaneshi Fam, plz, pitty yall and myself are too "faggeh".

you know... Im not OP but I was feeling a tad suicidal tonight because of reasons.
I read the nigger part and realized it to be true.
show the world that youre better than a filthy porch-monkey, or at the very least... take some out with you.

you've learned so much, eh, petty white bitch."
Just, accept the word and member into you of the Big Black God Dick, and then the true power of being a pussy will be with you.

Find something that you like. There's always something that you can be interested in, find that and focus on it. Can't fix depression by sitting around