Why is it socially acceptable for young girls to take pictures with their tits hanging out?

Why is it socially acceptable for young girls to take pictures with their tits hanging out?

Not that I'm complaining, but it seems like the norm now when it's slutty as hell.

Because they want attention and they see the kind of attention girls that do this get. Sad part is they don't understand the kind of attention the girls that take pictures like this get so they degrade themselves.

Do they ever grow up and realize this or do most of them just keep doing it until they're too old to find attractive?

Fagboat detected

We'll have to see when they get older because it's a new generation thing but they'll probably have all their nudes and shitty pics of their youth on the internet forever still so it probably won't matter.

Jes they will do this till they are too old, get depressed of regret and realize how many decent guys they ignored.

they'll end up getting fucked at an early age having kids then the decent dude won't even want that shit. Probably go to a place with less internet whores

It's socially acceptable for young men to take pictures 100% topless. For that reason alone so should it be for women unless you're some kind of religious fucking idiot.

neckbeard detected

Maybe you should become a Muslim? Move to an Islamic nation?

>This stupid in 2k17
>Entire argument is "If they can do it I should be able to do it too"
>Doesn't know there's a difference between men and women

Please be trollerino


>Not a secular humanist

You might as well just tell people that you're mentally disabled when you meet them

Says the virgin.
Talk again when you acutally met a woman xDDDD

>hurdur muh atheism
Fuck off faggot go tip your fedora elsewhere

Lol so butthurt

>ITT you

femanon here, can do whatever I want

Tits or gtfo

gtfo or tits


Aww someone hates women.

thinly veiled request thread.

>secular humanist
You're using that word wrong and degrading the rest of us with your stupidity.

Men and women are biologically different you fucking dimwit.

I AM a secular humanist and fuck you spastic.

>Men and women are biologically different

Lol, no shit, Sherlock. But I'm not sure how you figure that should factor into whether they should have the same right as men to go topless, and I bet you'd probably be too stupid to defend your reasoning even if you tried.

Secular humanism and atheism aren't the same thing, dummy.

Let me just rephrase what you said, keeping the content but changing the phasing:
>You are correct (Sarcastic and Ad-hominem undertone).
>I don't understand why we should treat men and women different just because they are different.
>Ad-hominem attach


Do I really need to say anything else or can you work it out yourself?

Lol see, told you you couldn't.

>Ad-hominem attack

Hmm.. Look at that 0 substance. I'd bet money you are american.


Confirmed jihadi

God who is this beauty. Looks like she has a fantastic body and a cute belly button