Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

Other urls found in this thread:ölkerungentwicklung_Deutschland_1950-2014.svg

Anyone that needs to be proud of the colour of their skin must be an insecure faggot, who gives a fuck?




first post = best post

Pretty quick responses from niggers. I'm impressed

>Pride in anything but a personal accomplishment

Fuck off with your collectivism, you are as bad as BLM.

No, he's right. If the only good thing you can find about yourself is that your skin is a specific colour, you're worthless.

This guy has the right idea though.

my frontal lobe is intact

Nigger detected

I'm not a redneck.

Haha niggers always get upset over these threads

I only take responsibility for what I've done, but not for who I am


I'm not so desperate for something to take pride in that I would associate with such fucking retards.

>Explain yourself

Because that's such a nigger thing to say..

Yeah, because the German people were known for their lack of intelligence. Good one, retard.


Ethnic nationalism of any kind is a shit. Imagining whites as some sort of band of comrades with a common cause and unity of purpose and cultures is an absolute fantasy to say the least. I have more in common with a college educated black man than with some lower class, thuggish, football-watching white trash, for example.

Kill all junglebunnies

Gas the kikes and kill all non-whites!!!!!!!

>Not being white in 2017
>Porn means interacial relationship

Remember retards of Sup Forums, porn doesn't hold any sort of relation with interacial relationships, you'd think you would understand that but clearly not.

Why explain ?

Why bother making a thread if you don't even want to discuss the subject question?


Come on man.
It's pretty transparent that they're conflicted over a fetish they're obsessed with.
They bring it up every other sentence.


All you shitskins will bite the bullet the day Europe gets really pissed off at you. The only reason you still breathe is the mercy of our liberals and it's just a matter of time before they open their eyes and see that mass immigration is not in our best interest and that you have to fuck off one way or another. The far-right is gaining more supporters each day and most of them are not even out in public..yet.


Honestly I think poor people are just so mad at the world that they find the quickest thing to blame for their own situation, and often that ends in blaming other ethnicity.

You know the only reason there are white and black people is because of how far from the equator we live? Dark skin helps protect from the hotter sun near the equator, and light skin helps absorb vitamin D which people not close to the equator need more. Pic very related.

It's laughable that people hate each other over a biological survival mechanism.

Hell yeah!!!


fucking equator! ruining the people!

oh it seems you mixed up a minority and forgot to put picture of the majority


Argentina is white because it is cold

I'm not an insecure stupid blinkered pussy.

goodnight white pride

yeah that's why we kicked their ass twice you fucking autistic dipshit

You wish nigger lover

it bothers me that there are people so sad and lonely that they project their failure on an entire race

way to aim big I guess

>be in Sup Forums and don't support anime

>project their failure on an entire race

What failure? You're talking from a nobody perspective.


Don't drag us into your shit please.

Sincerely, Europe.

I didn't know all of Europe was in one comment.

We had a meeting about it. They decided to send me out here to address this thread. We appreciate you have this dog and pony show going on in the US, its gotten exceptionally amusing this year, but please stop trying to involve us in it. It was bad enough when you were incorrectly using us as some anti-gun effigy. Now we're supposed to be this desolate wasteland of bisexuals having interracial orgies or something? It's like reading Dante's Inferno to better understand christian theology.

Look I don't care about your fetishes or even about them getting to you this much, but when you start invoking us as a participant in this slapstick comedy you call political discourse, please leave us alone.

Dear western Europe.

Please unleash the sleeping dragon.

Soon France and Italy will be taking a stand and doing what is right, then hopefully the rest of Europe follows suit.

I admire Japan for staying Japanese. Godlike country.

Request denied.

Says the child raping sand-nigger

I'm an aryan. Not the Iranian kind, the misinterpreted German kind.
Haven't raped children. Yet.

So you want your people to be raped and cuckolded into non-existence?

After 4 or 5 generations, no one will remember you. Ideologies can be changed in a lifetime, as well as religious beliefs.
What prevails are the genes that are passed through the ancestral lines into the future.
Nothing is more sustainable than passing your genes with members of your race, to shape a persistent genepool, a base for the future of your children.
This applies to every race, not only whites.

Germany is for Germans.

Fucking stand up for yourselves, defend your blond haired women and children.

Get rid of Merkel

I want you to stop redirecting your pent up rage from conspiracies about FEMA death camps to conspiracies about Europe's death. Or at least, if you really want to fantasize all sorts of kooky things about us to justify some party line on your end, that's between you and your therapist, but stop trying to actually involve us in it. We have other things to do.

Spoken like a true cuck or lying sand-nigger

I've actually spoken from a well adjusted European living in a stable, wealthy society where people are generally happy and I don't have to deal with this kind of shit when I go outside. Our chief concern right now is placement of new residential districts, its been an exceptionally good year where we've had some federal windfalls to spend and the real estate market is booming. So it's mostly construction and long term investments preoccupying us in local political discussions, since we want to spend it wisely.

>conspiracies about Europe's death

Average white birth rate in Germany: 1,45 children/woman
Lowest birthrate that sustains the population level: 2,1 children/woman.

Europe is dying and everyone with a thinking brain knows it. This is not a conspiracy theory and the numbers are from federal institutions.
Some call it "white genocide" some "demographic change".
Two words for the same phenomenon, the death of indigenous Europe.

>being a faggot op
>making these threads every day
no you explain yourself

>I'm an aryan
no you're not mehmet
>the misinterpreted German kind.
mann bist du behindert

I don't think you understand how humans reproduce. Typically when someone namedrops "genocide" to add a little oomph to their fringe, you can be pretty sure you're pic related. This is reinforced by fantastically misjudging demographics here and the actual lifespan of a human being by orders of magnitude.

You're actually speaking from a well adjusted, stable, wealthy BUBBLE that will be swallowed up by niggers when they infiltrate your government and destroy your country in a few short decades.

The time is now!


why does this organization chose onw of the most ridiculous fonts available? Why lithos?

It's much more than skin color. It's our culture, laws, and tradition. They're the global standard in the world today.

Stop thinking that skin color is the only issue at hand.

>We have other things to do.
>shitposts on a mongolian carpet weaving forum
seems legit

>the real estate market is booming
you're kidding right?
housing costs been going up isn't something good tho

In short, please stop using us as a prop in your politics. Which is presently used to, ironically, sustain your bubble.

Oooh, hey cuck, will you hold the hands of your blonde German women as they're raped and fucked into oblivion by shit-skin sand niggers?

Because this is objectively stupid. Every race has genuises and morons, athletes and paralytics. Sure, some races have more of one or the other, but you can't discount everyone in a race on a demographic trend or petty hatred because some black guy once stole your wallet.

Because i want to race mix, also i enjoy foreign food

>housing costs been going up isn't something good tho
Housing costs aren't going up, but a lot of major construction projects are rolling out because demand has skyrocketed, because there has been a substantial increased in purchasing power and subsequently people getting mortgages to upgrade their lifestyle.

Also, please stop using us as a prop in your sexual fantasies. It's getting disturbing. You have way too much rape and black cock on your mind.

>white people all share one culture, the same laws and the same traditions

yeah no, go back to school or kys.

My gf is black.

Also this.

>All whites have the same culture, laws and tradition.
Sure pal

Because i dont identify with closeted faggots that cant wait to get the leather out

"WAH Stop using us as a prop" - Cry me a river. Germany is getting railed up the ass comprehensively and Merkel will be overthrown.

If Germany is too embarrassed about their failures in WW2 then don't worry, France and Italy will take your hand as they lead Europe into a safer, whiter future.

Yeah, it's another way you can tell these people have never been to Europe, and the closest any of them have ever been is watching propaganda vids on Youtube.

Nope, 1,45 is over the whole lifetime of a woman.
Just look at this.
More people dying than being born since 1973.
The space between the two lines is what´s missing.
To prevent population decline, the dead people get substituted by migrants.
No Turks, no Germans, no one living in 1960s Germany will have living descendants in the year 2200. All substituted by immigration.ölkerungentwicklung_Deutschland_1950-2014.svg

forgot link

my sexual fantasies? They're a sexual nightmare, retard. This sounds like you're projecting.

Like a cuck faggot.

i am not racist.

>no one living in 1960s Germany will have living descendants in the year 2200
Alright. I can tell it was a mistake coming here. I'll leave you to it and wait for it to blow over when you're distracted by your next fad.

In my opinion race is not a really good reason to be proud of it.
Look at white niggers from Russia, Ukraine or other countries with high pathology and poverty factor.
They are just wild animals with no brain inside skull.

"Aus der Differenz von Geburten- und Sterbezahlen ergibt sich die natürliche Bevölkerungsentwicklung. In Deutschland (DDR und alte Bundesrepublik addiert) liegt die Zahl der Sterbefälle seit 1972 höher als die der Geborenen, die natürliche Bevölkerungsentwicklung ist daher negativ: 2012 lag der „Sterbeüberschuss“ bei 196.038.[13] Von 2003 bis 2011 reichte auch die Zuwanderung nicht mehr aus, um diese Schrumpfung bei der natürlichen Entwicklung der Zahlen auszugleichen. Danach änderte sich dies wieder,[14] vor allem durch die hohe Zuwanderung aus Polen, Rumänien und Bulgarien, aber auch durch vermehrte Zuwanderung aus den von der Eurokrise stark betroffenen südeuropäischen Ländern Italien, Spanien und Griechenland.[15]"

"Deutschland bleibt Deutsch" am Arsch. Wenn es so weitergeht, sind wir in 20 Jahren Minderheit im eigenen Land.

That's nothing to do with our colour though, I don't look at Germany and think of how proud I am of their history and achievements just because they're a 'white' country

Even in your response there you can't stop namedropping this fetish.

For your next post, before you hit post, I want you to stop and read it. Then consider for a moment, "does this post revolve around black penises somehow?" If the answer is yes, edit it and try again.

>Alright. I can tell it was a mistake coming here. I'll leave you to it and wait for it to blow over when you're distracted by your next fad.

Everything will be good.

Get the shit skins out of your country and do what is right for your people.

Otherwise Europe will become a desolate wasteland like Detroit which decayed into depreciation after decades of niggers.

We actually had to bail out Detroit.
It's cool, we got the money and we don't mind.

Because I'm a reasonable human being who doesn't want anything to do with extreme political ideologies, espescially if the ideology in question wants to limit my way of life and/or is built around unreasonable hatred.

You need to let go of the black-penis-sexual-fantasy-I'm-a-psychologist buzz dude.

You're not a psychologist, you're a weak nobody that will grow old and die without having contributed anything to preservation of his culture.

You should feel bad for choosing to be so flimsy and feeble.

because i'm not a cuck

>without having contributed anything to preservation of his culture.
I actually have done work in security, industrial infrastructure and counterterrorism, and have supported both EU and US interests.
I'm helping your guys in Iraq currently.

Don't worry, when the shit hits the fans, the Scandinavians will swoop down and save you.

The niggers aperantly.

Because I have no inferiority complex and have to clamp onto the most meaningless thing you could be proud of.

because i only judge people after i know them a while and after quite a lot of people i've noticed theres an even distribution of assholes and awesome people in every race.
