Is there any difference between these words in your language?

Is there any difference between these words in your language?

Wind and breeze
Fire and flame
Sleep and nap
Attraction and charm
Worry and anxiety
Story and tale
Clothing and dress
Skip, leap and jump
Wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage

Please don't hesitate to contribute if you think you have more to add and let's see if you speak a nigger-tier indefinite language or not

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its not fair a girl like only likes Asian boys

Yes for practically all. I can't think of a unique word for skip or voyage.

who is she?

LOL. She is obsessed.


tfw no turkish gf

ethnically speaking, what is she?

>Wind and breeze
wind en briesje

>Fire and flame
vuur en vlam

>Sleep and nap
slaap en dut

>Attraction and charm
aantrekking en bekoorlijkheid

>Worry and anxiety
zorgen en angst/schrik

>Story and tale
verhaal en sprookje

>Clothing and dress
kleren en kledij

>Skip, leap and jump
hink stap sprong

>Wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage
tochtje, rondreis, reis, uitstapje,

>vuur en vlam
Sounds like an autistic child trying to speak English

viento y brisa
fuego y flama
dormir y siesta
atraccion y encanto
preocupacion y ansiedad
ropa y vestimenta
deambular, gira, paseo viaje, viaje

Vento e brisa.
Fogo e chama.
Sono e sesta.
Atracão e charme.
Preocupação e ansiedade.
História e conto.
Roupa e vestido.
Salto e pulo.
Vagueio, digressão, jornada, viagem.

Forgot saltitar for skip.

>Wind and breeze
Beтep (wind) and бpиз (breeze)
>Fire and flame
Oгoнь (ogon') and плaмя (plamya)
>Sleep and nap
Cпaть (spat') and дpeмaть (dremat')
>Attraction and charm
Пpивлeкaтeльнocть (privlekatel'nost') and oчapoвaниe (ocharovaniye)
>Worry and anxiety
Бecпoкoйcтвo (bespokoystvo) and тpeвoгa (trevoga)
>Story and tale
Иcтopия (istoriya) and cкaзкa (skazka)
>Clothing and dress
Oдeждa (odezhda) and плaтьe (plat'ye)
>Skip, leap and jump
Пpoпycк (propusk), cкaчoк (skachok) and пpыжoк (pryzhok)
>Wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage
Блyждaниe (bluzhdaniye), тyp (tour), пoeздкa (poyezdka), пyтeшecтвиe (puteshestviye) and плaвaниe (plavaniye) or peйc (reys), depends on sentence.
Also, english is shit

Riya7 and Nasim
Naar and Lahab
Nawm and Qailula
Jathibya and Fatn
No difference
Qisa and 7ikaya
Libas and Fustan
Wathb, 6afra and qafz
Tajwol, Siya7a, Ri7la, Nuzha and Safar

>Beтep (wind)

Vento (wind), Ventania (strong wind), Vendaval (tempestuous wind).

Incêndio (Wild fire)

We have Riya7 (Wind) Zawba3a (strong wind) and Ree7 (tempestuous wind)

worry is reaction

anxiety is condition

Just slightly different connotations but most can be used interchangeably.

We say llama instead of flama. In Mexican telenovelas they do tend to say flama the most.


>Wind and breeze
vind och bris
>Fire and flame
eld och låga
>Sleep and nap
sova och tupplur
>Attraction and charm
attraktion och charm
>Worry and anxiety
oro och ångest
>Story and tale
berättelse och saga
>Clothing and dress
kläder och klänning (klä sig?)
>Wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage
vandra, tur, resa, färd

>Wind and breeze
veter and veterok
>Fire and flame
ogon' and plamia
>Sleep and nap
spat' and dremat'
>Attraction and charm
privlekatel'nost' and obajanie
>Worry and anxiety
volnenie and trevoga
>Story and tale
istorija and rasskaz
>Clothing and dress
odezhda and platje
>Skip, leap and jump
skakat', pereprygivat', prygat'
>Wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage
stranstvie, tur, pojezdka, puteshestvie, plavanie

An average turkish girl who crave for BKC

>Wind and breeze
Viento y brisa
>Fire and flame
Fuego y llama
Sleep and nap
>Dormir y siesta
>Attraction and charm
Atracción y encanto
>Worry and anxiety
Preocupación y ansiedad
>Story and tale
Historia y cuento
>Clothing and dress
Ropa y vestimenta
>Skip, leap and jump
>Wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage
>Deambular, gira/recorrido, the last three No

Mongol'd? Slav'd? Balkan'd?

>wind and breeze
veter in vetrič, vetrc (diminutive, so not really)
>fire and flame
ogenj in plamen, yes
>sleep and nap
spanec in dremanje, yes
>attraction and charm
privlačnost in šarm, no indigenous word for it
>worry and anxiety
skrb in anksioznost but sometimes compunded with strah(ovi) (fear(s)), so same as above
>story and tale
zgodba in pripovedka, yes
>clothing and dress
both obleka, no
>skip, leap and jump
no, but first is the diminutive of the latter two
>wander, tour, trip, journey and voyage
tavati, tura, pot, pot, popotovanje, partially


I've she's balkan'd she's most likely slav'd,but if she's white,she's most likely got Balk ancestors.

She's from trabzon so probably laz'd


>Fire and flame
Bål, Ild, brann og flamme

four words fuck yeah. also tfw no progressive turkish gf

How do you spell numbers?

who is that girl? i want to hug her :3

vahele jätma/hüppama
uitama/ringi reisima/reis/teekond/matk/... too many words for this