Dubs names my character and class

Dubs names my character and class.

Forklift // warrior

Copy That // Mage

OP // nerd

Warriir/ NiggerSlayer1999



Name him Oatmeal.

ngrfgt thief

Adolf, Imperial, fire mage


orc named gary

Doo-doo face and is a naked old lady that wields battle axes


argonian warlock

always jumping around when fighting

>2017 still playing Bethesda garbage.

faggoty ass milk drinker wannabe

And this game has no classes cause it isnt an RPG

Seconding this

Old lady thing but Betty white

faggot / Mage

imperials are the jews of of elderscrolls tho

dingus the nord

Khajiit swashbuckler maned Puss

Hitler sure as shit wasn't any Arian overlord

Good job. Now the thread can die.

that was the hope, yes

Robertronix Orc

The Danger Man
Imperial sneaker attacker

Sex Of Fuck- Orc

Wrong, you thalmor shill. The elves are the literal Jews.

wasn't a jew either